14- Listado Errores Access 2016



Autor: Javier Gomez

Listado completo extraído del propio programa Access 2016 versión Inglesa.

1.544 Errores interceptados

Error Descripción
6 Overflow
10 This array is fixed or temporarily locked
14 Out of string space
16 Expression too complex
18 User interrupt occurred
28 Out of stack space
48 Error in loading DLL
52 Bad file name or number
54 Bad file mode
58 File already exists
62 Input past end of file
68 Device unavailable
70 Permission denied
74 Can't rename with different drive
76 Path not found
96 Unable to sink events of object because the object is already firing events to the maximum number of event receivers that it supports
98 A property or method call cannot include a reference to a private object, either as an argument or as a return value
322 Can't create necessary temporary file
380 Invalid property value
382 Set not supported at runtime
394 Get not supported (write-only property)
422 Property not found
424 Object required
430 Class does not support Automation or does not support expected interface
432 File name or class name not found during Automation operation
438 Object doesn't support this property or method
440 Automation error
442 Connection to type library or object library for remote process has been lost. Press OK for dialog to remove reference.
446 Object doesn't support named arguments
448 Named argument not found
450 Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment
452 Invalid ordinal
454 Code resource not found
458 Variable uses an Automation type not supported in Visual Basic
460 Invalid clipboard format
462 The remote server machine does not exist or is unavailable
482 Printer error
744 Search text not found
746 Replacements too long
2002 You tried to perform an operation involving a function or feature that was not installed in this version of Microsoft Access.@@@1@@@1
2004 There isn't enough memory to perform this operation. Close unneeded programs and try the operation again.
2006 The object name '|1' you entered doesn't follow Microsoft Access object-naming rules.@For more information about naming objects, click Help.@@2@1@553714184@1
2008 You can't delete the database object '|' while it's open.@Close the database object, and then delete it.@@1@@@1
2010 You can't delete the database object '|' while it's open.@Close the database object, and then delete it.@@1@@@1
2014 You have given this |1 the same name as an existing |2 in your database.@You can't give a table and a query the same name.@Give this object a name that isn't already used by another table or query.@1@@@1
2016 You can't modify the attributes of System Tables.
2018 The data access page name '|' you entered is misspelled or refers to a data access page that isn't open or doesn't exist.@@@1@@@1
2022 You entered an expression that requires a data access page to be the active window.@@@1@2@5601@1
2024 The report snapshot was not created because you don't have enough free disk space for temporary work files.@To fix this, free up disk space (for example, empty the Recycle Bin or delete unnecessary files).@@1@@@1
2028 Microsoft Access was unable to close the database object.
2030 The Microsoft Access project '|1' will be opened read-only because one of the following occurred:@Either the file is locked for editing by another user, the file (or the folder in which it is located) is marked as read-only, or you specified that you want
2034 Cannot Compile Project.@@@1@@@1
2038 The file '|' cannot be opened because it has been locked by another user.
2040 Microsoft Access can't run.@@@1@@@3
2042 A system error occurred, or there isn't enough free memory to start Microsoft Access. Close unneeded programs and try again.
2044 You can't exit Microsoft Access now.@If you're running a Visual Basic module that is using OLE or DDE, you may need to interrupt the module.@@1@@@1
2046 The command or action '|1' isn't available now.@* You may be in a read-only database or an unconverted database from an earlier version of Microsoft Access. * The type of object the action applies to isn't currently selected or isn't in the active view.@U
2048 There isn't enough free memory to open the file '|.'@Close unneeded programs and try again. For more information on freeing memory, search the Microsoft Windows Help index for 'memory, troubleshooting'.@@1@@@1
2050 Enter an OLE/DDE Timeout setting from 0 through 300 seconds.@@@1@@@1
2052 There isn't enough free memory to update the display. Close unneeded programs and try again.
2054 Microsoft Access is unable to load the Visual Basic for Applications dynamic-link library (DLL) Vbe7.@Rerun the Microsoft Access Setup program.@@1@@@3
2056 Microsoft Access can't supply context-sensitive Help.@@@1@@@1
2058 The file '|1' is incompatible. Microsoft Access needs to be reinstalled.@Run Setup to reinstall Microsoft Access. If you want to preserve your security or custom settings, back up the Microsoft Access workgroup information file. For more information on ba
2060 You can't create a field list based on the action query '|.'@Action queries don't have fields. A form or report must be based on a table, or on a select or crosstab query.@Change the RecordSource property for the form or report, or open the action query a
2062 The command name must be shorter than 255 Characters.@Please choose a name.@@1@@@1
2064 The menu bar value '|' is invalid.@You supplied an argument to the DoMenuItem method that refers to a menu bar that is invalid.@Use an intrinsic constant or numeric value that refers to a valid menu bar value, such as acFormbar.@1@1@11895@1
2068 The selected item is customized and doesn't have context-sensitive Help.@For more information on creating custom Help for a form, report, or control, click Help.@@2@1@10930@1
2070 You already assigned the key or key combination |1 in |2 to another macro.@Only the first key or key combination will be used.@@2@1@10144@1
2072 All objects were imported successfully.
2074 This operation is not supported within transactions.@@@1@@@1
2076 Successfully linked '|'.
2078 Help isn't available due to lack of memory or improper installation of Microsoft Windows or Microsoft Access.@For more information on troubleshooting a low memory problem, search the Microsoft Windows Help index for 'memory, troubleshooting'.@If you need
2080 The toolbar or menu | already exists.@Do you want to replace the existing toolbar or menu?@@19@@@2
2084 Field '|' is based on an expression and can't be edited
2086 Recordset requires a form to be updatable.
2088 Microsoft Access can't display the Add-ins submenu |1 because a setting you entered in the Windows Registry is missing a macro name or function name expression.@@Supply the missing expression in the Menu Add-ins key of the Windows Registry, and then resta
2090 An action within the current global menu's macro group can't change the global menu bar.@Microsoft Access can't display the global menu bar because the macro called when you first set the global menu includes another action that tries to reset the global
2092 The value you specified for the Setting argument in the SetOption method is not the correct type of Variant for this option.@You specified a string when Microsoft Access expected a number.@See the Access Options dialog box (click the File tab, and then cl
2094 Microsoft Access cannot find the toolbar '|1.'@You tried to run a macro that includes a ShowToolbar action or a Visual Basic for Applications procedure that includes a ShowToolbar method. * The toolbar name might be misspelled or might refer to a legacy t
2098 Microsoft Access cannot create the reports database right now because your computer setup requires that you manually open the database to accept connections from any location. Click the Manage button below and select the From Any Location option, then cli
2100 The control or subform control is too large for this location.@The number you entered for the Left, Top, Height, or Width property is too large or is a negative number.@Reduce the size of the control or subform control, or enter a positive number.@1@@@1
2102 The form name '|' is misspelled or refers to a form that doesn't exist.@If the invalid form name is in a macro, an Action Failed dialog box will display the macro name and the macro's arguments after you click OK. Open the Macro window, and enter the corr
2104 You entered the control name '|,' which is already in use.@You already have a control on the form with this name, or an existing control has its name mapped to this name for Visual Basic. Visual Basic maps spaces in control names to underscores. For examp
2106 |1 errors occurred when you loaded the form or report.@You loaded a form or report that has controls or properties that Microsoft Access doesn't recognize and will ignore.@@1@@@1
2108 You must save the field before you execute the GoToControl action, the GoToControl method, or the SetFocus method.@You tried to move the focus to another control using the SetFocus method, GoToControl action, or the GoToControl method.@Set the macro or m
2110 Microsoft Access can't move the focus to the control |1.@* The control may be a type that can't receive the focus, such as a label. * The control's Visible property may be set to No. * The control's Enabled property may be set to No.@@1@1@3016@1
2112 The item on the Clipboard can't be pasted into this control.@@@1@@@1
2114 Microsoft Access doesn't support the format of the file '|1,' or file is too large. Try converting the file to BMP format.@@@1@@@1
2116 The value violates the validation rule for the field or record.@For example, you might have changed a validation rule without verifying whether the existing data matches the new validation rule.@Click Undo to restore the previous value, or enter a new val
2118 You must save the current field before you run the Requery action.@* If you are running a macro from the Navigation Pane, save the field first, and then run the macro. * If the macro name is the setting of the BeforeUpdate property in a Visual Basic funct
2120 To create a form, report or data access page using this wizard, you must first select the table or query on which the form, report or data access page will be based.@@@1@@@1
2122 You can't view a form as a continuous form if it contains a subform, an ActiveX control, a bound chart or a Web browser control.@Set the DefaultView property of the form to Single Form, Datasheet, PivotTable, or PivotChart.@@1@@@1
2124 The form name you entered doesn't follow Microsoft Access object-naming rules.@@@2@1@11734@1
2126 The setting for the ColumnCount property must be from 1 through 255.@@@1@1@936@1
2128 Microsoft Access encountered errors while importing |1.@For more detailed error information, see the file '|2'.@@1@@@1
2130 The settings for the GridX and GridY properties must be from 1 through 64.@@@1@@@1
2132 The setting for the DecimalPlaces property must be from 0 through 15, or 255 for Auto (default).@@@1@@@1
2134 The setting for the Width property must be from 0 through 22 inches (55.87 cm).@@@1@@@1
2136 To set this property, open the form or report in Design view.@For more information on this property, search the Help index for the name of the property.@@1@@@1
2138 You can't search the field for the specified value.@Resolve the error given in the previous error message before you attempt to search again.@@1@@@1
2140 Microsoft Access cannot save the change you made to the record in the Replace operation for the reason shown in the previous message.@Click Undo or enter a new value in the field.@@1@@@1
2142 The FindRecord action requires a Find What argument.@You tried to run a macro set to one of the current field's properties, but you left the Find What argument blank.@When you click OK, an Action Failed dialog box will display the macro name and the macro
2144 The setting for the ListRows property must be from 1 through 255.@@@1@1@4055@1
2148 The number you used to refer to the form or report section is invalid.@Make sure that the number is less than the number of sections in the form or report.@@1@@@1
2150 This type of control can't contain other controls.@@@1@@@1
2152 You can set group levels for reports only, not for forms.@@@1@@@1
2154 You can't call this function when the Group, Sort, and Total Pane is open.@@@1@@@1
2158 You can use the Print method and the report graphics methods (Circle, Line, PSet, and Scale) only in an event procedure or a macro set to the OnPrint, the OnFormat, or the OnPage event property.@@@1@1@10129@1
2160 Microsoft Access couldn't create the graphic or text.@An error occurred while initializing the Print method or one of the report graphics methods (Circle, Line, PSet, Scale).@Close unneeded programs and try again to print or preview the report. For inform
2162 A macro set to one of the current field's properties failed because of an error in a FindRecord action argument.@In the Macro window, change the Search As Formatted argument to Yes. If you want the argument setting to remain No, do all of the following: *
2164 You can't disable a control while it has the focus.@@@1@2@5250@1
2166 You can't lock a control while it has unsaved changes.@@@1@@@1
2170 There isn't enough memory to retrieve data for the list box.@Close unneeded programs. Then close and reopen the active form, and click the list box again. For more information on freeing memory, search the Microsoft Windows Help index for 'memory, trouble
2172 You can't use a pass-through query or a non-fixed-column crosstab query as a record source for a subform or subreport.@Before you bind the subform or subreport to a crosstab query, set the query's ColumnHeadings property.@@2@1@9979@1
2174 You can't switch to a different view at this time.@Code was executing when you tried to switch views.@If you are debugging code, you must end the debugging operation before switching views.@1@@@1
2176 The setting for this property is too long.@You can enter up to either 255 or 2,048 characters for this property, depending on the data type.@@1@@@1
2178 You can't add another section now.@The maximum total height for all sections in a report, including the section headers, is 200 inches (508 cm).@Remove or reduce the height of at least one section, and then add the new section.@1@@@1
2182 You can't sort on this field.@@@1@@@1
2184 The value you used for the TabIndex property isn't valid. The correct values are from 0 through |.@@@2@1@6348@1
2186 This property isn't available in Design view.@Switch to Form view to access this property, or remove the reference to the property.@@1@@@1
2188 The object you attempted to load from text has an invalid value for the property '|1' on a |2.@@@1@@@1
2190 This property has been replaced by a new property; use the new property instead.@@@1@@@1
2192 The bitmap you specified is not in a device-independent bitmap (.dib) format.@You tried to set the PictureData property of a form, report, button, or image control.@@1@@@1
2194 You can't set the PictureData property in Datasheet view.@To see the valid settings for this property, search the Help index for 'PictureData property'.@@1@@@1
2196 Microsoft Access can't retrieve the value of this property.@The property isn't available from the view in which you're running the macro or Visual Basic code, or Microsoft Access encountered an error while retrieving the value of the property. To see the
2200 The number you entered is invalid.@@@1@@@1
2202 There are currently no printers installed on your computer. To use this feature, you must first install a printer in Windows.@For more information about how to install a printer, search for "install printer" in Windows Help.@@1@@@1
2204 The default printer driver isn't set up correctly.@For information on setting a default printer, search the Microsoft Windows Help index for 'default printer, setting'.@@1@@@1
2206 The page number you entered is invalid.@For example, it may be a negative number or an invalid range, such as 6 to 3.@@1@@@1
2210 Microsoft Access can't print or preview the page because the page size you selected is larger than 22.75 inches.@@@1@@@1
2212 Microsoft Access couldn't print your object.@Make sure that the specified printer is available. For information on setting a default printer, search the Windows Help index for 'default printer, setting'.@@1@@@1
2214 There was a problem retrieving information from the printer. New printer has not been set.@@@1@@@1
2220 Microsoft Access can't open the file '|1'.@@@1@@@1
2222 This control is read-only and can't be modified.@@@1@@@1
2226 The Clipboard isn't responding, so Microsoft Access can't paste the Clipboard's contents.@* Another application may be using the Clipboard. * There may not be enough free memory for the paste operation. Close all other applications, and then copy and past
2234 Microsoft Access can't paste the OLE object.@@@1@@@1
2244 The file name you specified in the Picture property for a command button or toggle button can't be read.@* The file you specified may be corrupted. Restore the file from a backup copy or re-create the file. * The disk where the file is located may be unre
2260 An error occurred while sending data to the OLE server (the application used to create the object).@* You may have tried to send too much data. If you're creating a chart and the chart is based on a query, modify the query so that it selects less data. If
2262 This value must be a number.@@@1@@@1
2264 Microsoft Access didn't recognize the unit of measurement.@Type a valid unit, such as inches (in) or centimeters (cm).@@1@@@1
2266 '|' may not be a valid setting for the RowSourceType property, or there was a compile error in the function.@For information on valid settings for the RowSourceType property, click Help.@@2@1@3853@1
2272 The setting for the Update Retry Interval must be from 0 through 1,000 milliseconds.@@@1@@@1
2274 The database '|' is already open as a library database.@@@1@@@1
2276 The custom builder you're using caused an error by changing the focus to a different window while you were using it.@Enter a value without using the custom builder.@@1@@@1
2278 Microsoft Access can't save your changes to this bound OLE object.@Either you don't have permission to write to the record in which the object is stored, or the record is locked by another user. Copy the object to the Clipboard (select the object and clic
2280 You have added more output formats to the Windows Registry than Microsoft Access can initialize.@Some output formats will not be available. Remove those formats that you never or least often use.@@1@@@1
2282 The format in which you are attempting to output the current object is not available.@Either you are attempting to output the current object to a format that is not valid for its object type, or the formats that enable you to output data as a Microsoft Ex
2284 Microsoft Access can't write to the file.@* The network may not be working. Wait until the network is working, and then try again. * You may be out of memory. Close one or more Microsoft Access windows, close other applications, and then try again.@@1@@@1
2286 Microsoft Access can't close the file.@* The network may not be working. Wait until the network is working, and then try again. * You may be out of memory. Close one or more Microsoft Access windows, close other applications, and then try again.@@1@@@1
2288 Microsoft Access can't load the '|1' format.@The setting for this format in the Windows Registry is incorrect. You can't save the output data to a file in this format until you correct the setting in the Registry.@Run Setup to reinstall Microsoft Access o
2290 There were too many message recipients; the message was not sent.@@@1@@@1
2292 The message text is too long, so it was not sent.@@@1@@@1
2294 Microsoft Access can't attach the object; the message was not sent.@* The network may not be working. Wait until the network is working, and then try again. * You may be out of memory. Close one or more Microsoft Access windows, close other applications,
2296 The password is invalid; the message wasn't sent.@@@1@@@1
2298 Microsoft Access can't start the wizard, builder, or add-in.@* The library database containing the wizard, builder, or add-in may not be installed. Point to Add-ins on the Tools menu, and then click Add-in Manager to see if the library database is install
2300 Microsoft Access can't output because there are too many controls selected that have different styles, such as color and font.@Select fewer controls, and then try again.@@1@@@1
2302 Microsoft Access can't save the output data to the file you've selected.@* The file may be open. If so, close it, and then save the output data to the file again. * If you are using a template, check to make sure the template exists. * If the file isn't o
2304 Microsoft Access can't save output data to the specified file.@Make sure that you have enough free disk space on your destination drive.@@1@@@1
2306 There are too many rows to output, based on the limitation specified by the output format or by Microsoft Access.@@@1@@@1
2308 The file '|' already exists.@Do you want to replace the existing file?@@20@@@2
2312 The shortcut '|' must be re-created.@The file may be missing, damaged, or in an older format that can't be read.@@1@@@1
2314 Microsoft Access can't find the shortcut database '|1.'@Re-create the shortcut with the correct location of the database.@@2@1@9032@1
2316 This table or query can't be opened because it has no visible fields.@This can result if the table or query has only system fields, and the Show System Objects option is off.@To turn on the Show System Objects option, click Options on the Tools menu, clic
2320 Microsoft Access can't display the field for which you entered Where in the Total row.@Clear the Show check box for that field. If you want this field to appear in the query's results, add it to the design grid twice. For the field that will appear in th
2322 You can't sort on the asterisk (*).@Because the asterisk represents all fields in the underlying table or query, you can't sort on it.@Add the asterisk to the query design grid, along with the specific fields you want to sort on. Clear the Show check box
2324 You can't calculate totals on the asterisk (*).@Because the asterisk represents all the fields in the table, you can't calculate totals on it.@Remove the asterisk from the query design grid. Add the fields you want to use to the design grid, and then sele
2326 You can't specify Group By, Expression, or Where in the Total row for this column.@Specify an aggregate function, such as Sum or Count, for the field or expression you designate as the Value in the crosstab query. For more information on aggregate functio
2328 You can't run an update query on the asterisk (*).@Because the asterisk represents all the fields in the table, you can't update it.@Remove the asterisk from the query design grid. Add the fields you want to update to the design grid.@1@1@10001@1
2330 Microsoft Access can't represent the join expression |1 in Design view.@* One or more fields may have been deleted or renamed. * The name of one or more fields or tables specified in the join expression may be misspelled. * The join may use an operator th
2332 Microsoft Access can't match the fields you added using the asterisk (*) in the append query.@Because the asterisk represents all the fields in the underlying table or query, you can't append an asterisk to one field or expression, and you can't append a
2334 Microsoft Access can't print '|1' because it is an action query.@Because action queries don't produce a recordset, you can't print a Datasheet view of them. Note that an exclamation point (!) joined to a query icon in the Navigation Pane marks an action q
2338 Microsoft Access truncated the expression you entered.@The expression '|1' exceeds the 1,024-character limit for the query design grid.@@1@@@1
2340 The expression you entered exceeds the 1,024-character limit for the query design grid.@@@1@@@1
2342 A RunSQL action requires an argument consisting of an SQL statement.@For example, an action query that appends records starts with INSERT INTO. A data-definition query that creates a table starts with CREATE TABLE.@@1@1@3698@1
2344 The value specified for top number of rows must be an integer value greater than zero.@@@1@@@1
2346 The value specified for top number of rows must be a number greater than zero.@@@1@@@1
2348 You can't leave the Alias property blank.@@@1@1@6146@1
2350 Microsoft Access can't save the query.@* The query is a pass-through query and can't be represented as a simple SQL string. Save the query as a named query from the Query Builder. When you close the Query Builder, Microsoft Access will fill the RecordSour
2352 You can't modify this query because it has been deleted or renamed by another user.@@@1@@@1
2354 This query or table has an expression that is failing to evaluate.
2356 You cannot assign a multivalued or Attachment field to the Link Master Fields or Link Child Fields properties.@@@1@@@1
2360 A field name is missing.@You have defined a data type or a description for a field without specifying the field name.@Enter a name for the field, or delete the row.@1@@@1
2362 You already have a field named '|.'@@@1@@@1
2364 Microsoft Access can't open the table in Datasheet view.@@@1@@@1
2366 Microsoft Access was unable to save the field ordering. All other changes were saved successfully.@Click the File tab, point to Manage, and then click Compact and Repair Database.@@1@@@0
2370 Removing or changing the index for this field would require removal of the primary key.@If you want to delete the primary key, select that field and click the Primary Key button.@@1@@@1
2372 The field name you entered does not follow Microsoft Access object-naming rules. If you pasted the name from another application, try pressing ESC and typing the name again.@For more information about naming objects, click Help.@@2@1@553714184@1
2374 You can't create an index or primary key on more than 10 fields.@@@1@@@1
2376 Microsoft Access can't create a primary key.@You have selected too many fields for a multiple-field primary key.@@1@@@1
2378 This table is read-only.@Use a different name in the Save As dialog box to save your changes.@@1@@@1
2380 Microsoft Access can't create a primary key because no fields have been selected.@You have selected a row with no fields defined.@Place the insertion point somewhere in the row of the field you want to define as the primary key.@1@@@1
2382 You can't switch to Datasheet view and you can't return to Design view.@Another user has opened this table or a query, form, or report that is bound to this table.@@1@@@1
2384 You cannot change one field from an AutoNumber data type and add another AutoNumber field at the same time.@Do the following: 1. Delete the AutoNumber field you just added, click the File tab, and then click Save. 2. Add the new AutoNumber field, and the
2386 Microsoft Access was unable to create the table.@@@1@@@1
2388 You can't change the primary key.@This table is the primary table in one or more relationships.@If you want to change or remove the primary key, first delete the relationship in the Relationships window.@1@@@1
2390 You can't change the data type or field size of this field; it is part of one or more relationships.@If you want to change the data type of this field, first delete its relationships in the Relationships window.@@1@@@1
2392 You can't set the Unique property of a primary key to No.@A primary key, by definition, contains only unique values.@If you want to allow nonunique values in this field, remove the primary key definition by setting the Primary property to No.@1@@@1
2394 The index name is invalid.@The index name may be too long (over 64 characters) or contain invalid characters.@@1@@@1
2396 Microsoft Access can't create an index or primary key.@One or more field names are missing.@Enter or select at least one field in the Field Name column for each index you name.@1@@@1
2398 The primary key has been changed.@This table is the primary table in one or more relationships. Changes to the primary key won't be saved.@@1@@@1
2400 The row you inserted in the grid exceeds the limit of 255 rows (fields) for a table or 1,000 rows (actions) for a macro.@@@1@@@1
2420 The expression you entered has an invalid number.@@@2@1@11732@1
2422 The expression you entered has an invalid string.@A string can be up to 2048 characters long, including opening and closing quotation marks.@@1@@@1
2424 The expression you entered has a field, control, or property name that Microsoft Access can't find.@@@1@@@1
2426 The function you entered can't be used in this expression.@* You may have used a DoEvents, LBound, UBound, Spc, or Tab function in an expression. * You may have used an aggregate function, such as Count, in a design grid or in a calculated control or fiel
2428 You entered an invalid argument in a domain aggregate function.@* A field in the string expression may not be in the domain. * A field specified in the criteria expression may not be in the domain.@@2@1@10931@1
2430 You did not enter the keyword And in the Between...And operator.@The correct syntax is as follows: expression [Not] Between value1 And value2@@1@@@1
2432 The expression you entered contains invalid syntax, or you need to enclose your text data in quotes.@You may have entered an invalid comma or omitted quotation marks. For example, if the Default Value property of a text field is ''Huey, Louie, and Dewey,'
2434 The expression you entered contains invalid syntax.@You may have entered an operand without an operator.@@1@@@1
2436 The expression you entered is missing a closing parenthesis, bracket (]), or vertical bar (|).@@@1@@@1
2438 The expression you entered contains invalid syntax.@You omitted an operand or operator, you entered an invalid character or comma, or you entered text without surrounding it in quotation marks.@@2@1@11732@1
2440 You must enclose IIf function arguments in parentheses.@@@1@3@1012957@1
2442 The expression you entered has invalid parentheses.@You may have used the parenthesis syntax for an identifier in a query. Use the standard identifier syntax: Forms![Form]![Control].@@1@1@11729@1
2446 There isn't enough memory available to perform this calculation.@Close unneeded programs, and try again. For more information on freeing memory, search the Microsoft Windows Help index for 'memory, troubleshooting'.@@1@@@1
2448 You can't assign a value to this object.@* The object may be a control on a read-only form. * The object may be on a form that is open in Design view. * The value may be too large for this field.@@1@1@9424@1
2450 Microsoft Access cannot find the referenced form '|1'.@* The form you referenced may be closed or may not exist in this database.* Microsoft Access may have encountered a compile error in a Visual Basic module for the form.@@1@1@11735@1
2452 The expression you entered has an invalid reference to the Parent property.@For example, you may be using the Parent property with a control on a main form or report rather than with a control on a subform or subreport.@@2@1@4852@1
2454 The object name '|' you entered following the ! operator in the expression is invalid.@For example, you may have tried to enter an identifier with two control names separated by the ! operator.@@2@1@11736@1
2456 The number you used to refer to the form is invalid.@Use the Count property to count the open forms and make sure that the form number is not greater than the number of open forms minus one.@@1@4@2019460@1
2458 The control number you specified is greater than the number of controls.@Use the Count property to count the controls on the form or report and then check that the control number you cite is within the range of existing controls.@@1@4@2019460@1
2460 You can't refer to the RecordsetClone property of a form open in Design view.@@@1@1@7393@1
2462 The section number you entered is invalid.@@@1@@@1
2464 There is no sorting or grouping field or expression defined for the group level number you used.@A valid group level number can be from 0 (for the first field or expression you sort or group on) through 9 (for the tenth). Count the group levels in the rep
2466 The expression you entered has an invalid reference to the Dynaset property.@For example, you may have used the Dynaset property with a form that isn't based on a table or query.@@1@@@1
2468 The value you entered for the interval, number, or date argument in the function is invalid.@Check the argument to make sure that you entered it correctly. For more information on valid argument values, search the Help index for 'DatePart function,' 'Date
2470 There is a(n) '|' in the form control's ValidationRule property.@To help you create expressions as arguments in Visual Basic, use the Expression Builder. For more information, search the Help index for 'Expression Builder'.@@1@1@11805@1
2472 The LinkMasterFields property setting has produced this error: '|'@@@2@1@3990@1
2474 The expression you entered requires the control to be in the active window.@Try one of the following: * Open or select a form or report containing the control. * Create a new control in the active window, and try the operation again.@@1@@@1
2476 You entered an expression that requires a report to be the active window.@@@1@2@5603@1
2478 Microsoft Access doesn't allow you to use this method in the current view.@Most methods, including the SetFocus and Requery methods, can't be used in form or report Design view.@@2@4@2015551@1
2480 You referred to a property by a numeric argument that isn't one of the property numbers in the collection.@Check the property numbers in the collection.@@1@@@1
2482 Microsoft Access cannot find the name '|1' you entered in the expression.@You may have specified a control that wasn't on the current object without specifying the correct form or report context.@To refer to a control on another form or report, precede th
2484 There is no active datasheet.@@@1@@@1
2486 You can't carry out this action at the present time.@You tried to run a macro or used the DoCmd object in Visual Basic to carry out an action. However, Microsoft Access is performing another activity that prevents this action from being carried out now. F
2488 You can't use the ApplyFilter action on this window.@* You tried to use the ApplyFilter action or method, but you didn't apply the filter to a table, query, form, or report. * You may have applied the filter to a form, but the form wasn't open in Form or
2492 Microsoft Access can't find the macro '|2' in the macro group '|1.'@You used the macrogroupname.macroname syntax to specify a macro. You then tried to run the macro (directly or indirectly), or you used the RunMacro method to run the macro. However, the m
2494 The action or method requires a Form Name argument.@You tried to use the OpenForm action or method, but you left the Form Name argument blank.@In the Form Name argument, enter the name of a form in the current database.@1@1@11313@1
2496 The action or method requires a Query Name argument.@You tried to use the OpenQuery action or method, but you left the Query Name argument blank.@In the Query Name argument, enter a query name.@1@@@1
2498 An expression you entered is the wrong data type for one of the arguments.@You tried to run a macro or use a method to carry out an action, but an expression evaluated to the wrong data type. For example, for the Close method you specified a string for th
2500 You must enter a number greater than zero for a Repeat Count argument.@You tried to use the RunMacro action or method, but you entered a value less than zero (or an expression that evaluates to less than zero) in the Repeat Count argument.@To run the macr
2502 The action or method requires a Macro Name argument.@* You tried to use the RunMacro action or method, but you left the Macro Name argument blank. * Microsoft Access tried to create a custom menu bar for a form or report, but the Menu Macro Name argument
2504 The action or method requires at least | argument(s).@You tried to run a macro containing an action or used a method or action with the DoCmd object, but you didn't set the required number of arguments. For example, if you use the MoveSize action, you mus
2506 A value you entered for the Transfer Type argument is invalid.@An expression in the Transfer Type argument doesn't evaluate to a valid numeric value.@Valid values for the Transfer Type argument are as follows: * 0, 1, and 2 for the TransferDatabase action
2508 A value you entered for the spreadsheettype argument is invalid.@You used the TransferSpreadsheet method, and an expression in the spreadsheettype argument doesn't evaluate to a valid numeric value.@Valid values are 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. Note that 1
2510 The expression you entered in the Specification Name argument exceeds the 64-character limit.@Select one of the existing specification names from the argument list box when you use the TransferText action in a macro, or enter a name in Visual Basic that f
2512 Microsoft Access cannot parse the expression: '|1'.@Click OK to return to the action argument or conditional expression where this expression appears, and then correct the syntax.@@1@@@1
2514 The action or method requires a Control Name argument.@You tried to use the GoToControl action or method, but you left the control name blank.@In the Control Name argument, enter a control or field name from the active form or datasheet.@1@1@11313@1
2516 Microsoft Access cannot find the module '|1.'@You tried to use the OpenModule action or method, but Microsoft Access can't find the module you specified in the Module Name argument.@Enter a valid module name from the current database.@1@@@1
2520 The action or method requires a Module or Procedure Name argument.@You tried to use the OpenModule action or method, but you didn't enter a name in either the Module Name or the Procedure Name argument in the Macro window.@Enter a valid name in one of the
2522 The action or method requires a File Name argument.@You tried to use the TransferSpreadsheet or TransferText action or method.@In the File Name argument, enter a file name.@1@1@11313@1
2524 Microsoft Access can't invoke the application using the RunApp action.@The path to the application is invalid, or a component of the application is missing.@Check the path in Windows Explorer or File Manager.@1@@@1
2526 The SendKeys action requires the Microsoft Access Utility Add-in to be loaded.@Rerun Microsoft Access or Microsoft Office Setup to reinstall Microsoft Access and the Microsoft Access Utility Add-in.@@1@@185309@1
2528 The RunCommand macro action argument is missing, or you entered an invalid command ID for the RunCommand method.@@@1@@@1
2530 The SelectObject method can't be used on a report that is currently printing.@@@1@@@1
2532 Microsoft Access cannot find the macro or sub procedure '|1.'@The specified macro, macro group, or sub procedure doesn't exist.@ Note that when you enter the macrogroupname.macroname syntax in an argument, you must specify the name the macro's macro group
2534 The action or method requires a data access page Name argument.@You tried to use the OpenDataAccessPage action or method, but you left the data access page Name argument blank.@In the data access page Name argument, enter the name of a data access page in
2538 The '|' macro action cannot be run in disabled mode.@@@1@@@1
2540 The file '|1' you tried to replace is a Microsoft Access system file that is being used and can't be replaced or deleted.@@@1@@@1
2542 Specify the database name in the command line so that Microsoft Access can find the macro.@@@1@@@1
2544 Microsoft Access cannot find the |1 you referenced in the Object Name argument.@The macro you tried to run includes a SelectObject action with an invalid name for the Object Name argument.@In the Navigation Pane, verify the name of the object you want the
2546 Select a database object in the Navigation Pane before you run the macro containing the | action.@@@2@1@3009@1
2548 Microsoft Access can't run the Security Wizard because this database is open in exclusive mode.@Do you want Microsoft Access to open the database in shared mode and run the Security Wizard?@@19@@@2
2550 Microsoft Access can't delete |1 after encoding it. The encoded database has been named |2.@If you encode a database using the same name, Microsoft Access creates a new encoded database, and then deletes the original database. In this case, however, the o
2552 You can't encode a database that you didn't create or don't own.@See the owner of the database or your workgroup administrator.@@1@@@1
2554 Can't find the database you specified, or you didn't specify a database at all.@Specify a valid database name in the command line, and include a path if necessary.@@1@1@10283@1
2556 Microsoft Access can't run the Security Wizard because the database uses a password.@Remove the database password by clicking Unset Database Password in the Database Tools group on the Database Tools tab.@@1@@@1
2560 Microsoft Access is unable to load the Database Properties.@@@1@@@3
2562 Microsoft Access is unable to save the Database Properties.@@@1@@@1
2564 You can't hide the document '|' while it is open.@Close the database object first, and then hide it.@@1@@@1
2566 Microsoft Access is unable to set the application's icon to the file '|1'.@Make sure the file is a valid icon (.ico) file. If you're using Microsoft Windows, you can also use .bmp files.@@1@@@1
2568 Microsoft Access can't undo this operation.@An object with the same name already exists. Another user might have created an object named '|' after you had performed this operation on an object with the same name.@@1@@@1
2572 This database is in an unexpected state and Microsoft Access cannot open it.@This database has been converted from a prior version of Microsoft Access by using the DAO CompactDatabase method instead of the Convert Database command (click the File tab and
2574 You can't create another Microsoft Access database with the same name and location as an existing database.@You carried out the Make MDE File command, but tried to give the new database the same extension as the old one.@Accept the default .mde extension
2576 This database is a Microsoft Access 7.0/8.0/9.0 Design Master/Replica.@If you click OK, the database you selected will be renamed to |1 and then converted to |2. Everyone using a replica of this database will have to upgrade to Microsoft Access 2000 after
2578 Microsoft Access was unable to create the .accde, .mde, or .ade file.@@@1@@@1
2580 The record source '|' specified on this form or report does not exist. @The name of the recordsource may be misspelled, the recordsource was deleted or renamed, or the recordsource exists in a different database.@In the Form or Report's Design view or Lay
2582 You cannot set the GroupInterval property to 0 when the GroupOn property is set to Interval.@Click the Sorting and Grouping Design tab and try one of the following: * Change the GroupInterval property setting to a number higher than 0. * Change the GroupO
2584 You can't use aggregate functions in a page header or footer.@The page header or footer of the report you tried to preview contains a calculated control with an aggregate function in its expression.@If you want to show the result of an aggregate function
2586 Microsoft Access changed the MoveLayout and NextRecord properties to True from False.@The macro or Visual Basic function run by the OnFormat property of one of the sections of the report set both the MoveLayout and NextRecord properties to False. Having b
2588 You must select a form to save as a report.@@@1@@@1
2590 The Var and VarP aggregate functions are not supported in an Access project.@@@1@@@1
2594 You cannot Filter By Form when form record source is a recordset object.@@@1@@@1
2596 Printer object is not available on subforms and subreports.@@@1@@@1
2600 Verify the new password by retyping it in the Verify box and clicking OK.@@@1@@@1
2602 You don't have permission to modify '|.'@To modify this object, you must have Modify Design permission for it. If the object is a table, you must also have Delete Data and Update Data permissions for it. For more information on permissions and who can set
2604 You can't view this object's permissions.@To view or change permissions for this object, you must have Administer permission for it. For more information on permissions and who can set them, click Help.@@2@1@10222@1
2606 The object type is invalid.@@@1@@@1
2608 You don't have permission to copy '|.'@To copy this object, you must have Read Design permission for it. If the object is a table, you must also have Read Data permission for it. For more information on permissions and who can set them, click Help.@@2@1@1
2610 You must enter a personal identifier (PID) consisting of at least 4 and no more than 20 characters and digits.@Microsoft Access uses the combination of the user or group name and the PID to identify the user or group. Note that Microsoft Access hides the
2612 The account name is invalid.@For information about naming conventions, click Help.@@2@1@10213@1
2614 You don't have permission to insert this form into another form.@To insert a form into another form as a subform, you must have Read Design permission for the form being inserted. For more information on permissions and who can set them, click Help.@@2@1@
2616 You can't change permissions for '|.'@To change permissions for this object, you must have Administer permission for it. For more information on permissions and who can set them, click Help.@@5@1@10222@1
2618 You must have the database open for exclusive use to set or remove the database password.@To open the database exclusively, close the database, and then reopen it by clicking the File tab, clicking the 'Open' category, then clicking the Browse button. In
2620 The password you entered in the Old Password box is incorrect.@Please enter the correct password for this account.@@1@@@1
2622 You cannot save '|' because it is read-only.@To save, switch to Design View, click the File tab, point to Save As, and enter a new name.@@3@@@0
2624 An error has occurred while changing workgroup database.@@@1@@@1
2626 Reserved error (|); there is no message for this error.@@@1@@@1
2628 One of your parameters is invalid.@@@1@@@1
2630 The specified path is invalid.@@@1@@@1
2632 Change Workgroup cannot proceed without your Name, PIN, and a path to the new Workgroup Information File.
2634 The new password doesn't match the verify password value.@@@1@@@1
2636 Workgroup file already exists.
2638 Unable to start SQL Server service. To restart the SQL Server service, double-click the SQL Server System Manager icon in the system tray and click Start/Continue. If the service fails to start, go to the Services console and verify that the MSSQLServer s
2646 Microsoft Access can't create this relationship and enforce referential integrity.@Data in the table '|1' violates referential integrity rules. For example, there may be records relating to an employee in the related table, but no record for the employee
2650 Microsoft Access can't create this relationship and enforce referential integrity.@* The fields you chose may have different data types. * The fields may have the Number data type but not the same FieldSize property setting.@Try one of the following: * Se
2652 You can't delete a relationship inherited from a linked database.@@@1@@@1
2680 The form or report includes more OLE objects than Microsoft Access can display at one time.@Delete some of the bound or unbound object frames.@@1@@@1
2684 The OLE object is empty.@You can't edit a bound object frame if the field in the underlying table doesn't contain an OLE object.@Right-click the field, click Insert Object, and use the dialog box to locate and add the object to the field.@1@1@9360@1
2686 Microsoft Access is unable to save the |1 object.@Your computer ran out of disk space while Microsoft Access was saving the OLE object. For information on freeing disk space, search the Microsoft Windows Help index for 'disk space, freeing'.@@1@@@1
2690 A system resource necessary for displaying the | object isn't available.@Your computer may be low on memory.@Close unneeded programs, and try the operation again. For more information on freeing memory, search the Microsoft Windows Help index for 'memory,
2694 The Clipboard isn't available.@The Clipboard may be in use by another application, or your computer may be low on memory.@If your computer is low on memory, close unneeded programs, and then try the operation again. For more information on freeing memory,
2696 Microsoft Access can't read the OLE object.@Delete the object in the bound object frame, and then re-create it.@@1@@@1
2698 The | object you tried to create or edit is too large to save.@* Your database may not contain enough space for the object. * Your computer may be out of disk space. For information on freeing disk space, search the Microsoft Windows Help index for 'disk
2700 Microsoft Access can't find an OLE server or a dynamic-link library (DLL) required for the OLE operation.@The OLE server or DLL may not be registered.@To register the OLE server or DLL, reinstall it.@1@@@1
2702 The | object isn't registered.@The object may be calling an application that isn't installed.@To register the application, reinstall it.@1@@@1
2704 The | object you tried to edit doesn't have any displayable information.@@@2@1@9360@1
2714 The | object doesn't support verbs that can be performed on an OLE object, such as play or edit.@Check the OLE server's documentation for information on the verbs the OLE object supports, or use the ObjectVerbs property or the ObjectVerbsCount property to
2724 One or more dynamic-link libraries required for using OLE objects is an incorrect version.@Run Setup to reinstall Microsoft Access. If you want to preserve your security or custom settings, back up the Microsoft Access workgroup information file. For info
2726 Microsoft Access can't perform the OLE operation because it was unable to read the Windows Registry where the OLE server is registered.@Reinstall the OLE server, and then try the operation again. If problems continue, reinstall Microsoft Windows and the o
2730 There was a problem communicating with the OLE server.@Try again later. If you still can't access the object, try one or more of the following: * Free up system memory. For information on freeing memory, search the Microsoft Windows Help index for 'memory
2732 Microsoft Access can't read the |1 object.@Communication between Microsoft Access and the OLE server was interrupted.@Make sure your computer is connected to the network server on which the OLE server is located.@1@@@1
2734 You can't save the | object now.@The OLE server is running an operation, or another user opened and locked the object.@Try to save the object again later.@1@@@1
2738 There isn't enough memory to complete the operation.@Close unneeded programs and try the operation again. For more information on freeing memory, search the Microsoft Windows Help index for 'memory, troubleshooting'.@@1@@@1
2742 Microsoft Access was unable to create more files.@Your computer may be low on memory or disk space.@Close unneeded programs and try the operation again. For information on freeing memory or disk space, search the Microsoft Windows Help index for 'memory,
2744 Microsoft Access can't find the OLE server.@The setting for the SourceDoc property may be invalid, or the file may have been deleted, renamed, or moved.@@1@1@6973@1
2746 You can't switch to Design view because your form contains too many OLE objects.@Close other applications, close the form, and then open the form again in Design view. Then delete some of the OLE objects or move them to a different form.@@1@@@1
2748 The Automation object operation isn't available for the | object.@Check the component's documentation for information on which operations are available for an Automation object.@@1@@@1
2750 The operation on the | object failed.@The OLE server may not be registered.@To register the OLE server, reinstall it.@1@@@1
2754 A problem occurred while Microsoft Access was communicating with the OLE server.@Try one or more of the following: * Make sure you're connected to the network server where the OLE server application is located. * Close the OLE server and restart it outsid
2756 A problem occurred when Microsoft Access tried to access the OLE object.@Close the Microsoft Access form or report that displays the OLE object, and close the OLE server. Then reopen the form or report to see if it can display the OLE object.@@1@@@1
2760 An error occurred while referencing the object.@You tried to run a Visual Basic procedure that improperly references a property or method of an object.@@1@@@1
2762 | returned an error while referencing a property of an object.@Check the component's documentation for information on the properties and methods it makes available for Automation operations.@@1@@@1
2764 The object's property or method can't be set.@You tried to run a Visual Basic procedure to set a property or apply a method for an object. However, the property or method doesn't support named arguments.@Check the component's documentation for information
2766 The object doesn't contain the Automation object '|.'@You tried to run a Visual Basic procedure to set a property or method for an object. However, the component doesn't make the property or method available for Automation operations.@Check the component'
2768 The number you used to reference an element in the array is outside the bounds of the array.@For example, the array is from 0 through 10, and you entered a -1 or an 11.@Check the component's documentation for information on the properties and methods it m
2770 The object you referenced in the Visual Basic procedure as an OLE object isn't an OLE object.@@@1@@@1
2774 The component doesn't support Automation.@You tried to run a Visual Basic procedure that references an Automation object.@Check the component's documentation for information on whether it supports Automation.@1@@@1
2778 Microsoft Access tried to create an OLE link, but there was no source document for this object.@@@1@@@1
2782 You must specify a property or method for the object.@You tried to run a Visual Basic procedure that references and sets a property or method for the object.@Enter a property or method for the object.@1@1@6968@1
2784 The path you entered for the SourceDoc property setting for a linked OLE object is too long.@Move the file to a location with a shorter path.@@1@1@6973@1
2786 The OLE server doesn't support linking.@You tried to run a Visual Basic procedure using the Action property. However, you provided insufficient information to establish a link.@@1@@@1
2788 The | object isn't a linked object.@The property you tried to set in Visual Basic applies only to linked objects.@@1@@@1
2790 You can't embed an OLE object into a bound or unbound object frame if the OLETypeAllowed property for the bound or unbound object frame is set to Linked.@Insert a linked object, or set the OLETypeAllowed property to Embedded or Either, and then embed the
2792 You can't save a locked OLE object.@@@1@@@1
2794 The ActiveX control you tried to insert isn't registered.@For information on registering an ActiveX control, click Help.@@2@1@12639@1
2798 You can't use the Action property to delete a bound OLE object from its underlying table or query.@You tried to run a Visual Basic procedure that deletes the object in a bound object frame by setting the Action property to acOLEDelete.@Delete the object i
2800 This object is locked. Any changes you make will be discarded when the form is closed.@Click the File tab, point to Save As, and save the object under a different name.@@1@@@0
2802 You can't insert an ActiveX control in a bound or unbound object frame.@ActiveX controls are automatically contained in ActiveX control frames.@@1@@@1
2804 You can't create an ActiveX control in an unbound object frame.@ActiveX controls are automatically contained in ActiveX control frames.@@1@1@11711@1
2806 Microsoft Access doesn't support this ActiveX control.@@@1@@@1
2808 Microsoft Access can't find the Active Accessibility dynamic-link library (DLL) OleAcc.@Rerun the Microsoft Access Setup program.@@1@@@3
2812 |@The path specified was invalid, or may be too long.@Please check the path and ensure it is correct.@1@@@1
2814 |@Unable to save the file.@@1@@@1
2816 |@Unable to close the file.@@1@@@1
2818 Microsoft Access is unable to retrieve the file: |1.@Either the file is not available, or you do not have enough disk space to copy the file.@@1@@@
2820 Microsoft Access is unable to change the BASE HREF for your document.
2822 Microsoft Access encountered an unexpected error while attempting to recover from a failed save (or send).@Your data access page may not be in a usable state. Please attempt to save to a different location.@@1@@@
2824 |@You do not have adequate file permissions.@@1@@@1
2828 |@File write error.@The disk may be full.@1@@@1
2832 |@Check file permissions and delete them from their location in your computer's file system.@@1@@@1
2838 Microsoft Access is unable to preview the selected theme.
2840 |@Unable to read the list of supporting files from the data access page.@@1@@@1
2842 Microsoft Access encountered an error after saving (or sending) your data access page.
2846 |@The save destination is full.@Please clear space at the destination or save to another location.@1@@@1
2848 |@The maximum path length was exceeded.@Please specifiy a shorter filename, or use a folder that is closer to the root.@1@@@1
2850 |@You do not have write permission at the save destination.@@1@@@1
2854 Microsoft Access was unable to parse the document properties for this data access page.@They may be corrupted.@@1@@@1
2860 You cannot insert a bound field to a caption or record navigation section.
2862 |@Access cannot open the specified file type from a Web server.@You may have selected the wrong file.@1@@@1
2864 |@This file (or a supporting file) is already in use, or has the read-only attribute set.@@1@@@1
2866 |@Unexpected data corruption failure.@@1@@@1
2868 |@You cannot save this data access page over itself because it is read-only.@Please select a different file for the save.@1@@@1
2870 Microsoft Access encountered an error synchronizing the HTML from the Microsoft Script Editor.@Please check the HTML for syntax errors and try again.@@1@@@1
2874 Cannot move or paste the grouping field '|' into a section at a higher group level
2876 The data definition of this data access page has been corrupted and can't be repaired. You must recreate the page. Save has been disabled.
2878 You cannot add a bound field to a caption or record navigation section.
2880 Can't edit pages that contain framesets.
2882 |@The folder that this Web page would use to organize supporting files is already reserved for use in the current location.@Please choose a different name or location for this Web page.@1@@@1
2884 Cannot find the database or some database objects that this page refers to. Update the connection information of the page, or fix the references to the missing database objects.
2886 Components necessary for data access pages are not installed.
2888 Microsoft Access detects some HTML elements between the banner and the section of your data access page. Saving this page in Access will corrupt it. Close the page without saving it, and then edit the page in another HTML editor to remove these elements.
2890 You cannot edit this page because it contains frames.@The data access page designer cannot edit pages with frames.@@1@@@1
2892 You can't move the group filter control to another section. Delete the group filter control from the current section and create it in a different section.
2894 The link to the data access page specified could not be updated because the database cannot be exclusively locked.@To update the link, open this page again when you are the only person using the database.@@1@@@1
2896 The operation is only valid on a data access page opened in Design View.@Please switch the page to Design View and try the operation again.@@1@@@1
2898 Microsoft Access has created a backup copy of your original page. This page can be used if you want to revert to the Office 2000 Web Components. The backup page name is: '|1'
2900 Microsoft Access could not upgrade the Office Web Components on your page. This page cannot be opened.
2902 Access is unable to save the | object because it does not support persistence, or your computer may have run out of disk space.
2904 You must match each field on the left with a field on the right.@@@1@@@1
2906 '|' contains no fields that can participate in a relationship.@The contents of the RecordSource property may be invalid, or the RecordSource may contain only fields that are not acceptable for use in a join.@Correct the RecordSource property for this form
2908 The Control ID '|' is already in use. Specify a different ID for the control.
2910 This connection file refers to a provider not supported by data access pages.@Please select a different connection file.@@1@@@1
2912 If you create a Data Access Page in this version of Access, you cannot open it in Design view in Access 2000.@If you have installed the Microsoft Office XP Web Components, however, you can open this page in Page view in Access 2000.@&Don't show this warni
2914 Microsoft Access could not link to a connection file.@A connection string will be embedded in the page.@@1@@@1
2916 You cannot edit HTML pages created using PowerPoint in Microsoft Access.
2918 Unable to open or read this connection file.@Either the file has been damaged or the file format is not valid.@@1@@@1
2920 Microsoft Access is unable to load the database schema.@Save has been disabled.@Either repair or reinstall Microsoft Office.@1@@@1
2922 Microsoft Access has created a backup copy of your original page. This page can be used if you want to revert to the Office XP Web Components. The backup page name is: '|1'
2924 You cannot compact a file that was opened from a Web Server.
2926 Because of your security settings and current security policy, this control is disabled. To modify your policy and enable the database, use the Message Bar.
3000 Reserved error (|); there is no message for this error.
3002 Could not start session.
3004 **********
3006 Database '|' is exclusively locked.
3008 The table '|' is already opened exclusively by another user, or it is already open through the user interface and cannot be manipulated programmatically.
3010 Table '|' already exists.
3012 Object '|' already exists.
3014 Cannot open any more tables.
3016 Field will not fit in record.
3018 Could not find field.
3020 Update or CancelUpdate without AddNew or Edit.
3022 The changes you requested to the table were not successful because they would create duplicate values in the index, primary key, or relationship. Change the data in the field or fields that contain duplicate data, remove the index, or redefine the index t
3024 Could not find file '|'.
3026 Not enough space on disk.
3028 Cannot start your application. The workgroup information file is missing or opened exclusively by another user.
3030 '|' is not a valid account name.
3032 Cannot perform this operation.
3034 You tried to commit or rollback a transaction without first beginning a transaction.
3036 Database has reached maximum size.
3038 System resource exceeded.
3040 Disk I/O error during read.
3042 Out of MS-DOS file handles.
3044 '|' is not a valid path. Make sure that the path name is spelled correctly and that you are connected to the server on which the file resides.
3046 Could not save; currently locked by another user.
3048 Cannot open any more databases.
3050 Could not lock file.
3052 File sharing lock count exceeded. Increase MaxLocksPerFile registry entry.
3054 Too many Memo, OLE, or Hyperlink Object fields.
3056 Could not repair this database.
3058 Index or primary key cannot contain a Null value.
3060 Wrong data type for parameter '|'.
3062 Duplicate output alias '|'.
3064 Cannot open action query '|'.
3066 Query must have at least one destination field.
3068 Not a valid alias name.
3070 The Microsoft Access database engine does not recognize '|' as a valid field name or expression.
3072 |
3074 Cannot repeat table name '|' in FROM clause.
3076 | in criteria expression.
3078 The Microsoft Access database engine cannot find the input table or query '|'. Make sure it exists and that its name is spelled correctly.
3080 Joined table '|' not listed in FROM clause.
3082 JOIN operation '|' refers to a field that is not in one of the joined tables.
3084 Cannot insert data with action query.
3086 Could not delete from specified tables.
3088 Too many expressions in ORDER BY clause.
3090 Resultant table not allowed to have more than one AutoNumber field.
3092 Cannot use HAVING clause in TRANSFORM statement.
3094 ORDER BY clause (|) conflicts with GROUP BY clause.
3096 Cannot have aggregate function in WHERE clause (|).
3098 Cannot have aggregate function in GROUP BY clause (|).
3100 Cannot set field '|' in join key to Null.
3102 Circular reference caused by '|'.
3104 Cannot specify fixed column heading '|' in a crosstab query more than once.
3106 Missing destination field name in UPDATE statement (|).
3108 Record(s) cannot be edited; no update permission on '|'.
3110 Could not read definitions; no read definitions permission for table or query '|'.
3112 Record(s) cannot be read; no read permission on '|'.
3114 Cannot include Memo, OLE, or Hyperlink Object when you select unique values (|).
3116 Cannot have Memo, OLE, or Hyperlink Object fields in criteria (|) for aggregate function.
3118 Cannot join on Memo, OLE, or Hyperlink Object (|).
3120 Cannot group on fields selected with '*' (|).
3122 Your query does not include the specified expression '|' as part of an aggregate function.
3124 Cannot input from internal report query (|).
3126 Invalid bracketing of name '|'.
3128 Specify the table containing the records you want to delete.
3130 Syntax error in DELETE statement.
3132 Syntax error in GROUP BY clause.
3134 Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement.
3136 The LEVEL clause includes a reserved word or argument that is misspelled or missing, or the punctuation is incorrect.
3138 Syntax error in ORDER BY clause.
3140 Syntax error in PROCEDURE clause.
3142 Characters found after end of SQL statement.
3144 Syntax error in UPDATE statement.
3146 ODBC--call failed.
3154 ODBC--could not find DLL '|'.
3156 ODBC--delete on a linked table '|' failed.
3158 Could not save record; currently locked by another user.
3160 Table is not open.
3162 You tried to assign the Null value to a variable that is not a Variant data type.
3164 Field cannot be updated.
3166 Cannot locate the requested Xbase memo file.
3168 Invalid .inf file.
3170 Could not find installable ISAM.
3172 Could not open
3174 Could not open table 'MSysGroups' in the workgroup information file.
3176 Could not open file '|'.
3180 Could not write to file '|'.
3182 Invalid file format.
3184 Could not execute query; could not find linked table.
3186 Could not save; currently locked by user '|2' on machine '|1'.
3188 Could not update; currently locked by another session on this machine.
3190 Too many fields defined.
3192 Could not find output table '|'.
3194 (unknown)
3196 The database '|' is already in use by another person or process. When the database is available, try the operation again.
3198 Could not start session. Too many sessions already active.
3200 The record cannot be deleted or changed because table '|' includes related records.
3202 Could not save; currently locked by another user.
3204 Database already exists.
3206 Cannot create a relationship between a field and itself.
3208 Invalid Deleted setting in the Xbase key of the Windows Registry.
3210 The connection string is too long. The connection string cannot exceed 255 characters.
3212 Could not lock table '|1'; currently in use by user '|3' on machine '|2'.
3214 Invalid Mark setting in the Xbase key of the Windows Registry.
3216 Parameter '|' specified where a table name is required.
3218 Could not update; currently locked.
3220 Incorrect collating sequence.
3222 Query cannot contain a Database parameter.
3224 Cannot read Btrieve data dictionary.
3226 Errors encountered while using the Btrieve DLL.
3228 Selected collating sequence not supported by the operating system.
3230 Out-of-date Paradox lock file.
3232 ODBC--could not create table.
3234 ODBC--remote query timeout expired.
3238 ODBC--data out of range.
3240 Btrieve--missing Btrieve engine.
3242 Invalid reference in SELECT statement.
3244 Cannot import password-protected spreadsheet.
3246 Operation not supported in transactions.
3248 Invalid NetworkAccess setting in the Windows Registry.
3250 Could not build key.
3252 Cannot open a form whose underlying query contains a user-defined function that attempts to set or get the form's RecordsetClone property.
3254 ODBC--Cannot lock all records.
3256 Index file not found.
3258 The SQL statement could not be executed because it contains ambiguous outer joins. To force one of the joins to be performed first, create a separate query that performs the first join and then include that query in your SQL statement.
3260 Could not update; currently locked by user '|2' on machine '|1'.
3262 Could not lock table
3264 No field defined--cannot append TableDef or Index.
3266 Cannot append a Field that is already a part of a Fields collection.
3268 Cannot set this property once the object is part of a collection.
3270 Property not found.
3272 Object is not a collection.
3274 External table is not in the expected format.
3276 Invalid database object reference.
3278 The Microsoft Access database engine has not been initialized.
3280 Cannot delete a field that is part of an index or is needed by the system.
3282 Operation not supported on a table that contains data.
3284 Index already exists.
3286 Format of memo file does not match specified external database format.
3288 Paradox index is not primary.
3290 Syntax error in CREATE TABLE statement.
3292 Syntax error in field definition.
3294 Syntax error in DROP INDEX statement.
3296 JOIN expression not supported.
3298 There are several tables with that name. Please specify owner in the format 'owner.table'.
3300 Cannot create a relationship.
3302 Cannot change a rule while the rules for this table are in use.
3304 You must enter a personal identifier (PID) consisting of at least 4 and no more than 20 characters and digits.
3306 You have written a subquery that can return more than one field without using the EXISTS reserved word in the main query's FROM clause. Revise the SELECT statement of the subquery to request only one field.
3308 Invalid TOP argument in select query.
3310 This property is not supported for external data sources or for databases created with a previous version of Microsoft Jet.
3312 Validation rules and default values cannot be placed on system or linked tables.
3314 You must enter a value in the '|' field.
3316 |
3318 Values specified in a TOP clause are not allowed in delete queries or reports.
3320 | in table-level validation expression.
3322 Crosstab query contains one or more invalid fixed column headings.
3324 The query is a DDL query and cannot be used as a row source.
3326 This Recordset is not updateable.
3328 Table is read-only.
3330 Record in table '|' is locked by another user.
3332 Cannot enter value into blank field on 'one' side of outer join.
3334 Can be present only in version 1.0 format.
3336 Btrieve: Invalid IndexDDF option in initialization setting.
3338 Btrieve: Xtrieve options are not correct in initialization setting.
3340 Query '|' is corrupt.
3342 Invalid Memo, OLE, or Hyperlink Object in subquery '|'.
3344 The database engine does not recognize either the field '|1' in a validation expression, or the default value in the table '|2'.
3346 Number of query values and destination fields are not the same.
3348 Cannot add record(s); join key of table '|' not in recordset.
3350 Object is invalid for operation.
3352 No destination field name in INSERT INTO statement (|).
3354 At most one record can be returned by this subquery.
3356 You attempted to open a database that is already opened exclusively by user '|2' on machine '|1'. Try again when the database is available.
3358 Cannot open the Microsoft Access database engine workgroup information file.
3360 Query is too complex.
3362 Single-row update/delete affected more than one row of a linked table. Unique index contains duplicate values.
3364 Cannot use Memo, OLE, or Hyperlink Object field '|' in the SELECT clause of a union query.
3366 Cannot append a relation with no fields defined.
3368 Relationship must be on the same number of fields with the same data types.
3370 Cannot modify the design of table '|'. It is in a read-only database.
3372 No such index '|2' on table '|1'.
3374 The specified fields are not uniquely indexed in table '|'.
3376 Table '|' does not exist.
3378 There is already a relationship named '|' in the current database.
3380 Field '|2' already exists in table '|1'.
3382 Size of field '|' is too long.
3384 Cannot delete a built-in property.
3386 Property '|' must be set before using this method.
3388 Unknown function '|2' in validation expression or default value on '|1'.
3390 Account name already exists.
3392 **********
3394 Cannot save property; property is a schema property.
3396 Cannot perform cascading operation. Since related records exist in table '|', referential integrity rules would be violated.
3398 Cannot perform cascading operation. It would result in a null key in table '|'.
3400 Cannot perform cascading operation. It would result in two updates to field '|2' in table '|1'.
3402 Cannot perform cascading operation. It would cause field '|' to become a zero-length string, which is not allowed.
3404 Cannot perform cascading operation. The value entered is prohibited by the validation rule '|2' set for '|1'.
3406 The expression you are trying to use for the DefaultValue property is invalid because '|'. Use a valid expression to set this property.
3408 Too many FastFind Sessions were invoked.
3412 Cannot perform cascading update on the table because it is currently in use by another user.
3414 Cannot perform cascading operation on table '|1' because it is currently in use.
3416 |
3418 Cannot open '|'. Another user has the table open using a different network control file or locking style.
3420 Object invalid or no longer set.
3422 Cannot modify table structure. Another user has the table open.
3424 Cannot create database because the locale is invalid.
3426 This action was cancelled by an associated object.
3428 A problem occurred in your database. Correct the problem by repairing and compacting the database.
3430 While loading the Microsoft Excel installable ISAM, OLE was unable to initialize.
3432 Error opening a Microsoft Excel 5.0 file.
3434 Cannot expand named range.
3436 Failure creating file.
3438 The data being exported does not match the format described in the Schema.ini file.
3440 An attempt was made to import or link an empty text file. To import or link a text file, the file must contain data.
3442 In the text file specification '|1', the |2 option is invalid.
3444 In the fixed width specification '|1', column '|2' does not specify a width.
3446 VBAJET32.dll is missing. Try reinstalling the Microsoft Access database engine.
3448 A call to an OLE system function was not successful. Try reinstalling the application that returned the error.
3450 Syntax error in query. Incomplete query clause.
3452 You cannot make changes to the design of the database at this replica.
3456 Cannot make the |2 object in |1 container replicable.
3458 The KeepLocal property cannot be set on a database; it can be set only on the objects in a database.
3460 The operation you attempted conflicts with an existing operation involving this member of the replica set.
3462 Failure to load a DLL.
3464 Data type mismatch in criteria expression.
3468 Access was denied while accessing dropbox folder '|2'.
3470 Disk failure accessing dropbox folder '|2'.
3472 Disk full for path '|1'.
3474 Cannot open the log file '|1' for writing.
3476 Invalid dropbox path '|2'.
3478 The replica is not a partial replica.
3480 The relationship '|' in the partial filter expression is invalid.
3482 The filter expression for the partial replica is invalid.
3484 The password used by the Synchronizer to write to a destination dropbox folder is invalid.
3486 You cannot add a second Replication ID AutoNumber field to a table.
3488 The value specified is not a ReplicaID for any member in the replica set.
3490 Cannot create a new replica because the '|2' object in '|1' container could not be replicated.
3492 The synchronization failed because a design change could not be applied to one of the replicas.
3494 Unable to retrieve the specified Registry parameter for the Synchronizer.
3496 Replication Manager cannot find the ExchangeID in the MSysExchangeLog table.
3500 You cannot specify two different Synchronizers to manage the same replica.
3502 The Design Master or replica is not being managed by a Synchronizer.
3504 The Synchronizer ID does not match an existing ID in the MSysTranspAddress table.
3506 The Synchronizer is unable to open the Synchronizer log.
3508 There is no active transport for the Synchronizer.
3510 The member of the replica set you are attempting to synchronize is currently being used in another synchronization.
3512 Failed to read the dropbox folder.
3514 Synchronizer could not find any scheduled or on-demand synchronization's to process.
3516 Destination synchronizer is not configured to support indirect synchronronization, and the destination replica is unavailable for direct synchronization.
3518 Could not find Synchronizer in the MSysTranspAddress table.
3520 The replica name or ID does not match a currently managed member of the replica set.
3522 Synchronizer cannot find the record of a specific synchronization in the MSysExchangeLog table.
3524 The history of design changes in the replica does not match the history in the Design Master.
3526 The name selected for the system object is already in use.
3528 There is no new data in shared memory for the Synchronizer or Replication Manager to read.
3530 The Synchronizer is already serving a client.
3532 Synchronizer could not be initialized.
3534 Synchronizer looked for a system event but did not find one to report to the client.
3536 Synchronizer received an invalid message for a member of the replica set that it manages.
3538 Cannot initialize Synchronizer because there are too many applications running.
3540 Your swap file has reached its limit or is corrupted.
3542 Process stopped when attempting to terminate Synchronizer client.
3544 Synchronizer is already running.
3546 The type of synchronization you are attempting is not valid.
3548 GUIDs do not match or the requested GUID could not be found.
3550 There is no index on the GUID column.
3552 The size of the Registry parameter exceeds the maximum allowed.
3556 Invalid path for destination dropbox folder.
3558 Disk I/O error at destination dropbox folder.
3560 The two members of the replica set you are attempting to synchronize have the same ReplicaID.
3562 Access denied at destination dropbox folder.
3564 Synchronizer cannot find the source file for messages.
3566 Network I/O error.
3568 Synchronizer could not delete a file.
3570 The filters defining a partial replica have been changed. The partial replica must be repopulated.
3572 A disk I/O error occurred while reading or writing to the TEMP directory.
3574 The ReplicaID for this member of the replica set was reassigned during a move or copy procedure.
3576 The database you are attempting to open is already in use by another application.
3578 Failure to replicate database; cannot determine whether the database is open in exclusive mode.
3580 Could not add rows needed to make the database replicable.
3582 Cannot make a new replica because the |2 object in |1 container could not be made replicable.
3584 Insufficient memory to complete operation.
3586 Syntax error in partial filter expression on table |1.
3588 Error when evaluating the partial filter expression.
3590 Violates the rules for partial replicas.
3592 You cannot replicate a password-protected database or set password protection on a replicated database.
3594 You cannot change the data master attribute for the replica set. It allows data changes only at the Design Master.
3600 Aggregation expressions cannot use GUIDs.
3608 Record length is too long for an indexed Paradox table.
3610 Same table '|' referenced as both the source and destination in make-table query.
3612 Multi-level GROUP BY clause is not allowed in a subquery.
3614 GUID not allowed in Find method criteria expression.
3616 Updating data in a linked table is not supported by this ISAM.
3618 Exceptions table could not be created on import/export.
3620 The connection for viewing your linked Microsoft Excel worksheet was lost.
3622 You must use the dbSeeChanges option with OpenRecordset when accessing a SQL Server table that has an IDENTITY column.
3624 Could not read the record; currently locked by another user.
3626 The operation failed. There are too many indexes on table '|'. Delete some of the indexes on the table and try the operation again.
3628 Partner replica is not managed by a Synchronizer.
3630 Synchronizer '|1' is also using the same File System dropbox '|2'.
3632 Internet Transport not enabled on the remote Synchronizer.
3634 Cannot create a replica using a partial replica.
3636 Cannot populate the replica or change the replica's filter because the replica has conflicts or data errors.
3638 A Source Controlled database cannot be made replicable.
3640 The fetch buffer was too small for the amount of data you requested.
3642 A cancel was performed on the operation.
3646 The specified row length is shorter than the sum of the column lengths.
3648 Cannot synchronize a partial replica with another partial replica.
3650 Either the Internet is very slow or there is some problem in the replication manager setup on the internet server machine.
3652 Internet login failure.
3654 Internal internet failure.
3656 Error in evaluating a partial expression
3658 Binary column '|' cannot be used in a boolean filter.
3660 Requested exchange failed because '|1'.
3664 An asynchronous OpenConnection call is not yet complete; you cannot yet reference the returned connection object until it is complete.
3666 You cannot modify the replication system object '|'.
3668 Cannot perform this operation because there is no active connection.
3670 Cursor is not valid.
3672 Failed to load RDOCURS.DLL.
3674 Internet dll (wininet.dll) could not be found or loaded.
3676 Failure to write to an internet handle. Try the operation again.
3678 Failure to connect to the FTP service on the internet server. Make sure that FTP service is running properly on the server and supports anonymous connections.
3680 Failure in getting a file from the server using FTP. Make sure that FTP dropbox has read permissions.
3682 Failure to delete a file on the server using FTP. Make sure that FTP dropbox has read and write permissions.
3684 There is no suitable replica with which to exchange.
3686 Invalid replica path or name.
3688 Invalid SQL syntax - expected token: For.
3690 Invalid SQL syntax - expected a table right/privilege.
3692 Invalid SQL syntax - related tokens did not match. The Microsoft Access database engine expected GRANT...TO, REVOKE...FROM, ADD...TO, or DROP...FROM.
3694 Invalid SQL syntax - expected token: Grant.
3696 Invalid SQL syntax - expected token: User (or) Group.
3698 Invalid SQL syntax - expected password.
3700 Invalid precision for decimal data type.
3702 The width of a Unicode text column must be an even number of bytes.
3704 You attempted to open a database that is already opened by user '|2' on machine '|1'. Try again when the database is available.
3706 Cannot make the |2 table replicable - too many indexes.
3708 Syntax error in Transaction statement. Expected TRANSACTION, WORK, or nothing.
3710 MAPI folder or address book not found.
3712 Other. This record was rejected due to an undefined replication conflict problem.
3714 Locked table. This record could not be applied during synchronization since the table was locked by another user. Resubmit this conflict record.
3716 TLV violation. This record contains a field value that does not meet the table level validation constraint. Either update the field value that is violating the validation rule and then resubmit this conflict record, or delete this conflict record.
3718 Update/RI conflict. The primary key record has been updated by another replica, therefore this referencing record has been rejected. Either create a new primary key record that satisfies the referential integrity constraint, modify the foreign key value i
3720 Cannot change field '|'. It is part of one or more relationships.
3722 Invalid SQL syntax - expected token: DEFAULT.
3724 Invalid SQL syntax - expected token: UPDATE or DELETE.
3726 Invalid SQL syntax - expected token: NULL.
3728 Invalid SQL syntax - expected token: AS.
3730 VIEW cannot contain a parameter.
3732 Expected query name after EXECUTE.
3734 The database has been placed in a state by user '|2' on machine '|1' that prevents it from being opened or locked.
3736 Update/delete conflict. This updated record was deleted at another replica. Either reinsert this conflict record or delete it.
3738 Local or Anonymous replicas must synch only to their designated hub replica.
3740 Cannot add a new column to conflict table '|'. Delete obsolete columns and compact the database.
3742 An internet function timed out.
3744 Counter columns in replicable tables cannot be modified.
3746 Syntax error in parameters clause. Make sure the parameter exists and that you typed its value correctly.
3748 Parameter | has no default value.
3750 Object | is not a stored procedure.
3752 Requested page locking, but DB is in row lock mode.
3754 Cannot delete from a Prevent Deletes Replica.
3756 CHECK constraint '|' already exists.
3758 Scaling of decimal value resulted in data truncation.
3760 Scaling of decimal value resulted in data overflow.
3762 Invalid SQL syntax - expected token: ACTION.
3764 Failed to re-create one or more indexes.
3766 Only simple SELECT queries are allowed in VIEWS.
3768 FastFind cannot search on non-column references.
3770 Counter definition not in valid range.
3772 Without Administer permission, replica priority must be in the range 0 - |.
3774 Pin value is not valid.
3776 Unable to exchange between two Microsoft Access database SQL Server Replicas.
3778 The Microsoft Access database is wrong or missing for this SQL/Microsoft Access database replica set.
3780 Invalid SQL syntax - expected a view name.
3782 Invalid SQL syntax - currently only one column-level CHECK constraint is allowed.
3784 Database is already replicable.
3786 Invalid SQL syntax - expected a database privilege, such as CREATEDB or CONNECT.
3788 Cannot create an index on this MAPI folder/addressbook.
3790 This object requires a newer version of the Microsoft Access database engine.
3792 The index '|2' requires Microsoft Access database engine |1.
3794 This table requires Microsoft Access database engine |.
3796 The version of AceRecr.DLL that was loaded was too old. Run setup again to get the correct version of this file.
3798 CHECK constraints are not allowed on replicable databases.
3800 '|' is not an index in this table.
3802 Error evaluating | CHECK constraint. |
3804 There are no MAPI clients installed on this machine. Install a MAPI client (like Outlook) on this machine.
3806 Cannot set multiple NULL, NOT NULL attributes.
3808 Need a version 4.x or greater format system database to perform this operation.
3810 Unrecognized keyword WHEN.
3812 You cannot update this field because the value you're trying to apply is not valid or would break a data integrity rule. Please correct and try again.
3814 Columns that accept multiple values for a record cannot be included in a multiple-column relationship.
3816 The unique index on the '|' column cannot be deleted.
3818 Operation cannot be completed on this database because it uses attachments or multi-valued lookup fields.
3820 You cannot enter that value because it duplicates an existing value in the multi-valued lookup or attachment field. Multi-valued lookup or attachment fields cannot contain duplicate values.
3822 The value cannot be added to this new row until the row has been committed. Commit the row first, and then try adding the value.
3824 An INSERT INTO query cannot contain a multi-valued field.
3826 An UPDATE or DELETE query cannot contain a multi-valued field.
3828 Cannot reference a table with a multi-valued field using an IN clause that refers to another database.
3830 The multi-valued field '|' cannot be used in an GROUP BY clause.
3832 The current file format no longer supports user-level security. The conversion or compaction process has removed any user-level permissions.
3834 The multi-valued field '|1' is not valid in the expression '|2'.
3836 You are attempting to work with a Paradox file that requires the Borland Database Engine (BDE). Microsoft Access cannot load the BDE, or the BDE is not correctly installed. To correct this, run the setup program for the BDE.
3838 Multi-valued fields are not allowed in SELECT INTO statements.
3840 The attachment you are adding exceeds the system resources available.
3842 The expression '|' must be part of an aggregate function.
3844 Cannot reference a multi-valued field in an UPDATE or DELETE statement that contains other fields.
3846 The multi-valued field '|' in an ORDER BY must also appear in the SELECT list.
3848 You cannot record your changes because a value you entered violates the settings defined for field '|' (for example, a value is less than the minimum or greater than the maximum). Correct the error and try again.
3850 This file was created in a previous beta version of Excel 2007. Open the file with Excel 2007 to save it to the most recent version of the Excel 2007 file format before opening the file in Access 2007 or greater.
3852 Cannot update a multivalued field if its parent recordset is not in edit mode. To place the parent recordset in edit mode use the AddNew or Edit method.
3854 This operation will fail because the text file you are about to import contains more than 255 columns. We recommend that you first make a backup copy of your source file, reduce the number of columns to 255 or less, and then try again.
3856 The Microsoft Access database engine cannot update the data in |1. The minimum required version to update the data is |2.
3858 Expression not supported for conversion
3860 The expression | cannot be converted in a query.
3862 The expression | cannot be converted in a UI macro.
3864 The expression | cannot be converted in a validation rule.
3866 The expression cannot be saved because it refers to itself.
3868 There is no data macro AXL stored for the specified table.
3870 Microsoft Access cannot interpret the text you are pasting as a data macro. Correct the text and then try again.
3872 A data macro resource limit was hit. This may be caused by a data macro recursively calling itself. The Updated(<Field>) function may be used to detect which field in a record has been updated to help prevent recursive calls.
3874 Type mismatch on field '|'.
3876 The 'ExitForEachRecord' action is only available in a ForEachRecord loop.
3878 The 'SendEmail' action failed because the current database is not trusted.
3880 The mail session could not be opened. You may be out of memory. Close other applications, and then try again. You may also want to check your mail application to ensure that it's working correctly.
3882 This calculated column needs to be recalculated.
3884 The Microsoft Access database engine encountered an error while connecting to Data Services: '|'.
3888 Calculated columns cannot be used in system relationships.
3890 The identifier '|' could not be found.
3892 The function '|' is not valid for expressions used in data macros.
3894 Invalid text '|' in data macro expression.
3896 The limit of 20 recursive events has been exceeded. This can be caused by an After Update event that changes data on the table that triggers it. You can use the Update(<field>) function to determine which fields were changed in the record.
3898 There is no data context in which to perform the action. This error can be caused by using the RunDataMacro action to run a data macro that calls DeleteRecord or EditRecord with no alias specified.
3900 The delete operation is not allowed because a child record still exists.
3902 Cached links cannot be added because the database '|' cannot be opened in exclusive mode.
3904 A table cannot be updated because there is no connection to a SharePoint site. Try the update again when the connection to the server is restored.
3906 Linked table is unavailable. Microsoft Access cannot contact the server. Check your network connection or contact the server administrator.
3908 Data cannot be added, updated or deleted until all related data has been fetched from the server.
3910 Your encryption settings are not valid. Re-install Microsoft Access or contact your administrator for more information.
3912 A table is not synchronized with the SharePoint site. Close and reopen the table to retrieve the most recent data from the SharePoint site.
3914 Selected collating sequence not supported with the specified file format.
3916 The property '|' can only be set or changed by the Microsoft Access database engine.
3918 Microsoft Access does not support this operation for this IISAM type. To perform this action, you must use the 2007 Microsoft Office system or earlier.
3920 Unable to execute query. Invalid operation or syntax using multi-value field.
3922 The expression | cannot be converted in a form.
3924 Access was unable to convert the query for use on the Web.
3926 Access was unable to convert the query for use on the Web because it uses an unsupported query type, unsupported expressions, unsupported criteria, or other features that are not supported on the Web.
3928 Access was unable to convert the query for use on the Web because it relies on a different query that is not Web compatible.
3930 Access was unable to convert the query for use on the Web because it displays too many fields in its results.
3932 Access was unable to convert the query for use on the Web because it specifies a JOIN type that is not supported on the Web.
3934 Access was unable to convert the query for use on the Web because it does not specify which table to SELECT FROM.
3936 Access was unable to convert the query for use on the Web because some of its parameters could not be converted for use on the Web.
3938 The expression could not be saved because its result is an invalid type, such as NULL.
3940 Could not coerce argument number |1 to an integer for the |2 action.
3942 Could not coerce argument number |1 to a Boolean for the |2 action.
3944 The type of field '|' cannot be used in a validation rule for Web tables. Invalid types include Memo, Binary and Lookup.
3946 The OnError action cannot be used with Go To set to Macro Name in before events.
3948 The expression could not be saved because its result type, such as binary or NULL, is not supported by the server.
3950 Syntax error in expression.
3952 The data macro failed to run because its AXL definition was invalid.
3954 The parameter name '|1' is invalid. Parameter names must be less than or equal to 64 characters in length, may not start with an equal sign or a space, and may not contain any of the following characters including CR, LF or TAB: .![]/\:*?"<>|2#{}%&.
3956 The database you are trying to open requires a newer version of Microsoft Access.
3958 The field could not be deleted on the server. Synchronize with the server and verify that no other field references this field.
3960 The expression | cannot be converted for the Apply Filter macro action.
3962 EditRecord failed due to repeated data conflicts when attempting to commit data.
3964 The action '|1' is not valid outside of CreateRecord and EditRecord.
3966 The field '|1' could not be changed. In the BeforeChange event only the record being changed is updatable.
3968 EditRecord failed because the default alias represents a record which is read only.
3970 The expression could not be saved because it would be longer than 255 characters when published.
3972 Linked table '|' cannot be opened. You do not have permission to view the entire list because it is larger than the list view threshold enforced by the server administrator.
3974 The field '|1' could not be read because it is a multi-value or attachment field.
3976 The column '|1' could not be read because it is a calculated column in a record that was retrieved from ForEachRecord or LookupRecord and has been modified by EditRecord.
3978 The calculation of day or time difference with a + or - sign is not supported. Please use the DateAdd() function instead.
3980 The linked table '|' has been changed on the server. Your last entered row will not be saved. Copy and paste your last entered row to a temporary file, then synchronize the linked table with the server by right-clicking on the linked table, choosing More
3982 The field '|1' could not be read because it is the primary key of the record being created. This field's value will be available in the LastCreateRecordIdentity variable after the CreateRecord block has completed.
3984 Access was unable to convert the query for use on the Web because it contains a cyclical join.
3986 CreateRecord cannot be used inside of a ForEachRecord.
3988 The table is too large for this change to be saved.
3990 A data macro on table '|1' failed to execute, since it has not yet been synchronized with the server. Please synchronize this table with the server using the "Sync All" command and try again.
3992 The validation rule contains a syntax error and cannot be saved. A field or function may be misspelled or missing.
3994 The field '|' cannot be modified because it contains invalid characters, invalid punctuation, or an existing field name. Correct the name on the server and refresh the table.
3996 Microsoft Access cannot reconnect one or more of the disconnected tables. Please check network connectivity and server availability.
3998 The Updated function is not supported for memo, rich text, hyperlink, OLE Object, multi-value, or attachment fields.
4000 |
4002 The '|1' value is not available because the field is of type memo, rich text, hyperlink, or OLE Object.
4004 The return variable name '|1' is invalid. Return variable names must be less than or equal to 64 characters in length, may not start with an equal sign or a space, and may not contain any of the following characters, including CR, LF or TAB: .![]/\:*?"<>|
4006 Duplicate output names detected. Modify the name or alias of one of the outputs.
4008 Access was unable to save the query because it uses an unsupported query type, unsupported expressions, unsupported criteria, or other features that are not supported in this database.
4010 Access was unable to save the query because it displays too many fields in its results.
4012 Access was unable to save the query because the query results contain multiple fields with the same name.
4014 Circular reference caused by '|'. '|' has been removed from the query.
4016 The expression you entered has a function name or operator that cannot be found.
4018 The database you are trying to open can only be opened by Microsoft Access.
4020 The table '|' does not contain any fields with types supported by the Microsoft Access Database Engine.
4022 This table contains a primary key that has a data type which is unsupported by the Microsoft Access Database Engine.
4024 Your privacy settings prevent Microsoft Access from connecting to this data source.
4026 It appears you do not have permission to access this endpoint: '|'. Please double-check your permissions or select a different endpoint.
4028 '|1' was not found and was most likely removed from '|2'.
4030 Required field '|' does not contain a value. Please set a value and try again.
4032 A bad request was made.
4034 A table named '|1' already exists on endpoint '|2'. Please rename the table and try the export operation again.
6000 Errors were encountered during the save operation.@@@1@@@1
6002 Microsoft Access cannot expand this subdatasheet because all of the records are locked. @Either the RecordLocks property of the form or report or the Default Record Locking option in the Advanced section of the Access Options dialog box (click the File ta
6004 The setting for the Scale property must be from 0 through 28.@@@1@@@1
6006 Filter by selection of a partial value is only supported for fields containing character data.@@@1@@@1
6008 Microsoft Access encountered an error closing your connection. @Please close all of your application windows before trying again.@@1@@@1
6010 Invalid use of Move method.@The Move method is not applicable to subforms or subreports.@@1@@@1
6012 Microsoft Access can't set this property to No right now.@You cannot set the Allow Form View, Allow Datasheet View, Allow PivotTable View, and Allow PivotChart View properties to No at the same time.@Set one of the other properties to Yes before changing
6014 The RowSourceType property must be set to 'Value List' to use this method.@@@1@@@1
6018 The form or report template is open in Design view. Before creating a new form or report, close the corresponding template.@@@1@@@1
6020 This format does not support objects named '|'. Rename the object and try again.@@@1@@@1
6024 The Maximum Record Count setting cannot contain text - please enter a number.@@@1@@@1
6026 The RowSourceType property must be set to 'Table/Query' to use this method.@@@1@@@1
6028 The OLE object failed to persist itself. You will not be able to undo this operation.@@@1@@@1
6030 The current record in |1 |2 must be saved before you can complete this operation.@Do you want to save the current record in |1 |2?@@3@@@1
6032 The value you entered isn't valid for this field.@For example, you may have entered a null value.@@1@@@1
6034 This property is only available for attachment controls bound to attachment fields.@@@1@@@1
6036 You cannot add a form to another form that shows multiple items.@@@1@@@1
6038 Microsoft Access was not able to update the value list.@The table may be locked by another user, it may be read-only, or you may not have permission to modify the table.@@1@@@1
6040 Because dependency checking is not enabled on this database, Access cannot verify whether this datasheet is used on other forms or reports.@Do you want to save the datasheet so that it will be available for use by other forms and reports?@@33@1@151798@4
6042 Deleting the |1 control will permanently remove filter, grouping, or sort order settings that are based on the control from the form or report.@Are you sure you want to delete the |1 control?@@20@1@5833@4
6044 You will not be able to undo the creation or deletion of this object.@Do you still want to continue?@@20@1@@4
6046 Your changes cannot be saved because the field '|' has been updated by another user.
6048 The number of fields from your currently selected table or query exceeds the maximum width in Microsoft Access forms and reports.@Microsoft Access will create a new form or report with no fields and open the field list so you can individually select field
6050 Microsoft Access could not instantiate the Web Browser Control.
6052 Web Browser cannot apply the transform.
6054 The macro action BrowseTo requires a valid Path argument. A valid Path argument is of the form: MainForm1.Subform1>Form1.Subform1
6056 The Web browser control is not supported in a report or a continuous form.
6058 The Navigation control is not supported by the current database format.
6060 The navigation control is not supported on reports.
6062 You must be in Design or Layout View to create or delete controls.@@@1@2@5054@1
6064 Invalid menu command.
7700 Microsoft Access is unable to complete the operation.@Try the operation again. If the error persists, restart Microsoft Access.@@1@@@1
7702 The user-supplied function named '|', the program to assist you in resolving conflicts, could not be found.@Contact the author of this customized database application.@@1@@@3
7704 You can't modify the design of '|' at a replica.@Design changes to replicated objects can be made only at the Design Master. Do you want to open it as read-only?@@19@@@2
7708 '|1' was the last designated Design Master for the replica set. Has '|2' been moved, renamed, deleted, or corrupted?@You should never have more than one Design Master for each replica set. Having more than one Design Master in a replica set prevents the m
7710 To make this replica the Design Master for the replica set, first synchronize this replica with all other replicas in the set.@This ensures that this replica includes all design changes made at the previous Design Master. If you have already synchronized
7712 This member of the replica set has exceeded the maximum number of days allowed between synchronizations and can't be synchronized with any other member of the replica set.@Delete this replica set member and create a new replica.@@1@@@1
7714 Microsoft Access cannot close the database at this time.@Make sure there is no Visual Basic code executing in the current database. You may need to run Setup again to properly install Briefcase Replication.@@1@@@1
7716 The database must be closed prior to synchronization.@Do you want Microsoft Access to close the database and synchronize with '|1'?@@19@@@2
7718 Microsoft Access can't synchronize this member of the replica set because one or more objects are open.@Because synchronizing may involve updating the data in or design of the database, all objects must be closed before you synchronize.@Close all objects
7720 You can't save design changes to '|1' at a replica.@Design changes to replicated objects can be made only at the Design Master. Do you want to save it as a new, local object?@@19@@@2
7724 Microsoft Access has converted '|1' to the Design Master for the replica set.@Only the Design Master can accept changes to the database structure; however, data changes can be made at the Design Master or any replica.@@1@@@1
7726 Microsoft Access has created a replica at '|2'.@@@1@@@1
7728 Microsoft Access can't overwrite '|1': the replica can't be created at this location.@The file you are trying to overwrite may be open.@Close any other applications that might be using this file.@1@@@1
7730 The synchronization was completed successfully.@@@1@@@1
7732 '|' is saved as a local table. Changes made to the table will not be sent to the replicas in the set.@To make this table available to other members of the replica set, close the table, right-click it in the Navigation Pane, click Table Properties on the s
7734 Microsoft Access has saved the design of table '|1,' but it will not be made replicable until the Table window is closed.@@@1@@@1
7738 Microsoft Access has successfully created a replica at '|2'.@However, the new replica will not appear in the list of potential synchronization partners until this database is closed and reopened.@Do you want Microsoft Access to close and reopen the databa
7740 Microsoft Access cannot synchronize with a database from a previous version.@Convert the database you are trying to synchronize with, before synchronizing.@@1@@@1
7742 Microsoft Access cannot replicate a password-protected database.
7744 Microsoft Access can't make a new replica at '|1' because the value entered for priority is out of range.@Priority for anonymous replicas should be 0.@@1@@@1
7746 The Database administrative components failed to load or initialize. Verify that the components are installed and registered locally.
7748 This stage of the conversion process is finished. To complete the conversion process, synchronize this replica to the (converted) Design Master.
7750 In Datasheet view, you can't set a control property if the control is part of an option group.@@@1@@@1
7752 Microsoft Access cannot apply the filter because all of the records are locked.@Either the RecordLocks property of the form or report or the Default Record Locking option in the Advanced section of the Access Options dialog box (click the File tab, and th
7754 You cannot position columns between two frozen columns in a datasheet.@To unfreeze all columns, on the Home tab, in the Records group, click More, and then click Unfreeze All Columns.@@1@1@9174@1
7758 This ActiveX control isn't enabled in Form view.@You can't set the Enabled or TabStop properties to True.@@1@@@1
7760 This property is locked and can't be changed.@@@1@@@1
7762 The pattern string is invalid.@@@2@1@10109@1
7766 This control can't be changed to the type you requested.@@@1@@@1
7768 In order to change data through this form, the focus must be in a bound field that can be modified.@@@1@@@1
7770 Microsoft Access didn't apply the filter.@Microsoft Access may not be able to apply the filter if you entered an invalid data type in one of the fields. Do you want to close the filter anyway?@If you click Yes, Microsoft Access will build the filter, but
7774 You can't set the MenuBar property while an OLE object is in-place active.@@@1@@@1
7778 You can't save an object when you are in the Filter By Form window.@Switch to Form view, and then save the object.@@1@@@1
7780 You're trying to insert into a section that can't grow enough for the control you're trying to add.@The maximum total height for all sections in a report, including the section headers, is 200 inches (508 cm).@Remove, or reduce the height of, at least one
7782 You can't create a new instance of this form or report while it is in Design view.@@@1@@@1
7784 The object you have selected is already open for design as a subform or subreport. To open this object in Design view, select the subform or subreport in the object in which it is already open, and then on the Design tab, in the Tools group, click Subform
7790 Microsoft Access can't create the |1.@Either there was an error getting information from the table or query you selected, or a new |2 could not be created.@@1@@@1
7792 You can't open a subform or subreport when it is also open in Design view.@@@1@@@1
7794 Microsoft Access could not find the toolbar '|1'.@@@1@@@1
7796 The process failed because there is no printer installed.@Because Microsoft Access saves the printer settings with each form or report, a printer is needed to convert, enable, copy and paste, import, or export your forms or reports. To install a printer:
7798 You can only save select, crosstab, and union queries to this format.@@@1@@@1
7800 You can't create a Microsoft Access MDE database from a database in an old format.@Close the database and convert it to the current version of Microsoft Access. Then create the MDE database.@@1@@@1
7802 The command you specified is not available in an .mde, .accde, or .ade database.@@@1@@@1
7806 This database does not have a Visual Basic project, so it can't be made into an MDE file.@Open the database in Microsoft Access to create the Visual Basic project.@@1@@@1
7808 Microsoft Access can't replace an existing file as a result of converting the Microsoft Access database. You must select a new file name.@@@1@@@1
7810 You cannot compact the open database by running a macro or Visual Basic code.@Instead of using a macro or code, click the File tab and then click Compact and Repair Database.@@1@@@0
7812 Microsoft Access projects can only be connected to Microsoft SQL Server
7816 Microsoft Access requires this Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 installation to be upgraded to service pack 5 in order to successfully connect to this server. @@@1@@@1
7822 Microsoft Access can't initialize the transfer object. Make sure you have Microsoft SQL Server or the Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine installed on the local machine.@@@1@@@1
7824 The source or destination server name is missing. The transfer operation can't continue.@@@1@@@1
7826 The database object type isn't supported by the Microsoft Access transfer operation.@@@1@@@1
7828 The object '|1' is not a valid Microsoft SQL Server database object. Microsoft Access can't transfer this object.@@@1@@@1
7830 The SQL script used to create database object '|1' is corrupted. Microsoft Access can't create the new object.@@@1@@@1
7832 The current database '|' is replicated and can't be copied until you disable replication. Use Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Manager to remove publications and subscriptions before copying the database file.@@@1@@@1
7834 The Transfer Database Wizard didn't provide enough information to perform the transfer operation.@@@1@@@1
7836 Microsoft Access can't copy the database file because one or more objects are open. Close all objects and try again.@@@1@@@1
7838 There were errors during the database transfer operation. Open the transfer log file for details.@@@1@@@1
7840 The database transfer operation failed. The destination database '|' was created and is in an unknown state. What would you like to do with the destination database? &Keep &Delete@@@35@@@
7842 This database operation is available only when you have a version of Microsoft SQL Server supported by Microsoft Access installed on your local computer. See the Microsoft Office Update Web site for the latest information and downloads.@@@1@@@1
7844 Microsoft Access can't copy the database file because there are active connections to the current database.@@@1@@@1
7846 Microsoft Access can't compact and repair the current database.@@@1@@@1
7848 The transfer operation has been cancelled. The destination database '|' was created and is in an unknown state. What would you like to do with the destination database? &Keep &Delete@@@35@@@
7850 The wizard you've requested is not installed or is in a bad state. Please install or reinstall the wizard. If you do not have permission to do this on your computer, please contact your help desk representative.@@@1@1@153723@1
7852 The toolbar name '|1' you entered doesn't follow Microsoft Access object-naming rules.@For more information about naming objects, click Help.@@2@1@11734@1
7854 You can't export database objects (except tables) from the current version of Microsoft Access to earlier versions of Microsoft Access.@@@1@@@1
7856 '|' cannot be imported, exported, or copied to Access project files.@@@1@@@1
7858 The Tab Width setting in the Options dialog box (Tools menu) for the Module or Debug window must be from 1 through 32.@@@1@@@1
7860 The profile '|' that you specified on the command line doesn't exist in the Windows Registry.@@@1@@@1
7862 Microsoft Access can't find the wizard. This wizard has not been installed, or there is an incorrect setting in the Windows Registry, or this wizard has been disabled. @To reenable this wizard, click the File tab, and click Access Options. Click Add-Ins,
7866 Microsoft Access can't open the database because it is missing, or opened exclusively by another user, or it is not an ADP file.
7868 You can't use a SetMenuItem macro action on a default menu.@SetMenuItem is for custom menus only.@@1@@@1
7870 Microsoft Access can't find the database '|1.'@Check the database name (and path, if specified) to make sure you entered it correctly.@@1@@@1
7872 This recordset is not updatable.
7874 Microsoft Access can't find the object '|1'.@* You misspelled the object name. Check for missing underscores ( _ ) or other punctuation, and make sure you didn't enter leading spaces. * You tried to open a linked table, but the file containing the table i
7876 There isn't enough temporary disk space to complete the operation.@Free disk space, and then try the operation again. For more information on freeing temporary disk space, search the Microsoft Windows Help index for 'disk space, freeing'. For information
7878 The data has been changed.@Another user edited this record and saved the changes before you attempted to save your changes.@Re-edit the record.@1@@@1
7880 The value you entered is the wrong data type for this field.@Enter an integer.@@1@@@1
7882 You can't convert, enable, or encode an Access Project file.@@@1@@@1
7884 You can't export an object to itself.@Select a different database to export to, or give the object a new name.@@1@@@1
7886 Microsoft Access can't find the dynamic-link library (DLL) Mso.@Rerun the Microsoft Access or Microsoft Office Setup program.@@1@@@3
7888 You must set the default font size to a number from |1 through |2.@For more information on the FontSize property, click Help.@@2@2@5477@1
7890 The file '|' doesn't contain any data.@You can't import from, or link to, an empty spreadsheet.@@1@@@1
7892 An error occurred while saving module options.@You may be running Visual Basic in break mode.@Reset the running code before changing the module options.@1@@@1
7896 Error '|' in the validation rule.@@@2@1@687@1
7898 Execution of this application has stopped due to a run-time error.@The application can't continue and will be shut down.@@1@@@3
7900 Microsoft Access can't convert the database because it can't create an error table.@@@1@@@1
7902 Errors occurred converting |1 validation rules and default values.@See error table '|2' for a list of errors.@@1@@@1
7904 An error occurred in the Field Builder.@You've replaced or modified the default Field Builder, and Microsoft Access is unable to run the new version. Reinstall Microsoft Access to correct the error.@@1@@185309@1
7906 Microsoft Access couldn't launch the Lookup Wizard, or this wizard has been disabled.@Rerun the Microsoft Access or the Microsoft Office Setup program, click Add/Remove, and select the Wizards check box. To reenable this wizard, click the File tab, and th
7908 You can't modify this table now because someone else is using it.@@@1@@@1
7910 Microsoft Access can't delete this column.@Tables must have at least one column.@@1@@@1
7912 Once you save the change to the data type of this column, you will not be able to change back to the previous data type.@Are you sure you want change the data type?@@20@@@2
7914 You can't convert ReplicationID values to other data types.@@@1@@@1
7916 Microsoft Access is unable to start the Lookup Wizard.@The Lookup Wizard doesn't apply to fields of this data type.@@1@@@1
7920 The '|' lookup column was changed to store multiple values. You cannot reverse this setting.@@@1@@@1
7922 You have changed the '|' lookup column to be displayed by a text box. After you save the table, this change will make the column read-only and lose the lookup properties.@Do you want to change '|' to be displayed by a text box?@@19@@@2
7924 You cannot set '|1' to the |2 data type.@You can add a new field instead.@@1@@@1
7926 You can't change the column '|' to store multiple values; it is part of a multiple column relationship.@If you want to change the column to store multiple values, first delete the relationship in the Relationships window.@@1@@@1
7928 The calculated field cannot be created.@Verify that expression '|1' includes fields that exist in the current table.@@1@@@1
7930 '|' cannot be removed from the list definition.
7932 Microsoft SharePoint Foundation does not support this data type change.
7934 The Web does not support multiple attachment columns.
7952 You made an illegal function call.@Check the syntax of the function you are trying to use.@@1@@@1
7954 The expression you entered requires the control to be in the active window.@Try one of the following: * Open or select a form or report containing the control. * Create a new control in the active window, and try the operation again.@@1@@@1
7956 The syntax of the subquery in this expression is incorrect.@Check the subquery's syntax and enclose the subquery in parentheses.@@2@1@9989@1
7958 The expression contains a malformed GUID constant.
7960 There was an error compiling this function.@The Visual Basic module contains a syntax error.@Check the code, and then recompile it.@1@@@1
7962 The index number you used to refer to the module is invalid.@Use the Count property to count the open modules and make sure that the module number is not greater than the number of open modules minus 1.@@1@@@1
7964 You entered an expression that has an invalid reference to the Recordset property.@You can only use a dynaset or snapshot recordset to set this property.@@1@1@7393@1
7966 The format condition number you specified is greater than the number of format conditions.@Use the Count property to count the format conditions for the control and then check that the format condition number you cite is within the range of existing forma
7968 The format condition Type you specified is invalid.@Valid values for the Type property are 0 to 2 for the first condition, and 0 to 1 for all other format conditions.@@1@@@1
7972 Microsoft Access encountered an error while trying to show the Hyperlink dialog.@@@1@@@1
7974 Microsoft Access failed to insert a hyperlink at the current location.@@@1@@@1
7976 There is no stored hyperlink in this control.@@@1@@@1
7978 Microsoft Access is unable to add the current hyperlink to the favorites folder.@@@1@@@1
7980 The HyperlinkAddress or HyperlinkSubAddress property is read-only for this hyperlink.@@@1@@@1
7990 You entered an invalid project name.@You may have deleted the default project name and forgotten to specify a new one.@@1@@@3
7992 The Microsoft Access Source Code Control Add-in could not be started.@@@1@@@3
7994 There was a problem communicating with the Source Code Control Add-in.@@@1@@@3
7996 Microsoft Access could not create the Data and Misc. objects because the linked table '|1' could not be found.@To create the data and miscellaneous objects, use the Linked Table Manager (on the Database Tools tab, in the Database Tools group) to update th
7998 You can't save the class module '|' over a standard module with the same name.@Save the class module to a different name, or delete the standard module first.@@1@@@1
8000 The name you entered already exists for another object of the same type in this database.@Do you want to replace the existing |?@@20@@@2
8004 The layout of '|' has been changed since the last time you opened it, either by another user or because another instance of it was opened on your own machine.@Do you want to replace the changes that you or another user made?@* To save your most recent cha
8006 The name you entered already exists for another object of the same type in this database.@Do you want to replace the existing |? You will not be able to undo this operation.@@20@@@2
8008 The stored procedure executed successfully but did not return records.
8050 Do you want to save changes to the design of |?@@@13@@@2
8052 Do you want to delete the |1 and empty the Clipboard?@You tried to delete a database object that is currently on the Microsoft Access Clipboard. If you delete it from your database, you won't be able to paste it later.@@20@@@2
8054 This action will cause Microsoft Access to empty the Clipboard. Do you want to continue?@@@19@@@2
8058 Do you want to save changes to the layout of |?@@@13@@@2
8060 The toolbar '|1' is partly unreadable.@ Microsoft Access can't display all the toolbar buttons. The specified toolbar may be in a different format than the toolbars in the current version of Microsoft Access.@Click OK to close the dialog box, and then add
8064 This linked table has indexes that use an unsupported sort order.@If you modify this table, the Microsoft Access database engine can't correctly maintain the table's indexes. As a result, your data may appear in the wrong order, and functions that use the
8072 Microsoft Access must close the |1 in order to complete this operation.@Would you like Microsoft Access to close it now?@@19@@@1
8074 Microsoft Access must save the |1 in order to complete this operation.@Would you like Microsoft Access to save it now?@@19@@@1
8076 To import tables, relationships, menus, toolbars, import/export specs or data access pages you must have the Data and Misc. Objects checked out.@@@1@@@2
8078 This object will be removed from your local database, but not from source code control.@The next time you get this database from source code control, the object will reappear. Are you sure that you want to delete the local object?@@20@@@2
8080 An error occurred while trying to create the linked table '|'.@Check to make sure that the source table or file is available, and then retry the operation on the Data and Misc. Objects.@@1@@@1
8082 Microsoft Access must save the |1 to the current database in order to complete this operation.@Would you like Microsoft Access to save it now?@@19@@@2
8086 An error occurred trying to add one or more references from the source code control project.@The library may not be registered on your computer. Check your project references and add any missing references after registering the missing components that thi
8088 Dropping a database requires that no one is currently using the database.@Do you want to close all open objects, and drop the database?@@19@@@2
8090 Are you sure you want to delete the conflict table |?@You will not be able to undo this operation.@@19@@@2
8092 Access could not save your project.@Do you want to cancel the close operation? *To cancel the close operation, click Yes. *To close without saving, click No. @@19@@@2
8096 Microsoft Access can't change the working directory to '|1.'@Please enter a non-Internet location.@@1@@@1
8098 Your computer has resumed operation after Critical Suspend mode. Any unsaved changes might have been lost. To ensure proper operation, close and reopen any files. Restarting Microsoft Access is recommended.@@@1@@@1
8100 The report is still more than one page wide.@To fit the report on one page decrease the report width or increase the page width.@You can decrease the report width by selecting each control that is farthest to the right, moving it to the left, and removing
8104 The name you supplied is a reserved word. Reserved words have a specific meaning to Microsoft Access or to the Microsoft Access database engine. @If you use a reserved word, you may receive an error when referring to this field.@@5@1@141675@1
8106 Encrypting with a block cipher is incompatible with row level locking. Row level locking will be ignored.
8108 You must save changes to the table before opening an Event Data Macro.@Do you want to save changes to the table?@@19@@@2
8110 If you delete |, you will also delete all data and views that use it.@You can't undo this action.@Are you sure you want to delete |? &Delete &Cancel@36@@@2
8112 Microsoft Access can't connect you to the database right now. This might be a result of missing drivers or a more general problem contacting the server. We recommend that you install the SQL Server 2012 Native Client drivers if they are not already instal
8114 Turning on this option permanently changes the database version. It won't be compatible with Access 2013 or earlier versions.
8116 Failed to bump up database version.
8118 If you save this database as an ACCDE, you will not be able to open it in versions of Access that do not support the Edge Browser Control.
8400 The database '|' is read-only.@You won't be able to save changes made to data or object definitions in this database.@@3@1@9033@1
8402 The file '|' already exists.@Do you want to replace the existing file? If you want to compact or convert to a different file name, click No. Enter the new file name after the /compact or /convert option in the command line, and run the command again.@@20@
8404 You can't open '|1' for exclusive use because another user has the database open or because you do not have permissions to open exclusively.@Microsoft Access will open the database for shared access.@@3@@@1
8406 Does the first row of your data contain column headings?@@@20@@@1
8410 Microsoft Access successfully restored database |1 from its backup at |2
8412 The name you entered already exists for another shortcut in this group. @Do you want to replace the existing shortcut '|?'@@20@@@2
8414 Microsoft Access encountered one or more errors during conversion. To view a summary of these errors, open the '|1' table.@@@2@1@553714191@1
8416 Renaming this user-defined function removes any existing permissions and extended properties.@Do you want to complete the rename action?@@20@@@2
8500 A form with a subform object can't have its DefaultView property set to Continuous Forms.@You tried to add a subform to a form in Design view. Microsoft Access will reset the property to Single Form.@@1@@@1
8502 Microsoft Access has reached the end of the records.@Do you want to continue searching from the beginning?@@19@@@2
8504 Microsoft Access finished searching the records. The search item was not found.@@@1@@@1
8508 Microsoft Access can't find '|1.'@The text string you entered in the Find What box can't be evaluated against the current field.@Reenter the text string so that it conforms to the data type of the field.@1@@@1
8510 Microsoft Access can't save the current record.@Do you want to undo the changes to the record and continue the Paste operation?@@19@@@2
8512 None of the field names you pasted onto the Clipboard match the field names on the form.@Microsoft Access treats the data in the first row on the Clipboard as field names. If you copied the data from another application, the first row of data may have tak
8514 Do you want to suppress further error messages telling you why records can't be pasted?@If you click No, a message will appear for every record that can't be pasted.@@13@@@2
8516 You selected more records than can be copied onto the Clipboard at one time.@Divide the records into two or more groups, and then copy and paste one group at a time. The maximum number of records you can paste at one time is approximately 65,000.@@1@@@1
8518 You won't be able to undo this Replace operation.@Do you want to continue?@@19@@@2
8520 You are about to paste | record(s).@Are you sure you want to paste these records?@@19@@@2
8522 All timers are in use.@Set the TimerInterval property back to zero so that you can start another timer.@@2@1@6342@1
8524 Do you want to remove this picture from this control?@@@20@@@2
8526 Microsoft Access encountered a problem while trying to switch views and must close this window.@@@1@@@1
8528 Deleting these sections will also delete all controls in them. You will not be able to undo this action.@Do you want to delete these sections anyway?@@20@@@2
8530 Relationships that specify cascading deletes are about to cause | record(s) in this table, along with related records in related tables, to be deleted.@Are you sure you want to delete these records?@@21@1@9096@2
8532 Do you want to remove this picture from the form?@@@20@@@2
8534 When you save this form or report, any code behind it will be deleted.@You have set the HasModule property to No, creating a form or report that opens more quickly. Any macros associated with this form or report will not be affected, nor will code in sepa
8540 You are about to delete one or more records.@If you click Yes, you won't be able to undo this Delete operation. Are you sure you want to delete these records?@@19@@@2
8542 Microsoft Access did not detect a relationship between the fields you have chosen. @Do you want a relationship to be created for you now?@@19@@@3
8544 You won't be able to undo this paste operation.@Do you want to continue?@@19@@@2
8546 Current object must first be saved before exporting data to XML. @Would you like to save '|' and then continue?@@19@@@2
8548 To complete this operation, Access must modify the RecordSource property of the current form or report.@Access will create a new query and embed it directly into the form's or report's RecordSource property. The form or report will no longer be based on t
8550 A table or query needed in order to create the new form, report, or query is currently open in Design view.@Save or discard the changes to this table or query and open it in Datasheet view, then try again.@@1@@@1
8552 Do you want to save the changes made to the macro by saving the table?@@@13@1@4309@2
9502 Microsoft Access won't be able to undo this action or subsequent actions. To make more resources available so that Access can record further design actions, close and reopen this window. @Do you want to continue anyway?@@19@@@2
9504 The file '|' is not readable by the Access database engine. @If you think you have a valid Access database, this is most likely because of the recent file format change. Do you want to attempt to upgrade the database format?@@19@@@2
9508 Microsoft Access couldn't close database '|1.'@Your last change may not have been saved because a record was locked by another user. To avoid losing data, wait for the other user to finish editing the record, then click OK again. If you click Cancel, you
9514 One or more records were unrecoverable and were deleted from the '|' table.@@@1@@@1
9516 One or more indexes from the '|' table couldn't be repaired and were deleted.@@@1@@@1
9518 An error occurred while adding this word to the custom dictionary.@* The dictionary file may be read-only. * There may be a disk error.@@1@@@1
9520 An error occurred while adding the word to the Ignore All list.@The dictionary may be full.@@1@@@1
9524 Microsoft Access can't start the spelling checker because it isn't installed.@@@1@@@1
9526 The spelling checker only works on text fields that contain text data.@You're trying to check a field with a data type other than Text or Memo.@@1@@@1
9530 An error occurred while trying to modify the contents of field '|.'@The field may be locked or read-only, or you may not have permissions to change it. For information on security permissions and who can change them, click Help.@@2@1@10222@1
9532 The '|' field can't be modified because it's a read-only field.@@@1@@@1
9534 The current selection does not contain any fields that can be checked for spelling errors.@You can check the spelling of text box controls with Text or Memo data types.@@1@@@1
9536 The spelling check is complete.@@@1@@@1
9542 This database must be closed before you can create a replica.@Do you want Microsoft Access to close this database and create the replica? If you proceed, Microsoft Access will close your database and convert it to a Design Master. The database may increas
9544 Microsoft Access can't register the '|1' custom dictionary.@@@1@@@1
9548 After you have converted this file to Access 97 File Format, any functionality specific to Access 2000 or later will be lost.@For more information about conversion, click Help.@@2@1@553714162@1
9550 The Text Format property of the bound field '|' is not currently Rich Text. You should change the Text Format property of the table field before you change the property of this control. If you change the Text Format property of this control to Rich Text b
9552 The application is already in sync with the server.
9554 The site '|' already exists. Please select another name.
9556 Deleting this object from your database will cause associated linked tables and expressions to cease functioning.
10000 You must first save the table.@Do you want to save the table now?@@19@@@1
10002 You must first save the stored procedure.@Do you want to save the stored procedure now?@@19@@@1
10004 Do you want to permanently delete the selected field(s) and all the data in the field(s)?@To permanently delete the field(s), click Yes.@@19@@@2
10006 Changing to this data type requires removal of one or more indexes.@The new field type you selected doesn't allow indexes. If you click Yes, Microsoft Access will delete the indexes that include this field.@Do you want to change the data type and remove t
10008 Deleting field '|1' requires Microsoft Access to delete one or more indexes.@If you click Yes, Microsoft Access will delete the field and all its indexes. Do you want to delete this field anyway?@@19@@@2
10010 Table '|' is a linked table whose design can't be modified. If you want to add or remove fields or change their properties or data types, you must do so in the source database.@Do you want to open it anyway?@@19@@@2
10012 Microsoft Access encountered errors while converting the data.@The contents of fields in |1 record(s) were deleted. Do you want to proceed anyway?@@19@@@2
10014 Microsoft Access can't save property changes for linked tables.@Do you want to continue anyway?@@19@@@2
10016 Changing to this data type requires removal of the primary key.@Do you want to continue anyway?@@19@@@2
10018 Your computer is out of disk space.@You won't be able to undo this paste append. Do you want to continue anyway?@@19@@@2
10020 Microsoft Access can't find the database containing the linked table '|1.'@The properties set in Microsoft Access for the linked table will be lost. Do you want to continue with the conversion anyway?@@19@@@2
10022 Existing data violates the new record validation rule.@Do you want to keep testing with the new rule? * To keep the new rule and continue testing, click Yes. * To revert to the old rule and continue testing, click No. * To stop testing, click Cancel.@@13@
10024 Microsoft Access deleted |1 indexes on the converted fields.@Some data did not convert properly.@@1@@@1
10026 This operation will test the table's record and field validation rules, as well as the Required and AllowZeroLength properties, for all data in the table.@This process may take a long time. Do you want to continue anyway?@@19@@@2
10028 Existing data violates the new record validation rule.@Do you want to continue testing data with this new rule? * To continue testing for other new rule violations, click Yes. * To continue to test only the old validation rules, click No. * To stop testin
10032 You must first save the function.@Do you want to save the function now?@@19@@@1
10034 This field will be converted to Rich Text, and all the data it contains will be HTML encoded.@If your data already contains valid HTML Rich Text, you can remove any extra HTML encoding by using the PlainText function in an update query.@Do you want to con
10036 After this change, you will not be able to switch back to the current data type.@Do you want to continue with this data type change?@@19@@@1
10250 You can't print the scrollable (unfrozen) columns on the datasheet.@The frozen columns are wider than the page. Do you want to print just the frozen columns?@If you want to print the unfrozen columns, try one or more of the following: * Decrease the colum
10252 At least one column is too wide to fit on the page. Data in that column will be cut off.@Do you want to print the column with incomplete data?@To prevent data from being cut off, try one or more of the following: * Decrease the column width and increase t
10500 You are about to run an update query that will modify data in your table.@Are you sure you want to run this type of action query? For information on how to prevent this message from displaying every time you run an action query, click Help.@@21@1@9058@2
10502 You are about to run a make-table query that will modify data in your table.@Are you sure you want to run this type of action query? For information on how to prevent this message from displaying every time you run an action query, click Help.@@21@1@9058@
10504 You are about to run a data-definition query that may modify data in your table.@Are you sure you want to run this type of an SQL query? If not, click No and then modify the query or close it to run later.@@19@@@2
10506 You are about to append | row(s).@Once you click Yes, you can't use the Undo command to reverse the changes. Are you sure you want to append the selected rows?@@19@@@2
10508 You are about to delete | row(s) from the specified table.@Once you click Yes, you can't use the Undo command to reverse the changes. Are you sure you want to delete the selected records?@@19@@@2
10510 Microsoft Access can't append all the records in the append query.@Microsoft Access set |1 field(s) to Null due to a type conversion failure, and it didn't add |2 record(s) to the table due to key violations, |3 record(s) due to lock violations, and |4 re
10512 Microsoft Access can't delete |2 record(s) in the delete query due to key violations and |3 record(s) due to lock violations.@Do you want to run this action query anyway? To ignore the error(s) and run the query, click Yes. For an explanation of the cause
10514 You won't be able to undo the changes this action query is about to make to the data in a linked table or tables.@Do you want to run this action query anyway?@@19@@@2
10516 Microsoft Access can't append all the records to the table.@Microsoft Access set |1 field(s) to Null due to a type conversion failure, and it didn't add |2 record(s) due to key violations, |3 record(s) due to lock violations, and |4 record(s) due to valid
10518 Microsoft Access can't delete all the records in the delete query.@Microsoft Access didn't delete |2 record(s) due to key violations and |3 record(s) due to lock violations. For an explanation of the causes of the violation, click Help.@@2@1@10016@1
10520 Do you want to save the changes made to the SQL statement and update the property?@The RecordSource or RowSource property contained an SQL statement when you invoked the Query Builder, so the original SQL statement was modified.@To close the Query Builder
10522 You invoked the Query Builder on a table.@Do you want to create a query based on the table?@@19@@@2
10524 | output column(s) in the query were unnamed and will not show any data.@@@1@@@1
10526 Do you want to save the changes made to the SQL Statement and update the text editor?@The Stored Procedure or Function contained an SQL statement when you invoked the Query Builder, so the original SQL statement was modified.@To close the Query Builder wi
10600 Are you sure you want to permanently delete the selected relationship from your database?@@@19@@@2
10602 The field name is missing in row |.@You haven't selected a matching field for this relationship in each row of the grid.@Select fields so that the grid has the same number of fields on the left and right sides, and then try to create the relationship agai
10604 This relationship has already been deleted by another user.@To update your view, click OK.@@1@@@1
10606 You cannot display queries or linked tables in the Relationships window for this database.@The database '|1' was created in an earlier version of Microsoft Access. To convert this database to the current version of Microsoft Access, click the File tab, an
10608 To create a relationship, use the mouse to drag a field from one table to another.@@@1@@@1
10700 This document was previously formatted for the printer |1 on |2, but that printer isn't available. Do you want to use the default printer |3?@@@19@@@1
10702 Previewing or printing this PivotTable view might take a long time because it displays a large amount of detail data. Microsoft Access might not respond for some time.@Do you want to continue?@* To reduce the amount of time required, hide most or all of
10750 You must save the macro before you run it.@Do you want to save the macro now? * To save the macro and then run it, click Yes. * To return to the Macro window for this macro or to the window you executed the Run Macro command from, click No.@@19@@@2
10800 Microsoft Access finished adding the index '|1.'@Add another index from the Select Index Files dialog box, or click Close.@@1@@@1
10804 Not all of the import specifications could be imported due to name conflicts. Conflicts existed in | of the specifications.@Rename the conflicting import specifications, and try the import operation again.@@1@@@1
10806 Related data is not supported with the live data option.
10808 The current record was not unique. All identical records were exported.
10892 A form with a bound ActiveX control or an embedded object bound to a data source can't have its DefaultView property set to Continuous Forms.@You tried to add a bound ActiveX control to a form in Design view. Microsoft Access will reset the DefaultView pr
10896 You have chosen to permanently delete the link to the data access page. Delete &Link Cancel@@@27@@@
10898 Microsoft Access data access pages can only be viewed in Windows Internet Explorer, but it is not your default Browser.@Do you want to open Internet Explorer to view this page?@@19@@@
10950 Are you sure you want to delete this account?@You can't undo the deletion of a user or group account. To restore a user or group account that has been deleted, you must recreate the account using the same name and personal identifier (PID).@@20@@@2
10952 You don't have permission to view this macro.@To view a macro, you must have Read Design permission for it. Do you want to continue to run the macro?@@21@1@10222@2
10954 You changed the permissions of '|1' for '|2.'@Do you want to assign these permissions now?@@19@@@2
10956 ;LCID=0x0409
10958 The file '|' already exists. Replace existing file?@@@20@@@1
10960 Select Workgroup Information File
10962 You have successfully created the workgroup information file '|.'@@@1@@@4
10964 You have successfully joined the workgroup defined by the workgroup information file '|'@@@1@@@2
10968 Microsoft Access cannot add a digital signature to your file because Access cannot gain exclusive access to the file. @Make sure no other person or program has the file open and try to add the digital signature again.@@1@@@2
10974 Modifications to the database or project have invalidated the associated digital signature.@This may require you to make a trust decision the next time you open the database or project. @@2@1@553714150@1
13000 Switching fields will lose rule changes that have not been applied. Continue and &Discard Changes Continue and &Apply Changes Cancel@@@28@@@1
13002 Unable to create or send email for collecting data. Outlook is not configured to collect data via email; please contact your system administrator.
13004 The Force New Page property cannot be changed on Web reports that contain multiple columns.
13006 Microsoft Access was unable to connect to the Web application because your Internet settings are configured to Work Offline.
13008 The server is busy. Try again later.
13010 Web queries must have relationships between all tables. Add relationships or remove the tables that you do not need.
13012 Web queries cannot sort or filter on complex data columns.
13014 The SetOrderBy action cannot sort on the '|' field.
13016 '|' is not in the list of sites your administrator has allowed for publishing or syncing Access Services applications.
13018 An error occurred when trying to save the database as a template because the table '|1' could not be exported to a Web compatible format. Run the Compatibility Checker, fix any reported issues, then try again.
13020 This action will delete the template from your hard drive. Do you want to continue?
13022 This database was created with the 64-bit version of Microsoft Access. Please open it with the 64-bit version of Microsoft Access.
13024 Network connectivity was lost while changing caching mode. Some tables may not have changed modes. You will be prompted to change modes again next time your database is closed and opened.
13026 This macro appears to have been changed in an older version of Access. Do you want to convert the macro to a format compatible with Access 2016? You may lose the current macro formatting. If you would like to keep the formatting and potentially lose chang
13028 The SetProperty macro action cannot set the Value property on the '|' control.
13030 The RunDataMacro macro action failed because the solution contains links to external data and the database is not trusted.
13032 Your change to the data integrity was not saved. The database engine could not lock the table '|1' because it is already in use by another person or process. Verify that the table '|1' and the forms, queries, and reports that use it are closed before maki
13034 Created a local copy of '|2' at '|1'.
13036 Either the Web location or application name entered was invalid.
13038 Only form, report, or query Web objects can be saved as client objects.
13040 Microsoft Access encountered an error while checking the database '|' for Web compatibility.@The conversion failed.@@1@@@1
13042 The server returned a response that Microsoft Access was unable to understand. Please contact your server administrator.
13044 The Outlook task could not be created.
13046 The '|1' argument value is not valid for the macro action '|2'.@A Macro with parameters cannot be an error handler.@@1@@@1
13048 The Unique property could not be set on the table because duplicate values exist in the field. Remove the duplicate values and try again.
13050 Microsoft Access cannot import the selected objects into the current database because one or more of them are not web compatible. Fix the compatibility errors and try again, or select different objects to import.
13052 Object must be open.
13054 Object not supported.
13056 Web queries may not have more than one join between the same two tables.@Extra joins must be removed from this query.@Changes to the joins in the query will not affect table relationships.@1@@@1
13058 The data macro did not run because the table is not on the server. Synchronize the application with the server and then run the data macro.
13060 Only Web databases may be published to Access Services. Run "Prepare for Web" on this database first.
13062 The data type cannot change on a field that is indexed. Consider setting the index property to false before changing the data type.
13064 Cannot convert the expression '|' for use on the Web.
13066 The change could not be saved to the server.
13068 Fields of type Memo, Binary and Lookup cannot be used in a validation rule for Web tables.
13070 The expression that you entered is not valid for Web-compatible default values.
13072 The expression that you entered is not valid for Web-compatible field validation rules.
13074 The expression that you entered is not valid for Web-compatible reports.
13076 The expression that you entered is not valid for Web-compatible databases.
13078 The expression that you entered is not valid for Web-compatible calculated columns.
13080 LoadFromAXL is not available when you have disconnected tables. Please reconnect all of your tables before attempting to use LoadFromAXL.
13082 The update to the field did not complete because a dependent form, query, or report is open. Synchronize with the server to complete the update.
13084 The VBA project is password-protected.
13086 Lookup field '|1' contains values that do not exist in the related table '|2'.
13088 Unable to insert control. The selected control is not valid in web reports.
13090 The table '|' cannot be converted to a local table because it is not web compatible. Fix the compatibility errors and try again.
13092 Close and reopen the table to see the changes.
13094 There was an error evaluating web compatibility. Any compatibility issues found before the error are listed in table '|1'.
13096 This template's objects are saved in a format that requires a newer version of Access.
13098 The version of Microsoft Access Services installed on the server '|' is a newer version that is not compatible with the version of Microsoft Access you are using. You must upgrade Microsoft Access in order to publish to it.
13100 This table already has the maximum number of fields with the same data type as '|'. For the purposes of this calculation, Number and Currency are considered the same data type.
13102 Microsoft Access cannot reconnect one or more of the disconnected tables. Please check network connectivity and server availability.
13104 Unable to insert control. The selected control is not valid in reports.
13106 Table properties and data macros could not be saved because the application has changed on the server.@Synchronize with the server before making changes.@To save your current data, copy and paste your last entered row to another file. Data macros can be c
13108 This template wants to run a form after being imported. Do you trust the code in this form?
13110 This operation is not supported for Microsoft SQL Server 2008 and later.
13112 Web compatibility errors prevented the upgrade from succeeding.@Your application has been restored to its pre-upgrade state.@To complete the upgrade, you must make a local copy of your application, resolve the compatibility errors, and republish your appl
13114 Your application was not upgraded to the current version of Microsoft Access.@Your application has been restored to its pre-upgrade state and will remain read-only.@You can try again by selecting the Upgrade button, or save a local copy of your applicatio
13116 Your application was successfully upgraded to the current version of Microsoft Access.
13118 The column '|1' cannot be changed or deleted because a calculated field or record validation rule depends on it.
13120 The '|' action requires a valid control name that corresponds to a subform.@@@1@@@1
13122 This form or report contains changes that are incompatible with the current database format. The form or report was not saved.@In order to save your changes, you must remove any layouts that have empty cells in them and/or set the HasModule property for t
13124 The field cannot be indexed if its length is greater than 220 characters.@@@1@@@2
13126 This field cannot be changed or removed.@@@1@@@2
13128 Queries must have relationships between all tables. Add relationships or remove the tables that you do not need.
13130 Do you want to permanently delete all of the selected objects?@If you click Yes, you won't be able to undo the deletion.@@20@@@2
13132 Can't open this application because it contains information that is not in a recognized format. Please contact your systems administrator.
13134 The |1 property cannot be edited.
13136 '|1' can't be saved because someone else has made changes to it. Save As... Discard Changes@@@27@@@
13138 '|1' can't be deleted because someone else has made changes to it.
13140 The application has been upgraded to a newer version on the server.@You will not be able to modify the application until you reload it.@Would you like to reload the application now?@20@@@2
13142 Export to the chosen Microsoft Access app is not supported. If you are attempting to export data from tables or queries, open the Microsoft Access app and use Import.
13144 The primary key can have only one field.@Please delete the additional fields or specify an index name to create a new index.@@1@@@2
13146 Sorry, an unexpected error occurred. Please exit and restart Microsoft Access.@If you've made recent design changes, please save your work before you exit.@@3@@@1
13148 There are pending changes in the open table. Closing this table may discard those changes.@@@3@@@1
13150 An error occurred while attempting to connect to the server '|1' or the server took too long to respond.@Please try the operation again or contact your system administrator or technical support.@HTTP Status Code: '|2'.@1@@@2
13152 An error occurred while attempting to connect to the server '|1'.@Check the spelling of the server name. If you typed a web location starting with http:, try https: instead. If everything looks correct, please contact your system administrator or technica
13154 An error occurred while communicating with the server '|1'.@Please contact your system administrator or technical support.@HTTP Status Code: '|2'.@1@@@2
13156 Sorry, we can't import your data this way. Please select Other Data (ODBC) instead.
13158 Sorry, Microsoft Access cannot open this web application in runtime mode.
13160 Microsoft Access cannot create the reports database right now because your computer setup requires that you manually disable IPv6.
13162 The name '|1' is reserved for the On Deploy macro and can't be used as a name for other objects.@Please choose another name.@@1@@@1
13164 One or more of the newly created objects contain a data type that isn't compatible with earlier versions of Microsoft Access.
13166 The URL is not valid. Check the URL and try again.
13168 An error occurred.
13170 The OData version is not supported. Only Version 3 or higher is supported.
13172 Table's relationships will be deleted before relink. Do you want to continue?
13174 The chart series number you specified is greater than the number of chart series.@Use the Count property to count the chart series and then check that the chart series number you cite is within the range of existing chart series.@@1@@@1
13176 The chart value number you specified is greater than the number of chart values.@Use the Count property to count the chart values and then check that the chart value number you cite is within the range of existing chart values.@@1@@@1
13178 Please use the entry on first page to add links to SQL or Access Database
13180 Are you sure you want to delete the link to the table?@If you delete the link, you only delete the information used to open the table, not the table itself.@
13182 The table '|' contains a large number of records, which may cause delays when importing or browsing a link.@Do you want to import table '|'?@@20@@@2
13184 You are attempting to run a linked object that has been blocked. To enable use of this object, make this database a trusted document, or move it to a trusted location.
13186 It appears you do not have permission to access this endpoint: '|'. Please double-check your permissions or select a different endpoint.
13188 Unable to locate solutions for specified Dataverse endpoint. Would you like to try exporting to the Dataverse Default Solution instead?
13190 No tables were found in the selected solution: '|'. Would you like to try importing from the Dataverse Default Solution instead?
29000 There isn't enough memory to create an input area.@Close unneeded programs. Then try to create the input area again. For more information on freeing memory, search the Microsoft Windows Help index for 'memory, troubleshooting'.@@1@@@1
29002 Microsoft Access failed to create the Visual Basic module '|1.'@If your database is on a network drive, check your network connection, and then try again.@@1@@@1
29004 The new procedure name you provided is invalid.@@@2@1@11738@1
29006 Microsoft Access failed to create a Debug window toolbar.@The system may be out of resource memory.@Close unneeded programs and try again. For more information on freeing memory, search the Microsoft Windows Help index for 'memory, troubleshooting'.@1@@@
29008 Microsoft Access couldn't create storage space for a Visual Basic module.@If your database is on a network drive, check your network connection, and then try again.@@1@@@3
29010 The function name is too long.@Microsoft Access will truncate the function name to 255 characters.@@1@1@11738@1
29014 You can't add a reference to a Microsoft Access workgroup.@@@2@1@13780@1
29016 You can't add a reference to the open database.@@@1@@@1
29018 You can't use a standard module for this operation.@@@1@@@1
29020 Another user has modified this database.@To see the current version, close the database and open it again.@@1@@@1
29022 There were compilation errors during the conversion or enabling of this database.@The database has not been saved in a compiled state. The performance of this database will be impaired because Microsoft Access will need to recompile the database for each
29024 The current user account doesn't have permission to convert or enable this database.@To convert or enable a database, ensure the following: * You must join the workgroup that defines the user accounts used to access the database. * Your user account must
29026 The database that you are trying to open or convert is currently in use, or you do not have permission to open it exclusively.@When you convert a database, or the first time you open an earlier version database, another user can't have the database open.@
29028 The Save operation failed.@@@1@@@1
29030 Microsoft Access can't establish a reference to the specified database.@The referenced database can't be found, or it's locked exclusively by another user so it can't be opened.@Restore the referenced database from a backup copy or ask the user that has t
29032 The '|1' module is open; Microsoft Access can't set the permissions on an open module.@@@1@@@1
29034 Microsoft Access is unable to import the module from the source replica.@Synchronize the source database.@@1@@@1
29040 Microsoft Access is currently unable to rename the form, report, or module to '|1'.@Close the database, reopen it, and then try the rename operation again.@@1@@@1
29042 One or more forms or reports contains an ActiveX control that could not be loaded.@These controls will not function properly until you register them, open the forms or reports in Design view, and save the forms or reports.@@1@@@1
29044 DAO version 3.0 is not compatible with this version of Microsoft Access.@Create a reference to DAO version 3.5. For information on setting references, click Help.@@2@1@13780@1
29046 You can't create a module for a form or report if it is read-only, or if the database is read-only.@@@1@@@1
29048 MDE databases can't reference MDB databases.@MDE databases can only reference other MDE databases or type libraries.@@1@@@1
29050 Microsoft Access couldn't compile this database because one or more references couldn't be resolved.@The database has not been saved in a compiled state. The performance of this database will be slower because Microsoft Access will need to recompile the d
29052 The Visual Basic for Applications project in the database '|' can't be converted to the current Visual Basic format.@If the database is an MDE, you will need to rebuild the MDE from the source MDB. If you don't have the source MDB, you will need to obtain
29054 Microsoft Access can't add, rename, or delete the control(s) you requested.@@@1@@@1
29056 Someone else is using '|' and the Visual Basic for Applications project does not match your version of Visual Basic.@You need to open the database exclusively in order to upgrade the Visual Basic for Applications project in this database.@@1@@@1
29058 You can't create a module for a form or report while an instance of the form or report is in browse mode.@@@1@@@1
29060 File not found.@@@1@@@1
29062 The module name '|' is misspelled or refers to a module that doesn't exist.@If the invalid module name is in a macro, an Action Failed dialog box will display the macro name and the macro's arguments after you click OK. Open the Macro window, and enter th
29064 You do not have exclusive access to the database at this time. If you proceed to make changes, you may not be able to save them later.
29066 You do not have exclusive access to the database. Your design changes cannot be saved at this time. Do you want to close without saving your changes?
29068 Microsoft Access cannot complete this operation. You must stop the code and try again.
29070 Your Microsoft Access database or project contains a missing or broken reference to the file '|1'|2@* To ensure that your database or project works properly, you must fix this reference. @@1@2@5043@1
29072 Microsoft Access has detected corruption in this file. To try to repair the corruption, first make a backup copy of the file. Click the File tab, point to Manage and then click Compact and Repair Database. If you are currently trying to repair this corrup
29074 Microsoft Access failed to create the Visual Basic module.@If your database is on a network drive, check your network connection, and then try again.@@1@@@1
29076 There was a problem with the digital certificate. The VBA project could not be signed. The signature will be discarded.@@@1@@@1
29080 The VBA modules in this database appear to have been saved with errors. Access can recover the modules, but you should backup the database first. To cancel so you can make a backup copy of the database, click Cancel. Then make a backup copy of the datab
29082 The version of Access used to save this database cannot be detected. This problem cannot be corrected because the database is read-only. Click OK, and after the database closes, make a backup copy of the database. Then open the database with read/write pe
29084 The object '|1' could not be imported because it contains elements from the namespace '|2', which is from a newer version of Access. Use a newer version of Access to import the object.
29086 The object '|1' could not be imported from the file '|2'. Ensure that the file exists and is in the correct format.
30000 Microsoft Access could not find the SQL Server specified. Verify that the server name is correct.
30002 Microsoft Access could not log on to the server. Verify that the log on information is correct.
30004 The Default Max Records setting must be between 0 and 2147483647.
30006 Access was not able to perform this operation because the project is not connected to a SQL Server database.
30008 The server you are trying to access is case sensitive. Objects of the same name but of different case are not supported. Using these objects may result in a loss of data.
30010 Cannot apply Filter on one or more fields specified in the Filter property.
30012 A Server Filter cannot be applied to a stored procedure Record Source. Filter not applied.
30014 The data was added to the database but the data won't be displayed in the form because it doesn't satisfy the criteria in the underlying record source.
30016 The field '|' is read only.
30018 Cannot create objects of type '|' against current SQL backend. Please check your permissions and server setup.
30020 Cannot find column '|'.
30022 The Access project could not be opened. You may not have adequate permissions, or the project may be read-only.
30024 Your password will not be encrypted before it is saved to the file.@Users who view the source contents of the file will be able to see the account user name and password. &Save Password Cancel@@36@1@553714179@
30026 Access is unable to connect to '|1' database on the '|2' server. Make sure that the database still exists and that the server is running.
30028 The database name for the attached database file is blank. Enter a name for your database.
31000 You must specify criteria for all conditional formats.
31002 Microsoft Access can't modify the control's conditional formats right now.@Your program tried to modify the conditional format of a control while the conditional format was being evaluated.@@1@@@1
31004 The value of an (AutoNumber) field cannot be retrived prior to being saved. Please save the record that contains the (AutoNumber) field prior to performing this action.@@@1@@@1
31006 This method is not supported for Attachment controls in the current database file format.
31008 This method is not supported for Empty Cell controls in the current database file format.
31010 This operation is not supported for navigation controls in the current database file format.
31012 You either have an error in your expression or you have attempted to use an undeclared parameter.@Check the expression for errors or enter the parameter '|' in the Query Parameters dialog.@@2@1@11805@1
31500 Microsoft Access can't send this format in a mail message.@To send this format in a mail message, click Export on the File menu, or use the OutputTo method to create the files and attach them to a mail message.@@1@@@1
31502 Microsoft Access can't find the Microsoft Office international dynamic-link library (DLL).@Reinstall Microsoft Office.@@1@@@3
31504 The data was transformed in a format that cannot be imported.
31506 The selected transform file cannot be found. Select a different transform or remove the transform. Then try to export again.
31508 Cannot load the Office Web Components@Access had a problem loading the Office Web Components Version 9.0. Try going through set-up to re-install them@@1@@@3
31510 Microsoft Access can't load the dynamic-link library |1. @You need to resolve the failure and start Access again.@@1@@@3
31512 Microsoft Access can't open the mail session.@You may not have configured an e-mail client on this computer. Ensure that your e-mail software has been installed and configured properly.@@1@@@1
31514 Microsoft Access can't convert this database to a different version because one or more objects are open.@Close all objects and try again.@@1@@@3
31516 Microsoft Access can't convert this database to the requested version because it has been 'enabled' to work with newer versions of Microsoft Access than it was originally created with.@You can convert this database to a newer format, and then retry this o
31518 The following controls contain expressions that can't be represented in a Microsoft Access project PivotTable or PivotChart view: |1.@Do you still want to switch to PivotTable or PivotChart view?@@19@@@2
31520 You cannot import this file.@You cannot import a text file that has one of these extensions: |.@@1@@@1
31522 Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine must be on the machine running Microsoft Access.@@@1@@@1
31524 Microsoft Access can't transfer the user-defined function '|1'. User-defined functions can only be transferred between Microsoft SQL Servers that are version 8.0 or higher.@@@1@@@1
31526 You cannot create a Microsoft Access ADE or MDE file from a database saved in Microsoft Access 2000 format.@Convert the database to the current version of Microsoft Access. Then create the ADE or MDE file.@@1@@@1
31528 Table '|' is in use. Please close the table and retry import.@@@1@@@1
31530 Procedure '|' is in use. Please close the procedure and retry import.@@@1@@@1
31532 Microsoft Access was unable to export the data.@@@1@@@1
31534 Your database is using SQL Server Compatible Syntax (ANSI 92) for which Access 97 has limited support. This will mean:@* Existing queries may return different results or not run at all. * The range of data-types and reserved words will change. * Differen
31536 The XML schema properties do not match the existing table structures.@Overwrite existing structures?@@19@@@1
31538 Microsoft Access cannot create this file. To create the file, you must give the file a unique name, provide a valid connection string and user ID, and you must have the necessary connection and file creation permissions.@@@1@@@1
31540 There was an error loading the XML data file '|1'. Please make sure that the file is a properly formatted XML file. |2
31542 The startup action associated with this file may not be safe. Do you want to execute the startup action as you open the file?@@@22@@@1
31544 Microsoft Access cannot open this file.@The author of this file has set it to open only when a startup action is executed, and Microsoft Access is currently set to disable startup actions.@To address this problem, contact the author of the file or your sy
31546 This database is a Microsoft Access 7.0/8.0/9.0 Design Master.@If you click OK, the database you selected will be renamed to |1 and then converted to |2. Everyone using a replica of this database will have to upgrade to Microsoft Access 2002 after the nex
31548 Microsoft Access cannot export a table to XML when it is open in Design. Close the object and try again.@@@1@@@1
31550 Not all of your data was successfully imported. Error descriptions with associated row numbers of bad records can be found in the Microsoft Access table '|1'.
31552 The document(s) you are importing contain XML Schema (XSD) information created outside Microsoft Access.@XML Schema information created outside Microsoft Access is not supported. If you continue, Microsoft Access will only import the data, and ignore the
31554 You are attempting to apply too many Action Tags.@Please uncheck some of the selected tags.@@1@@@1
31556 To view object dependencies or change the Track name AutoCorrect info option, Microsoft Access must close all objects and update dependency information.@This could take several minutes. Do you want to continue?@@21@1@553713744@1
31558 The Track name AutoCorrect info option generates name maps for the objects in the database. This may take several minutes.@Do you want to leave this option turned on?@@3@@@1
31560 The site you specified does not support linking to a Microsoft Access database. The site must be running Microsoft SharePoint Foundation.
31562 The site you specified does not contain any lists. Verify the address of the site, or contact your site administrator.
31564 To generate object dependencies, the Track name AutoCorrect info option must be turned on.@Enable name AutoCorrect and continue?@@5@1@553713744@1
31566 The object dependencies feature is not enabled for this database because dependency info needs to be updated.@@@5@1@553713744@1
31568 You do not have the necessary permissions to generate dependency information for the selected object.@@@2@1@553713744@1
31570 Dependency information cannot be generated because name maps are either missing or outdated. Turn on the Track name AutoCorrect info option, make sure you have sufficient permissions to open an object in Design view, and make sure the database is not read
31572 Microsoft Access cannot generate dependency information for a new unsaved object. Save the new object and then check for object dependencies.@@@2@1@553713744@1
31574 Microsoft Access cannot export unbound forms or reports as XML documents.
31576 Microsoft Access cannot backup this database or project because one or more objects are open.@Close all objects and try again.@@1@@@3
31580 A list with the specified name already exists. Type a different name and try again.
31582 Microsoft Access cannot generate dependency information for objects in a replica database.@@@1@@@1
31584 Finished linking to '|'.
31586 The site you specified does not support importing data from a Microsoft Access database. The site must be running Microsoft SharePoint Foundation.
31588 Error exporting picture file '|1' to specified path '|2'.
31590 A list named '|' already exists. You must either use a different name or go to the site and delete the list.
31592 Cannot find the specified schema file '|'. Remove or update the file reference, and try again to import.@@@1@@@1
31594 Microsoft Access was unable to export XML data to '|1'.@@@1@@@1
31596 Cannot load the specification '|'. Try re-creating the specification.@@@1@@@1
31598 The specification XML failed to validate against the schema. There is an error in the following specification XML string: |1 Possible value could be one of following '|2'.@@@1@@@1
31600 The specified description '|' is too long. The description cannot exceed 255 characters.@@@1@@@1
31602 The specification with the specified index does not exist. Specify a different index. '|'.@@@1@@@1
31604 The required element <Columns> is missing under <ImportText> and <ExportText> for a fixed width format.@@@1@@@1
31606 Cannot open the destination database. If the database is open, close it, and then try again.@@@1@@@1
31608 Specify a name for the import specification in the Save As box.
31610 Do you want to delete '|'?
31612 The specification failed to execute. Try re-creating the specification.
31614 Are you sure you want to delete the item '|' from the Categories list?@Note that the individual groups and the shortcuts to the objects in the database will be deleted, but the objects themselves will not be deleted.@@3@@@1
31616 Duplicate Item Name@An item with the name | already exists in the Categories list. Specify a different name for the item.@@1@@@1
31618 Blank Item Name@You have not specified a name for the item that you added to the Categories list.@@1@@@1
31620 This will clear all the contents in your MSysNavPaneXXX system tables.@Do you want to continue?@@3@@@1
31622 The table description cannot be changed for a linked table
31624 Enter a valid date.@@@1@@@1
31626 | issues were found that could result in unwanted behavior or missing data.@Do you want to cancel the wizard and review the issues?@Click No to ignore the issues and continue with the migration.
31628 Moving to SharePoint is not supported for databases that have the AllowBypassKey property disabled.
31630 Failed to set the database property '|'.
31632 Failed to load '|1' into '|2'.
31634 Failed to create relationship '|'.
31636 Tables.xml does not exist.
31638 Errors were encountered while loading Tables.xml.
31640 Relationships.xml does not match the required schema.
31642 NavPane.xml does not match the required schema.
31644 Failed to create a database with the specified CollatingOrder.
31646 Failed to load NavPane.xml.
31648 An error occurred while performing Name AutoCorrect.
31650 The source file '|1' for |2 '|3' does not exist.
31652 You do not have exclusive access to the database. Your SharePoint Lists can not be taken offline or cached at this time. Try again later.
31654 Access denied. You do not have permissions to SharePoint server. Verify permissions, and retry this operation.
31656 You must have Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 or later on this computer to enable this feature.
31658 The selected table or query does not have any fields that support collecting data using e-mail.
31660 You cannot collect data for action queries, SQL-specific queries, and parameter queries by using e-mail messages.
31662 The value you have entered is not valid for the maximum number of replies.
31664 The date and time to stop processing replies has to be greater than the current date and time.
31666 The UpdateDependencyInfo method could not update one or more objects. Microsoft Access has created a Name AutoCorrect Save Failures table in the current database with more information about the failing objects.@@@2@1@553713744@1
31668 Microsoft Access does not support opening HTML pages.@@@2@@4294967294@1
31670 Microsoft Access does not support this operation for Data Access Pages. To perform this operation, use Microsoft Access 2003 or earlier.@@@1@@@1
31672 |1|2
31674 This operation is not supported for SharePoint linked tables. To manage SharePoint linked tables, point to Get External Data on the Data menu, and then click SharePoint List.
31676 Do you want to delete all of the selected objects? Deleting these objects will remove them from all groups.@@@20@@@2
32000 The '|1' macro action cannot run with the specified '|2' argument either when in disabled mode or when called from an embedded macro.@@@1@@@1
32002 Cannot open or run macro '|', because it is not valid.@@@1@@@1
32004 The control name '|' is misspelled or refers to a control that doesn't exist.@If the invalid control name is in a macro, an Action Failed dialog box will display the macro name and the macro's arguments after you click OK. Open the Macro window, and enter
32006 Microsoft Access could not understand the macro format.
32008 The '|1' macro action has an invalid value for the '|2' argument.@@@1@@@1
32010 The text you entered is not an item in the list.
32012 The ApplyOrderBy action requires a valid control name that corresponds to a subform or subreport.@@@1@@@1
32014 Are you sure you wish to permanently delete |1 from your table? If the table is open, the change will not be committed until the table is saved.
32016 Rename failed for '|1'.
32018 Changes may not have been saved.
32020 An error occurred while checking for the status of a Data Macro.@To view the error, look up the DataMacroInstanceID '|1' in the USysApplicationLog table.@@1@@@1
32022 The macro cannot be imported because it is invalid.
32024 The data macro cannot support any more parameters.
32500 The group '|' you entered is invalid.@@@1@@@1
32502 The value you entered isn't valid for the field '|'.@For example, you may have entered text in a numeric field or a number that is greater than the FieldSize setting permits.@@1@@@1
32504 The text you entered isn't an item in the list.@Do you want to edit the items in the list?@@20@@@4
32506 Microsoft Access has recovered this database, but one or more tables were found to contain data corruption and were deleted. Deleted tables were logged in the MSysRecoveryErrors table. This table is currently displayed in the datasheet.@@@1@@@1
32508 The 'Save as Outlook Contact' command failed.@@@1@@@1
32510 Microsoft Access could not find any fields that match the fields in a Microsoft Outlook Contact.@@@1@@@1
32512 You cannot save this database in an earlier version format, because it uses features that require the current file format.@These features include attachments, multi-valued fields, large integers, offline data, data macros, calculated columns, links to uns
32514 Microsoft Access can't save this database to a different version, because one or more objects are open.@Close all objects, and then try again.@@1@@@3
32516 The filter string you entered is not valid or you cannot apply a filter at this time.
32518 The following errors have occurred:
32520 The repair operation was cancelled. To repair the file manually, on the File menu, point to Manage Database, and then click Compact and Repair Database.
32522 No contacts were imported. None of the fields have the necessary '|' property specified.@@@1@@@1
32524 Access could not create '|1'.@|2@Make sure that the file name (and location, if provided) are in the correct format, such as c:\location\file name.@1@@@1
32526 You attempted to create an .mdb file on a SharePoint site. You can create only Access 2007 - 2016 database (.accdb) files on SharePoint sites. Either change the file type or select a different location.
32528 The application is disabled, and databases may not be created.
32530 Sharing to Microsoft SharePoint Foundation requires the database to be in an Access 2007 or greater format.
32532 The project cannot be converted to this format. The project can only be converted to Access 2000 or newer format.
32534 Failed to delete predefined field '|1' on table '|2'
32536 The specified command (OutputTo) is not available now. Close objects open in Design View or Layout View and try again.@@@1@@@1
32538 TempVars can only store data. They cannot store objects.
32540 The name of this TempVar is too long. TempVar names must be 256 characters or less. Use a shorter name.
32542 You must specify a value to set the temporary variable to.
32544 You are trying to convert an encoded database. Decode the database, and then try again. To protect the converted database, use the Encrypt with Password command.
32546 You are trying to convert an encoded database that uses a password. Decode the database, remove the password, and then try again. To protect the converted database, use the Encrypt with Password command.
32548 There was an error displaying the mail message. Make sure that there are no open dialogs in Outlook and try again.
32550 '|' is an empty lookup field. You will not be able to collect data for this field. To continue, remove the empty lookup field from the list of fields to be included in this e-mail message.
32552 This command is not available when the database is opened from the Web server. Would you like to save a local copy of the database?
32554 Microsoft Access could not create a deployment package with the current database. Check the path to the file.@@@1@@@1
32556 Microsoft Access could not extract the database. Check the file name and the path to the file.@@@1@@@1
32558 You requested an invalid file. The file may be corrupt. Contact the person who created the file and request a new copy.@@@1@@@1
32560 The specified template does not exist.
32562 The specified template cannot be created in the specified file format. Specify a different file format for the new database.
32564 This does not appear to be a template file. The file may have become corrupt, or the package format may contain an error.
32566 The table '|0' in the template could not be associated with a SharePoint list with ID |1.
32568 The table |0 or one of its fields could not be successfully renamed.
32570 A Design Master or Replica cannot be converted to the Access 2007 file format.@@@1@@@1
32572 Access Projects do not support custom groups in the Navigation Pane. You may not import or export custom groups from an Access Project.
32576 The acCmdImport command for RunCommand has been deprecated. Use one of the more specific RunCommands, such as acCmdImportAttachAccess, acCmdImportAttachExcel, and acCmdImportAttachText.
32578 Microsoft Access could not load the Access database engine. Run setup again and restart the application.@@@1@@@1
32580 Cannot publish the file | as the file is either checked out or locked for editing by another user.
32582 The specified file name could not be used to create a database. Specify a different database name.
32584 No object with the given name and type exists in the current database.
32586 This database object cannot be saved as a report.@@@1@@@1
32588 The table which you are trying to append to is currently open and must be closed before proceeding. Do you want to save the changes and close the table?@@@20@@@2
32590 You cannot link to a database that is stored on an Internet location. You should first save the database to a location that uses a Universal Naming Convention (UNC), such as a server share, and then link to it.@@@1@@@1
32592 The file name extension of '|' is not valid for the format to which you are trying to export. This action is potentially unsafe. Do you want to continue? @@@20@@@2
32594 The Show Column History command is not available while you are working with a SharePoint list offline. Reconnect to the list and try again.@@@1@@@1
32596 The Microsoft Access Outlook Add-in is disabled in Microsoft Outlook. To collect data by using e-mail messages in Microsoft Access, verify that this add-in is installed and enabled from within Microsoft Outlook.
32598 The name '|' is already in use. Enter a different name. @@@1@@@1
32600 The list |1 is already used by the |2 link table. Select a different list.
32602 The SetProperty action or method failed because there was no form or report context.@To establish the correct context for SetProperty, call OpenForm or OpenReport before calling SetProperty, or call SetProperty from an event on a form or report.@@1@@@1
32604 There was an error publishing your database. Verify your publish URL and permissions, and then try again.
32606 Some field types, such as attachment fields and calculated fields, are not supported in the MDB or ADP database. Do you want to continue?
32608 Field types such as attachment fields and calculated fields, are not supported in the MDB or ADP database formats. If any unsupported field types exist in the source database tables, those fields will not be imported. Do you want to continue?
32610 |1 cannot load customization '|2'. This customization name was already loaded.
32612 The file '|' already exists.@Do you want to update the existing file?@@20@@@2
32614 This feature requires the Microsoft Access 2016 program to be installed on your computer. The application you are running is powered by the Microsoft Access 2016 Runtime. For information about the differences between the Microsoft Access program and the
32616 Microsoft Access cannot update the data in |1. The minimum required version to update the data is |2.
32618 The database you are trying to open requires a newer version of Microsoft Access.
32620 0,0
32622 The file '|1' could not be created. Verify that you have the correct permissions and that the file is not locked or read-only, and then try again.
32624 An error occurred when trying to save the database as a template because the preview image could not be saved.
32626 An error occurred when trying to save the database as a template because Relationships failed to export.
32628 The value for Name is required.
32630 The label for the lookup columnn is required.
32632 The Web application '|1/|2' already exists. Select a different site or Web application name and try again.
32634 While attempting to publish your database, the server reported the following error: |
32636 Microsoft Access could not open the Web application from |1. Please verify that the server is available.
32638 The specified server does not support publishing Access Services applications.
32640 You must specify a value to set the local variable to.
32642 You cannot open the database object '|' in design mode with the current settings.
32644 You must specify an object for the BrowseTo to open.
32646 Object name may not exceed | characters. Please specify a shorter name.
32648 You cannot run Web Expressions in a non-trusted database. If you trust the source of this database, you can enable it by using the Message bar.
32650 This operation is only allowed on Custom Categories.
32652 This group does not allow this type of customization.
32654 Invalid position.
32656 This object cannot be saved as a report because it contains a navigation control.@@@1@@@1
32658 The compact and repair operation has been cancelled. You might not have adequate permissions to the folder that the database is located in. You need full permissions to the directory the database is located to compact and repair. Contact your system admin
32660 Inserting a datatype template is only supported in an open table with a current selection.
32662 The ReplicationConflictFunction property is not set properly to resolve conflicts.@Contact the author of this database application or go to to see how to create such a function.@@1@@@3
32664 Please provide a data source for the report.
32666 The object "|1" (|2) could not be found in the current Web application.
32668 Access was unable to automatically restore your backup database. The backup database can be accessed here: |
32670 Microsoft Access encountered an error while checking the object '|' for Web compatibility.@The conversion failed.@@1@@@1
32672 Network connectivity lost while updating links. Some tables may not have changed modes. You will be prompted to change modes again next time your database is closed and opened.
32674 Microsoft Access does not have any Web service connection definitions.
32676 Microsoft Access could not add '|1' to your Image Gallery.@|1 is not an image file, or is saved in an unrecognized image format.@@1@@@1
32678 A resource with the specified name and type already exists in the resource collection. Only one resource can exist for each combination of name and type.
32680 The file '|1' could not be opened. Please verify that the file exists and try again.
32682 You cannot delete themes directly. Themes are automatically deleted when no objects are using them.



point Para leer mas ver Listado Errores Access 2000 point Para leer mas ver Listado Errores Access 2003 point Para leer mas ver Listado Errores Access 2007 point Para leer mas ver Listado Errores Access 2016


