17- Palabras Reservadas de Access 


Ultima actualizacion: Diciembre 2017

Pues aqui esta el listado actualizado, de todas las palabras que tiene Access y que No deberian usuarse como variables o nombres de campos, nombres de objetos , nombre de controles etc ...

pc Bajar Listado de Palabras Reservadas

_Evaluate Form method 01-jun-06
_Name Form method; Form Section method 01-jun-06
A_ADD Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_ALL Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_ANYWHERE Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_ATTACH Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_COPY Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_CURRENT Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_CUT Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_DELETE Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_DELETE_V2 Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_DESIGN Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_Dialog Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_DOWN Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_DRAFT Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_EDIT Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_EDITMENU Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_ENTIRE Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_EXIT Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_EXPORT Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_EXPORTDELIM Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_EXPORTFIXED Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_EXPORTMERGE Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_FILE Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_FIRST Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_FORM Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_FORMATRTF Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_FORMATTXT Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_FORMATXLS Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_FORMBAR Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_FORMDS Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_GOTO Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_HIDDEN Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_HIGH Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_ICON Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_IMPORT Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_IMPORTDELIM Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_IMPORTFIXED Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_LAST Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_LOW Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_MACRO Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_MEDIUM Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_MENU_VER1X Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_MENU_VER20 Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_MODULE Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_NEW Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_NEWREC Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_NEXT Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_NORMAL Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_OBJECT Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_OBJECTUPDATE Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_OBJECTVERB Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_PAGES Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_PASTE Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_PREVIEW Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_PREVIOUS Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_PRINTALL Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_PROMPT Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_QUERY Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_READONLY Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_RECORDSMENU Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_REFRESH Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_REPORT Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_SAVE Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_SAVEFORM Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_SAVEFORMAS Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_SAVERECORD Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_SELECTALLRECORDS Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_SELECTALLRECORDS_V2 Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_SELECTION Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_SELECTRECORD Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_SELECTRECORD_V2 Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_START Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_TABLE Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_TOOLBAR_NO Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_TOOLBAR_WHERE_APPROP Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_TOOLBAR_YES Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_UNDO Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_UNDOFIELD Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
A_UP Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
Abs VBA function 01-jun-06
ABSOLUTE JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
acActiveDataObject Access constant 11-ago-07
acAdd Access constant 11-ago-07
acAddress Access constant 11-ago-07
acADP Access constant 11-ago-07
acAll Access constant 11-ago-07
acAltMask Access constant 10-ago-07
acAnywhere Access constant 11-ago-07
acAppendData Access constant 11-ago-07
acApplyFilter Access constant 10-ago-07
acApplyServerFilter Access constant 10-ago-07
acAttachment Access constant 11-ago-07
acBetween Access constant 11-ago-07
acBottom Access constant 11-ago-07
acBoundObjectFrame Access constant 11-ago-07
AccActivate VBA function 01-jun-06
accChild Form property 01-jun-06
accChildCount Form property 01-jun-06
accDefaultAction Form property 01-jun-06
accDescription Form property 01-jun-06
accDoDefaultAction Form property 01-jun-06
AccessError Application Property 01-jun-06
accFocus Form property 01-jun-06
acCheckBox Access constant 11-ago-07
accHelp Form property 01-jun-06
accHelpTopic Form property 01-jun-06
accHitTest Form property 01-jun-06
accKeyboardShortcut Form property 01-jun-06
acClassModule Access constant 11-ago-07
accLocation Form property 01-jun-06
acCloseFilterWindow Access constant 10-ago-07
acCloseServerFilterWindow Access constant 10-ago-07
acCmd* More than 500 Access constants start with acCmd… 11-ago-07
accName Form property 01-jun-06
accNavigate Form property 01-jun-06
acColorIndexAqua Access constant 11-ago-07
acColorIndexBlack Access constant 11-ago-07
acColorIndexBlue Access constant 11-ago-07
acColorIndexBrightGreen Access constant 11-ago-07
acColorIndexDarkBlue Access constant 11-ago-07
acColorIndexFuschia Access constant 11-ago-07
acColorIndexGray Access constant 11-ago-07
acColorIndexGreen Access constant 11-ago-07
acColorIndexMaroon Access constant 11-ago-07
acColorIndexOlive Access constant 11-ago-07
acColorIndexRed Access constant 11-ago-07
acColorIndexSilver Access constant 11-ago-07
acColorIndexTeal Access constant 11-ago-07
acColorIndexViolet Access constant 11-ago-07
acColorIndexWhite Access constant 11-ago-07
acColorIndexYellow Access constant 11-ago-07
acComboBox Access constant 11-ago-07
acCommandButton Access constant 11-ago-07
acCopy Access constant 10-ago-07
accParent Form property 01-jun-06
accRole Form property 01-jun-06
accSelect Form method 01-jun-06
accSelection Form property 01-jun-06
accState Form property 01-jun-06
acCtrlMask Access constant 10-ago-07
acCurrent Access constant 11-ago-07
acCursorOnHoverDefault Access constant 11-ago-07
acCursorOnHoverHyperlinkHand Access constant 11-ago-07
acCurViewDatasheet Access constant 11-ago-07
acCurViewDesign Access constant 11-ago-07
acCurViewFormBrowse Access constant 11-ago-07
acCurViewLayout Access constant 11-ago-07
acCurViewPivotChart Access constant 11-ago-07
acCurViewPivotTable Access constant 11-ago-07
acCurViewPreview Access constant 11-ago-07
acCurViewReportBrowse Access constant 11-ago-07
acCustomControl Access constant 11-ago-07
acCut Access constant 10-ago-07
accValue Form property 01-jun-06
acDataAccessPage Access constant 11-ago-07
acDataAccessPageBrowse Access constant 11-ago-07
acDataAccessPageDesign Access constant 11-ago-07
acDataErrAdded Access constant 10-ago-07
acDataErrContinue Access constant 10-ago-07
acDataErrDisplay Access constant 10-ago-07
acDataForm Access constant 11-ago-07
acDataFunction Access constant 11-ago-07
acDataQuery Access constant 11-ago-07
acDataReport Access constant 11-ago-07
acDataServerView Access constant 11-ago-07
acDatasheetAllowEdits Access constant 11-ago-07
acDatasheetOnBottom Access constant 11-ago-07
acDatasheetOnLeft Access constant 11-ago-07
acDatasheetOnRight Access constant 11-ago-07
acDatasheetOnTop Access constant 11-ago-07
acDatasheetReadOnly Access constant 11-ago-07
acDataStoredProcedure Access constant 11-ago-07
acDataTable Access constant 11-ago-07
acDefault Access constant 11-ago-07
acDefViewContinuous Access constant 11-ago-07
acDefViewDatasheet Access constant 11-ago-07
acDefViewPivotChart Access constant 11-ago-07
acDefViewPivotTalbe Access constant 11-ago-07
acDefViewPreview Access constant 11-ago-07
acDefViewReportBrowse Access constant 11-ago-07
acDefViewSingle Access constant 11-ago-07
acDefViewSplitForm Access constant 11-ago-07
acDelete Access constant 10-ago-07
acDeleteCancel Access constant 10-ago-07
acDeleteOk Access constant 10-ago-07
acDeleteUserCancel Access constant 10-ago-07
acDesign Access constant 11-ago-07
acDetail Access constant 11-ago-07
acDiagram Access constant 11-ago-07
acDialog Access constant 11-ago-07
acDisableScript Access constant 11-ago-07
acDisplayAsHyperlinkAlways Access constant 11-ago-07
acDisplayAsHyperlinkIfHyperlink Access constant 11-ago-07
acDisplayAsHyperlinkOnScreenOnly Access constant 11-ago-07
acDisplayAsIcon Access constant 11-ago-07
acDisplayAsImageIcon Access constant 11-ago-07
acDisplayAsPaperclip Access constant 11-ago-07
acDisplayedValue Access constant 11-ago-07
acDisplayText Access constant 11-ago-07
acDown Access constant 11-ago-07
acDraft Access constant 11-ago-07
acEdit Access constant 11-ago-07
acEditMenu Access constant 10-ago-07
acEffectChisel Access constant 10-ago-07
acEffectEtched Access constant 10-ago-07
acEffectNormal Access constant 10-ago-07
acEffectRaised Access constant 10-ago-07
acEffectShadow Access constant 10-ago-07
acEffectSunken Access constant 10-ago-07
acEmbedSchema Access constant 11-ago-07
acEnableScript Access constant 11-ago-07
acEntire Access constant 11-ago-07
acEqual Access constant 11-ago-07
acExcludePrimaryKeyAndIndexes Access constant 11-ago-07
acExit Access constant 10-ago-07
acExport Access constant 11-ago-07
acExportAllTableAndFieldProperties Access constant 11-ago-07
acExportDelim Access constant 11-ago-07
acExportFixed Access constant 11-ago-07
acExportForm Access constant 11-ago-07
acExportFunction Access constant 11-ago-07
acExportHTML Access constant 11-ago-07
acExportMerge Access constant 11-ago-07
acExportQualiltyPrint Access constant 11-ago-07
acExportQualiltyScreen Access constant 11-ago-07
acExportQuery Access constant 11-ago-07
acExportReport Access constant 11-ago-07
acExportServerView Access constant 11-ago-07
acExportStoredProcedure Access constant 11-ago-07
acExportTable Access constant 11-ago-07
acExpression Access constant 11-ago-07
acFieldHasFocus Access constant 11-ago-07
acFieldValue Access constant 11-ago-07
acFile Access constant 10-ago-07
acFileFormatAccess2 Access constant 11-ago-07
acFileFormatAccess2000 Access constant 11-ago-07
acFileFormatAccess2002 Access constant 11-ago-07
acFileFormatAccess2007 Access constant 11-ago-07
acFileFormatAccess95 Access constant 11-ago-07
acFileFormatAccess97 Access constant 11-ago-07
acFilterAdvanced Access constant 10-ago-07
acFilterByForm Access constant 10-ago-07
acFilterNormal Access constant 11-ago-07
acFirst Access constant 11-ago-07
acFooter Access constant 11-ago-07
acForm Access constant 11-ago-07
acFormAdd Access constant 11-ago-07
acFormatASP Access constant 10-ago-07
acFormatDAP Access constant 10-ago-07
acFormatHTML Access constant 10-ago-07
acFormatIIS Access constant 10-ago-07
acFormatPDF Access constant 10-ago-07
acFormatRTF Access constant 10-ago-07
acFormatSNP Access constant 10-ago-07
acFormatTXT Access constant 10-ago-07
acFormatXLS Access constant 10-ago-07
acFormatXLSB Access constant 10-ago-07
acFormatXLSX Access constant 10-ago-07
acFormatXPS Access constant 10-ago-07
acFormBar Access constant 10-ago-07
acFormDS Access constant 11-ago-07
acFormEdit Access constant 11-ago-07
acFormOnly Access constant 11-ago-07
acFormPivotChart Access constant 11-ago-07
acFormPivotTable Access constant 11-ago-07
acFormPropertySettings Access constant 11-ago-07
acFormReadOnly Access constant 11-ago-07
acFullAddress Access constant 11-ago-07
acFunction Access constant 11-ago-07
acGeneral Access constant 11-ago-07
acGoTo Access constant 11-ago-07
acGreaterThan Access constant 11-ago-07
acGreaterThanOrEqual Access constant 11-ago-07
acGridlinesBoth Access constant 10-ago-07
acGridlinesBothV2 Access constant 10-ago-07
acGridlinesHoriz Access constant 10-ago-07
acGridlinesNone Access constant 10-ago-07
acGridlinesVert Access constant 10-ago-07
acGridOnly Access constant 11-ago-07
acGroupLevel1Footer Access constant 11-ago-07
acGroupLevel1Header Access constant 11-ago-07
acGroupLevel2Footer Access constant 11-ago-07
acGroupLevel2Header Access constant 11-ago-07
acHeader Access constant 11-ago-07
acHidden Access constant 11-ago-07
acHiddenCurrentPage Report property 01-jun-06
acHigh Access constant 11-ago-07
acHorizontalAnchorBoth Access constant 11-ago-07
acHorizontalAnchorLeft Access constant 11-ago-07
acHorizontalAnchorRight Access constant 11-ago-07
acIcon Access constant 11-ago-07
acImage Access constant 11-ago-07
acImeModeAlpha Access constant 11-ago-07
acImeModeAlphaFull Access constant 11-ago-07
acImeModeDisable Access constant 11-ago-07
acImeModeHangul Access constant 11-ago-07
acImeModeHangulFull Access constant 11-ago-07
acImeModeHiragana Access constant 11-ago-07
acImeModeKatakana Access constant 11-ago-07
acImeModeKatakanaHalf Access constant 11-ago-07
acImeModeNoControl Access constant 11-ago-07
acImeModeOff Access constant 11-ago-07
acImeModeOn Access constant 11-ago-07
acImeSentenceModeConversation Access constant 11-ago-07
acImeSentenceModeNone Access constant 11-ago-07
acImeSentenceModePhrasePredict Access constant 11-ago-07
acImeSentenceModePluralClause Access constant 11-ago-07
acImport Access constant 11-ago-07
acImportDelim Access constant 11-ago-07
acImportFixed Access constant 11-ago-07
acImportHTML Access constant 11-ago-07
acImportShartPointList Access constant 11-ago-07
acLabel Access constant 11-ago-07
acLast Access constant 11-ago-07
acLayout Access constant 11-ago-07
acLayoutNone Access constant 11-ago-07
acLayoutStacked Access constant 11-ago-07
acLayoutTabular Access constant 11-ago-07
acLBClose Access constant 10-ago-07
acLBEnd Access constant 10-ago-07
acLBGetColumnCount Access constant 10-ago-07
acLBGetColumnWidth Access constant 10-ago-07
acLBGetFormat Access constant 10-ago-07
acLBGetRowCount Access constant 10-ago-07
acLBGetValue Access constant 10-ago-07
acLBInitialize Access constant 10-ago-07
acLBOpen Access constant 10-ago-07
acLeft Access constant 11-ago-07
acLeftButton Access constant 10-ago-07
acLessThan Access constant 11-ago-07
acLessThanOrEqual Access constant 11-ago-07
acLine Access constant 11-ago-07
acLink Access constant 11-ago-07
acLinkDelim Access constant 11-ago-07
acLinkFixed Access constant 11-ago-07
acLinkHTML Access constant 11-ago-07
acLinkShartPointList Access constant 11-ago-07
acListBox Access constant 11-ago-07
acLiveReportSource Access constant 11-ago-07
acLow Access constant 11-ago-07
acMacro Access constant 11-ago-07
acMDB Access constant 11-ago-07
acMedium Access constant 11-ago-07
acMenuCheck Access constant 10-ago-07
acMenuGray Access constant 10-ago-07
acMenuUncheck Access constant 10-ago-07
acMenuUngray Access constant 10-ago-07
acMenuVer1X Access constant 10-ago-07
acMenuVer20 Access constant 10-ago-07
acMenuVer70 Access constant 10-ago-07
acMiddleButton Access constant 10-ago-07
acModule Access constant 11-ago-07
acNew Access constant 10-ago-07
acNewDatabaseFormatAccess2000 Access constant 11-ago-07
acNewDatabaseFormatAccess2002 Access constant 11-ago-07
acNewDatabaseFormatAccess2007 Access constant 11-ago-07
acNewDatabaseFormatUserDefault Access constant 11-ago-07
acNewRec Access constant 11-ago-07
acNext Access constant 11-ago-07
acNoPictureCaption Access constant 11-ago-07
acNormal Access constant 11-ago-07
acNotBetween Access constant 11-ago-07
acNotEqual Access constant 11-ago-07
acNull Access constant 11-ago-07
acObject Access constant 10-ago-07
acObjectFrame Access constant 11-ago-07
acObjectUpdate Access constant 10-ago-07
acObjectVerb Access constant 10-ago-07
acObjStateDirty Access constant 10-ago-07
acObjStateNew Access constant 10-ago-07
acObjStateOpen Access constant 10-ago-07
acOLEActivate Access constant 10-ago-07
acOLEActivateDoubleClick Access constant 10-ago-07
acOLEActivateGetFocus Access constant 10-ago-07
acOLEActivateManual Access constant 10-ago-07
acOLEChanged Access constant 10-ago-07
acOLEClose Access constant 10-ago-07
acOLEClosed Access constant 10-ago-07
acOLECopy Access constant 10-ago-07
acOLECreateEmbed Access constant 10-ago-07
acOLECreateFromFile Access constant 10-ago-07
acOLECreateLink Access constant 10-ago-07
acOLECreateNew Access constant 10-ago-07
acOLEDelete Access constant 10-ago-07
acOLEDisplayContent Access constant 10-ago-07
acOLEDisplayIcon Access constant 10-ago-07
acOLEEither Access constant 10-ago-07
acOLEEmbedded Access constant 10-ago-07
acOLEFetchVerbs Access constant 10-ago-07
acOLEInsertObjDlg Access constant 10-ago-07
acOLELinked Access constant 10-ago-07
acOLENone Access constant 10-ago-07
acOLEPaste Access constant 11-ago-07
acOLEPasteSpecialDlg Access constant 11-ago-07
acOLERenamed Access constant 11-ago-07
acOLESaved Access constant 11-ago-07
acOLESizeAutoSize Access constant 11-ago-07
acOLESizeClip Access constant 11-ago-07
acOLESizeStretch Access constant 11-ago-07
acOLESizeZoom Access constant 11-ago-07
acOLEUpate Access constant 11-ago-07
acOLEUpateAutomatic Access constant 11-ago-07
acOLEUpdateFrozen Access constant 11-ago-07
acOLEUpdateManual Access constant 11-ago-07
acOLEVerbHide Access constant 11-ago-07
acOLEVerbInPlaceActivate Access constant 11-ago-07
acOLEVerbInPlaceUIActivate Access constant 11-ago-07
acOLEVerbOpen Access constant 11-ago-07
acOLEVerbPrimary Access constant 11-ago-07
acOLEVerbShow Access constant 11-ago-07
acOptionButton Access constant 11-ago-07
acOptionGroup Access constant 11-ago-07
acOutputDataAccessPage Access constant 11-ago-07
acOutputForm Access constant 11-ago-07
acOutputFunction Access constant 11-ago-07
acOutputModule Access constant 11-ago-07
acOutputQuery Access constant 11-ago-07
acOutputReport Access constant 11-ago-07
acOutputServerView Access constant 11-ago-07
acOutputStoredProcedure Access constant 11-ago-07
acOutputTable Access constant 11-ago-07
acPage Access constant 11-ago-07
acPageBreak Access constant 11-ago-07
acPageFooter Access constant 11-ago-07
acPageHeader Access constant 11-ago-07
acPages Access constant 11-ago-07
acPaste Access constant 11-ago-07
acPersistReportML Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRBNAuto Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRBNCassette Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRBNEnvelope Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRBNEnvManual Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRBNFormSource Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRBNLargeCapacity Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRBNLargeFmt Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRBNLower Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRBNManual Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRBNMiddle Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRBNSmallFmt Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRBNTractor Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRBNUpper Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRCMColor Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRCMMonochrome Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRDPHorizontal Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRDPSimplex Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRDPVertical Access constant 11-ago-07
acPreview Access constant 11-ago-07
acPrevious Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRHorizontalColumnLayout Access constant 11-ago-07
acPrintAll Access constant 11-ago-07
acPrompt Access constant 11-ago-07
acPromptScript Access constant 11-ago-07
acPropCatData Access constant 11-ago-07
acPropCatEvent Access constant 11-ago-07
acPropCatLayout Access constant 11-ago-07
acPropCatNA Access constant 11-ago-07
acPropCatOther Access constant 11-ago-07
acPropertyBackColor Access constant 11-ago-07
acPropertyCaption Access constant 11-ago-07
acPropertyEnabled Access constant 11-ago-07
acPropertyForeColor Access constant 11-ago-07
acPropertyHeight Access constant 11-ago-07
acPropertyLeft Access constant 11-ago-07
acPropertyLocked Access constant 11-ago-07
acPropertyTop Access constant 11-ago-07
acPropertyVisible Access constant 11-ago-07
acPropertyWidth Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRORLandscape Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRORPortrait Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRPQDraft Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRPQHigh Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRPQLow Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRPQMedium Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRPS10x14 Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRPS11x17 Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRPSA3 Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRPSA4 Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRPSA4Small Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRPSA5 Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRPSB4 Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRPSB5 Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRPSCSheet Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRPSDSheet Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRPSEnv10 Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRPSEnv11 Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRPSEnv12 Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRPSEnv14 Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRPSEnv9 Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRPSEnvB4 Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRPSEnvB5 Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRPSEnvB6 Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRPSEnvC3 Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRPSEnvC4 Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRPSEnvC5 Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRPSEnvC6 Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRPSEnvC65 Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRPSEnvDL Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRPSEnvItaly Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRPSEnvMonarch Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRPSEnvPersonal Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRPSESheet Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRPSExecutive Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRPSFanfoldLglGerman Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRPSFanfoldStdGerman Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRPSFanfoldUS Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRPSFolio Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRPSLedger Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRPSLegal Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRPSLetter Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRPSLetterSmall Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRPSNote Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRPSQuarto Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRPSStatement Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRPSTabloid Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRPSUser Access constant 11-ago-07
acPRVerticalColumnLayout Access constant 11-ago-07
acQuery Access constant 11-ago-07
acQuitPrompt Access constant 11-ago-07
acQuitSaveAll Access constant 11-ago-07
acQuitSaveNone Access constant 11-ago-07
acReadOnly Access constant 11-ago-07
acRecordsMenu Access constant 11-ago-07
acRectangle Access constant 11-ago-07
acRefresh Access constant 11-ago-07
acReport Access constant 11-ago-07
acRight Access constant 11-ago-07
acRightButton Access constant 11-ago-07
acRunFromServer Access constant 11-ago-07
acSave Access constant 11-ago-07
acSaveForm Access constant 11-ago-07
acSaveFormAs Access constant 11-ago-07
acSaveNo Access constant 11-ago-07
acSavePrompt Access constant 11-ago-07
acSaveRecord Access constant 11-ago-07
acSaveYes Access constant 11-ago-07
acSchemaNone Access constant 11-ago-07
acSchemaXSD Access constant 11-ago-07
acScreenTip Access constant 11-ago-07
acSearchAll Access constant 11-ago-07
acSecFrmRptExecute Access constant 11-ago-07
acSecFrmRptReadDef Access constant 11-ago-07
acSecFrmRptWriteDef Access constant 11-ago-07
acSecMacExecute Access constant 11-ago-07
acSecMacReadDef Access constant 11-ago-07
acSecMacWriteDef Access constant 11-ago-07
acSecModReadDef Access constant 11-ago-07
acSecModWriteDef Access constant 11-ago-07
acSelectAllRecords Access constant 11-ago-07
acSelection Access constant 11-ago-07
acSelectRecord Access constant 11-ago-07
acSendDataAccessPage Access constant 11-ago-07
acSendForm Access constant 11-ago-07
acSendModule Access constant 11-ago-07
acSendNoObject Access constant 11-ago-07
acSendQuery Access constant 11-ago-07
acSendReport Access constant 11-ago-07
acSendTable Access constant 11-ago-07
acSeparatorCharactersComma Access constant 11-ago-07
acSeparatorCharactersNewLine Access constant 11-ago-07
acSeparatorCharactersSemiColon Access constant 11-ago-07
acSeparatorCharactersSystemSeparator Access constant 11-ago-07
acServerFilter Access constant 11-ago-07
acServerFilterByForm Access constant 11-ago-07
acServerView Access constant 11-ago-07
acShiftMask Access constant 11-ago-07
acShowAllRecords Access constant 11-ago-07
acSpreadsheetTypeExcel12 Access constant 11-ago-07
acSpreadsheetTypeExcel12Xml Access constant 11-ago-07
acSpreadsheetTypeExcel3 Access constant 11-ago-07
acSpreadsheetTypeExcel4 Access constant 11-ago-07
acSpreadsheetTypeExcel5 Access constant 11-ago-07
acSpreadsheetTypeExcel7 Access constant 11-ago-07
acSpreadsheetTypeExcel8 Access constant 11-ago-07
acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9 Access constant 11-ago-07
acSpreadsheetTypeExcel97 Access constant 11-ago-07
acSpreadsheetTypeLotusWJ2 Access constant 11-ago-07
acSpreadsheetTypeLotusWK1 Access constant 11-ago-07
acSpreadsheetTypeLotusWK3 Access constant 11-ago-07
acSpreadsheetTypeLotusWK4 Access constant 11-ago-07
acStandardModule Access constant 11-ago-07
acStart Access constant 11-ago-07
acStoredProcedure Access constant 11-ago-07
acStructureAndData Access constant 11-ago-07
acStructureOnly Access constant 11-ago-07
acSubAddress Access constant 11-ago-07
acSubform Access constant 11-ago-07
acSysCmdAccessDir Access constant 11-ago-07
acSysCmdAccessVer Access constant 11-ago-07
acSysCmdClearHelpTopic Access constant 11-ago-07
acSysCmdClearStatus Access constant 11-ago-07
acSysCmdGetIniFile Access constant 11-ago-07
acSysCmdGetObjectState Access constant 11-ago-07
acSysCmdGetWorkgroupFile Access constant 11-ago-07
acSysCmdInitMeter Access constant 11-ago-07
acSysCmdProfile Access constant 11-ago-07
acSysCmdRemoveMeter Access constant 11-ago-07
acSysCmdRuntime Access constant 11-ago-07
acSysCmdSetStatus Access constant 11-ago-07
acSysCmdUpateMeter Access constant 11-ago-07
acTabCtl Access constant 11-ago-07
acTable Access constant 11-ago-07
acTextBox Access constant 11-ago-07
acTextFormatHTMLRichText Access constant 11-ago-07
acTextFormatPlain Access constant 11-ago-07
ACTION JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
Activate Form method; Report method 01-jun-06
ActiveControl Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
acToggleButton Access constant 11-ago-07
acToolbarNo Access constant 11-ago-07
acToolbarWhereApprop Access constant 11-ago-07
acToolbarYes Access constant 11-ago-07
acTop Access constant 11-ago-07
acUndo Access constant 11-ago-07
acUp Access constant 11-ago-07
acUTF16 Access constant 11-ago-07
acUTF8 Access constant 11-ago-07
acVerticalAnchorBoth Access constant 11-ago-07
acVerticalAnchorBottom Access constant 11-ago-07
acVerticalAnchorTop Access constant 11-ago-07
acViewDesign Access constant 11-ago-07
acViewLayout Access constant 11-ago-07
acViewNormal Access constant 11-ago-07
acViewPivotChart Access constant 11-ago-07
acViewPivotTable Access constant 11-ago-07
acViewPreview Access constant 11-ago-07
acViewReport Access constant 11-ago-07
acWindowNormal Access constant 11-ago-07
ADA ODBC (kb125948) 21-jul-06
ADD JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
AddAutoCorrect Application Property 01-jun-06
AddToFavorites Application Property 01-jun-06
ADMIN Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
ADMINDB JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
ADOConnectString Application Property 01-jun-06
AFTER Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
AfterDelConfirm Form property 01-jun-06
AfterDelConfirmEmMacro Form property 01-jun-06
AfterDelConfirmMacro Form Property 01-jun-06
AfterFinalRender Form property 01-jun-06
AfterFinalRenderEmMacro Form property 01-jun-06
AfterFinalRenderMacro Form Property 01-jun-06
AfterInsert Form property 01-jun-06
AfterInsertEmMacro Form property 01-jun-06
AfterInsertMacro Form Property 01-jun-06
AfterLayout Form property 01-jun-06
AfterLayoutEmMacro Form property 01-jun-06
AfterLayoutMacro Form Property 01-jun-06
AfterRender Form property 01-jun-06
AfterRenderEmMacro Form property 01-jun-06
AfterRenderMacro Form Property 01-jun-06
AfterUpdate Form property 01-jun-06
AfterUpdateEmMacro Form property 01-jun-06
AfterUpdateMacro Form Property 01-jun-06
AGGREGATE Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
AggregateType Field property 27-abr-10
ALIAS Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
ALL JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
ALLOCATE JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
AllowAdditions Form property 01-jun-06
AllowDatasheetView Form property 01-jun-06
AllowDeletions Form property 01-jun-06
AllowDesignChanges Form property 01-jun-06
AllowEditing Form property 01-jun-06
AllowEdits Form property 01-jun-06
AllowFilters Form property 01-jun-06
AllowFormView Form property 01-jun-06
AllowLayoutView Form property 01-jun-06
AllowMultipleValues Field property 27-abr-10
AllowPivotChartView Form property 01-jun-06
AllowPivotTableView Form property 01-jun-06
AllowReportView Report property 01-jun-06
AllowUpdating Form property 01-jun-06
AllowValueListEdits Field property 27-abr-10
AllowZeroLength Field property 01-jun-06
ALPHANUMERIC JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
ALT_MASK Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
ALTER JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
ALTER TABLE 24-jun-17
AlternateBackColor Form Section property 01-jun-06
AlternateBackShade Form property; Report property; Table property 28-abr-10
AlternateBackThemeColorIndex Form property; Report property; Table property 28-abr-10
AlternateBackTint Form property; Report property; Table property 28-abr-10
AND JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
AnswerWizard Application Property 01-jun-06
ANY JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
AppendOnly Field property 27-abr-10
AppImages Reserved for web databases 28-abr-10
Application Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
AppLoadString Application Property 01-jun-06
ApplyFilter Form method 01-jun-06
ARE JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
Array VBA function 01-jun-06
AS JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
ASC JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
AscB VBA function 01-jun-06
AscW VBA function 01-jun-06
ASENSITIVE 24-jun-17
ASSERTION JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
Assistance Application Property 01-jun-06
Assistant Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
ASYMMETRIC 24-jun-17
AT JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
Atn VBA function 01-jun-06
ATOMIC 24-jun-17
Attributes Table property; Field property 01-jun-06
AUTHORIZATION JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
AutoCenter Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
AutoCorrect Application Property 01-jun-06
AutoHeight Form Section property 01-jun-06
AUTOINCREMENT JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
AutomationSecurity Application Property 01-jun-06
AutoResize Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
AVG JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
BackColor Form Section property; Report Section property 01-jun-06
BackShade Form property; Report property; Table property 28-abr-10
BackThemeColorIndex Form property; Report property 28-abr-10
BackTint Form property; Report property; Table property 28-abr-10
BACKUP SQL Server reserved 21-jul-06
BAND JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
BatchUpdates Form property 01-jun-06
Beep VBA function 01-jun-06
BEFORE Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
BeforeBeginTransaction Form property 01-jun-06
BeforeBeginTransactionEmMacro Form property 01-jun-06
BeforeBeginTransactionMacro Form property 01-jun-06
BeforeCommitTransaction Form property 01-jun-06
BeforeCommitTransactionEmMacro Form property 01-jun-06
BeforeCommitTransactionMacro Form property 01-jun-06
BeforeDelConfirm Form property 01-jun-06
BeforeDelConfirmEmMacro Form property 01-jun-06
BeforeDelConfirmMacro Form Property 01-jun-06
BeforeInsert Form property 01-jun-06
BeforeInsertEmMacro Form property 01-jun-06
BeforeInsertMacro Form Property 01-jun-06
BeforeQuery Form property 01-jun-06
BeforeQueryEmMacro Form property 01-jun-06
BeforeQueryMacro Form Property 01-jun-06
BeforeRender Form property 01-jun-06
BeforeRenderEmMacro Form property 01-jun-06
BeforeRenderMacro Form Property 01-jun-06
BeforeScreenTip Form property 01-jun-06
BeforeScreenTipEmMacro Form property 01-jun-06
BeforeScreenTipMacro Form Property 01-jun-06
BeforeUpdate Form property 01-jun-06
BeforeUpdateEmMacro Form property 01-jun-06
BeforeUpdateMacro Form Property 01-jun-06
BEGIN JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
BeginBatchEdit Form property 01-jun-06
BeginBatchEditEmMacro Form property 01-jun-06
BeginBatchEditMacro Form property 01-jun-06
BeginTrans DAO global 01-jun-06
BeginUndoable Application Property 01-jun-06
BETWEEN JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
BINARY JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
BIT JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
BIT_LENGTH JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
BLOB Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
BNOT JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
BOOLEAN Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
BOR JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
BorderShade Form property; Report property 28-abr-10
BorderStyle Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
BorderThemeColorIndex Form property; Report property 28-abr-10
BorderTint Form property; Report property 28-abr-10
BOTH JET reserved (kb248738);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
BoundColumn Field property 01-jun-06
BREADTH Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
BREAK SQL Server reserved 21-jul-06
BrokenReference Application Property 01-jun-06
BROWSE SQL Server reserved 21-jul-06
Build Application Property 01-jun-06
BuildCriteria Application Property 01-jun-06
BuilderString Application Property 01-jun-06
BULK SQL Server reserved 21-jul-06
BXOR JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
BY JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
BYTE JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
C1 Generates runtimes error 3103 01-jun-06
CacheSize Query property 28-abr-10
Calendar VBA property 01-jun-06
CALL Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
CallByName VBA function 01-jun-06
CALLED 24-jun-17
CanGrow Form Section property; Report Section property 01-jun-06
CanShrink Form Section property; Report Section property 01-jun-06
Caption Form property; Report property; Field property 01-jun-06
CASCADE JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
CASCADED JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
CASE JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
CAST JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
CATALOG JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
CBool VBA function 01-jun-06
CByte VBA function 01-jun-06
CCur VBA function 01-jun-06
CDate VBA function 01-jun-06
CDbl VBA function 01-jun-06
CDec VBA function 01-jun-06
CHAR JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
CHAR_LENGTH JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
CHARACTER JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
CHARACTER_LENGTH JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
ChDir VBA function 01-jun-06
ChDrive VBA function 01-jun-06
CHECK JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
CHECKPOINT SQL Server reserved 21-jul-06
Choose VBA function 01-jun-06
Chr VBA function 01-jun-06
Chr$ VBA function 01-jun-06
ChrB VBA function 01-jun-06
ChrB$ VBA function 01-jun-06
ChrW VBA function 01-jun-06
ChrW$ VBA function 01-jun-06
CInt VBA function 01-jun-06
Circle Report method 01-jun-06
CLASS Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
Click Form method; Form Section method; Report property; Report Section property 01-jun-06
CLng VBA function 01-jun-06
CLOB Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
CLOSE JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
CloseButton Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
CloseContextObject Application property 28-abr-10
CloseCurrentDatabase Application Property 01-jun-06
CLUSTERED SQL Server reserved 21-jul-06
COALESCE JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
COBOL ODBC (kb125948) 21-jul-06
CodeContextObject Application Property 01-jun-06
CodeData Application Property 01-jun-06
CodeDb Application Property 01-jun-06
CodeProject Application Property 01-jun-06
COLLATE JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
CollatingOrder Field property 01-jun-06
COLLATION JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
COLLECT 24-jun-17
COLUMN JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
ColumnCount Field property 01-jun-06
ColumnHeads Field property 01-jun-06
ColumnHidden Field property 01-jun-06
ColumnHistory Application Property 01-jun-06
ColumnOrder Field property 01-jun-06
ColumnWidth Field property 01-jun-06
ColumnWidths Field property 01-jun-06
COMAddIns Application Property 01-jun-06
COMMAddIns Application Property 01-jun-06
Command VBA function 01-jun-06
Command$ VBA function 01-jun-06
CommandBars Application Property 01-jun-06
CommandBeforeExecute Form property 01-jun-06
CommandBeforeExecuteEmMacro Form property 01-jun-06
CommandBeforeExecuteMacro Form Property 01-jun-06
CommandChecked Form property 01-jun-06
CommandCheckedEmMacro Form property 01-jun-06
CommandCheckedMacro Form Property 01-jun-06
CommandEnabled Form property 01-jun-06
CommandEnabledEmMacro Form property 01-jun-06
CommandEnabledMacro Form Property 01-jun-06
CommandExecute Form property 01-jun-06
CommandExecuteEmMacro Form property 01-jun-06
CommandExecuteMacro Form Property 01-jun-06
ComMd Reserved for web databases 28-abr-10
COMMIT JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
CommitTrans DAO global 01-jun-06
COMP JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
CompactDatabase Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
CompactRepair Application Property 01-jun-06
COMPLETION Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
COMPRESSION JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
COMPUTE SQL Server reserved 21-jul-06
CONDITION 24-jun-17
ConflictTable Table property 01-jun-06
CONNECT JET reserved word; Table property;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
CONNECTION JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
CONSTRAINT JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
CONSTRAINTS JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
CONSTRUCTOR Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
CONTAINER JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
CONTAINS SQL Server reserved 21-jul-06
CONTAINSTABLE SQL Server reserved 21-jul-06
CONTINUE JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
ControlBox Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
Controls Form collection; Report collection 01-jun-06
CONVERT JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
ConvertAccessProject Application Property 01-jun-06
CORR 24-jun-17
CORRESPONDING JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
Cos VBA function 01-jun-06
COUNT JET reserved word; Form property; Report property;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
COUNTER JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
COVAR_POP 24-jun-17
COVAR_SAMP 24-jun-17
CREATE JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);SQL Server reserved 01-jun-06
CreateAccessProject Application Property 01-jun-06
CreateAdditionalData Application Property 01-jun-06
CreateControl Application Property 01-jun-06
CreateControlEx Application Property 01-jun-06
CreateControlExOld Application Property 01-jun-06
CreateControlOld Application Property 01-jun-06
CreateDataAccessPage Application Property 01-jun-06
CreateDatabase Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
CREATEDB JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
CreateField Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
CreateForm Application Property 01-jun-06
CreateGropuLevel Application Property 28-abr-10
CreateGroup Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
CreateGroupLevel Application Property 01-jun-06
CreateIndex Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
CreateNewWorkgroupFile Application Property 01-jun-06
CreateObject Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
CreateProperty Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
CreateRelation Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
CreateReport Application Property 01-jun-06
CreateReportControl Application Property 01-jun-06
CreateReportControlEx Application Property 01-jun-06
CreateReportControlExOld Application Property 01-jun-06
CreateReportControlOld Application Property 01-jun-06
CreateTableDef Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
CreateUser Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
CreateWorkspace Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
CROSS JET reserved (kb248738);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417);SQL Server reserved 01-jun-06
CSng VBA function 01-jun-06
CStr VBA function 01-jun-06
CTRL_MASK Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
CUBE Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
CUME_DIST 24-jun-17
CurDir VBA function 01-jun-06
CurDir$ VBA function 01-jun-06
CURRENCY JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
CurrencyLCID Field property 27-abr-10
CURRENT JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
CURRENT_DATE JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
CURRENT_PATH Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
CURRENT_ROLE Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
CURRENT_TIME JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
CURRENT_USER JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
CurrentData Application Property 01-jun-06
CurrentDb Application Property 01-jun-06
CurrentObjectName Application Property 01-jun-06
CurrentObjectType Application Property 01-jun-06
CurrentProject Application Property 01-jun-06
CurrentRecord Report property 01-jun-06
CurrentSectionLeft Form property 01-jun-06
CurrentSectionTop Form property 01-jun-06
CURRENT-TIME ODBC (kb125948) 21-jul-06
CurrentUser Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
CurrentView Form property 01-jun-06
CurrentWebUser Application property 28-abr-10
CurrentWebUserGroups Application property 28-abr-10
CurrentX Report property 01-jun-06
CurrentY Report property 01-jun-06
CURSOR JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
CustomRibbonID Form property 01-jun-06
CVar VBA function 01-jun-06
CVDate VBA function 01-jun-06
CVErr VBA function 01-jun-06
Cycle Form property 01-jun-06
DATA Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
DATA_ERRADDED Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DATA_ERRCONTINUE Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DATA_ERRDISPLAY Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DataAccessPages Application Property 01-jun-06
DATABASE JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
DataChange Form property 01-jun-06
DataChangeEmMacro Form property 01-jun-06
DataChangeMacro Form Property 01-jun-06
DataEntry Form property 01-jun-06
DataSetChange Form property 01-jun-06
DataSetChangeEmMacro Form property 01-jun-06
DataSetChangeMacro Form Property 01-jun-06
DatasheetAlternateBackColor Form property 01-jun-06
DatasheetBackColor Form property 01-jun-06
DatasheetBackShade Form property; Report property 28-abr-10
DatasheetBackThemeColorIndex Form property; Report property 28-abr-10
DatasheetBackTint Form property; Report property 28-abr-10
DatasheetBorderLineStyle Form property 01-jun-06
DatasheetCellsEffect Form property 01-jun-06
DatasheetColumnHeaderUnderlineStyle Form property 01-jun-06
DatasheetFontHeight Form property 01-jun-06
DatasheetFontItalic Form property 01-jun-06
DatasheetFontName Form property 01-jun-06
DatasheetFontUnderline Form property 01-jun-06
DatasheetFontWeight Form property 01-jun-06
DatasheetForeColor Form property 01-jun-06
DatasheetForeShade Form property; Report property 28-abr-10
DatasheetForeThemeColorIndex Form property; Report property; Table property 28-abr-10
DatasheetForeTint Form property; Report property 28-abr-10
DatasheetGridlinesBehavior Form property 01-jun-06
DatasheetGridlinesColor Form property 01-jun-06
DatasheetGridlinesShade Form property; Report property 28-abr-10
DatasheetGridlinesThemeColorIndex Form property; Report property; Table property 28-abr-10
DatasheetGridlinesTint Form property; Report property 28-abr-10
DataUpdatable Field property 01-jun-06
DATE JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
Date$ VBA property 01-jun-06
DateAdd VBA function 01-jun-06
DateCreated Table property 01-jun-06
DateDiff VBA function 01-jun-06
DateGrouping Report property 01-jun-06
DatePart VBA function 01-jun-06
DateSerial VBA function 01-jun-06
DATETIME JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
DateValue VBA function 01-jun-06
DateWithTime 24-jun-17
DAvg Application Property 01-jun-06
DAY JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
DayofYear 24-jun-17
DB_APPENDONLY Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_ATTACHEDODBC Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_ATTACHEDTABLE Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_ATTACHEXCLUSIVE Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_ATTACHSAVEPWD Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_AUTOINCRFIELD Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_BINARY Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_BOOLEAN Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_BYTE Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_CONSISTENT Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_CURRENCY Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_DATE Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_DECRYPT Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_DENYREAD Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_DENYWRITE Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_DESCENDING Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_DOUBLE Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_ENCRYPT Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_FAILONERROR Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_FIXEDFIELD Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_FORWARDONLY Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_FREELOCKS Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_HIDDENOBJECT Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_IGNORENULL Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_INCONSISTENT Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_INTEGER Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_LANG_ARABIC Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_LANG_CYRILLIC Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_LANG_CZECH Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_LANG_DUTCH Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_LANG_GENERAL Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_LANG_GREEK Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_LANG_HEBREW Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_LANG_HUNGARIAN Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_LANG_ICELANDIC Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_LANG_NORDIC Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_LANG_NORWDAN Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_LANG_POLISH Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_LANG_SPANISH Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_LANG_SWEDFIN Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_LANG_TURKISH Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_LONG Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_LONGBINARY Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_MEMO Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_NONULLS Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_OLE Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_OPEN_DYNASET Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_OPEN_SNAPSHOT Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_OPEN_TABLE Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_OPTIONINIPATH Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_PRIMARY Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_PROHIBITNULL Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_QACTION Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_QAPPEND Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_QCROSSTAB Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_QDDL Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_QDELETE Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_QMAKETABLE Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_QSELECT Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_QSETOPERATION Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_QSPTBULK Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_QSQLPASSTHROUGH Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_QUERYDEF Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_QUPDATE Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_READONLY Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_RELATIONDELETECASCADE Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_RELATIONDONTENFORCE Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_RELATIONINHERITED Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_RELATIONLEFT Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_RELATIONRIGHT Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_RELATIONUNIQUE Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_RELATIONUPDATECASCADE Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_SEC_CREATE Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_SEC_DBCREATE Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_SEC_DBEXCLUSIVE Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_SEC_DBOPEN Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_SEC_DELETE Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_SEC_DELETEDATA Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_SEC_FRMRPT_EXECUTE Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_SEC_FRMRPT_READDEF Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_SEC_FRMRPT_WRITEDEF Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_SEC_FULLACCESS Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_SEC_INSERTDATA Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_SEC_MAC_EXECUTE Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_SEC_MAC_READDEF Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_SEC_MAC_WRITEDEF Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_SEC_MOD_READDEF Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_SEC_MOD_WRITEDEF Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_SEC_NOACCESS Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_SEC_READDEF Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_SEC_READSEC Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_SEC_REPLACEDATA Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_SEC_RETRIEVEDATA Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_SEC_WRITEDEF Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_SEC_WRITEOWNER Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_SEC_WRITESEC Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_SINGLE Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_SORTARABIC Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_SORTCYRILLIC Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_SORTCZECH Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_SORTDUTCH Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_SORTGENERAL Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_SORTGREEK Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_SORTHEBREW Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_SORTHUNGARIAN Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_SORTICELANDIC Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_SORTNORWDAN Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_SORTPDXINTL Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_SORTPDXNOR Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_SORTPDXSWE Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_SORTPOLISH Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_SORTSPANISH Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_SORTSWEDFIN Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_SORTTURKISH Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_SORTUNDEFINED Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_SQLPASSTHROUGH Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_SYSTEMOBJECT Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_TABLE Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_TEXT Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_UNIQUE Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_UPDATABLEFIELD Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_VARIABLEFIELD Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_VERSION10 Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_VERSION11 Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DB_VERSION20 Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
dbAppendOnly DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbAttachedODBC DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbAttachedTable DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbAttachExclusive DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbAttachSavePWD DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbAutoIncrField DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbBigInt DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbBinary DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbBoolean DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbByte DAO constant 10-ago-07
DBCC SQL Server reserved 21-jul-06
dbChar DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbConsistent DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbCriteriaAllCols DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbCriteriaDeleteInsert DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbCriteriaKey DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbCriteriaModValues DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbCriteriaTimestamp DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbCriteriaUpdate DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbCurrency DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbDate DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbDecimal DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbDecrypt DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbDenyRead DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbDenyWrite DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbDescending DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbDouble DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbDriverComplete DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbDriverCompleteRequired DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbDriverNoPrompt DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbDriverPrompt DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbEditAdd DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbEditInProgress DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbEditNone DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbEncrypt DAO constant 10-ago-07
DBEngine Application Property 01-jun-06
dbExclusiveAsyncDelay DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbExecDirect DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbFailOnError DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbFixedField DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbFloat DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbFlushTransactionTieout DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbForceOSFlush DAO constant 11-ago-07
dbForwardOnly DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbFreeLocks DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbGUID DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbHiddenObject DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbHyperlinkField DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbImplicitCommitSync DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbInconsistent DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbInteger DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbLangArabic DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbLangChineseSimplified DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbLangChineseTraditional DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbLangCyrillic DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbLangCzech DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbLangDutch DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbLangGeneral DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbLangGreek DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbLangHebrew DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbLangHungarian DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbLangIcelandic DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbLangJapanese DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbLangKorean DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbLangNordic DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbLangNorwDan DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbLangPolish DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbLangSlovenian DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbLangSpanish DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbLangSwedFin DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbLangThai DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbLangTurkish DAO constant 10-ago-07
DblClick Form method; Form Section method; Report method 01-jun-06
dbLockDelay DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbLockRetry DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbLong DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbLongBinary DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbMaxBufferSize DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbMaxLocksPerFile DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbMemo DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbNumeric DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbOpenDynamic DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbOpenDynaset DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbOpenForwardOnly DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbOpenSnapshot DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbOpenTable DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbOptimistic DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbOptimisticBatch DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbOptimisticValue DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbPageTimeout DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbParamInput DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbParamInputOutput DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbParamOutput DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbParamReturnValue DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbPessimistic DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbQAction DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbQAppend DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbQCompound DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbQCrosstab DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbQDDL DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbQDelete DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbQMakeTable DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbQPrepare DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbQProcedure DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbQSelect DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbQSetOperation DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbQSPTBulk DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbQSQLPassThrough DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbQUnprepare DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbQUpdate DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbReadOnly DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbRecordDBDeleted DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbRecordDeleted DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbRecordModified DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbRecordNew DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbRecordUnmodified DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbRecycleLVs DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbRefreshCache DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbRelationDeleteCascade DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbRelationDontEnforce DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbRelationInherited DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbRelationLeft DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbRelationRight DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbRelationUnique DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbRelationUpdateCascade DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbRepExportChanges DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbRepImpExpChanges DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbRepImportChanges DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbRepMakePartial DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbRepMakeReadOnly DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbRepSyncInternet DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbRunAsync DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbSecCreate DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbSecDBAdmin DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbSecDBCreate DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbSecDBExclusive DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbSecDBOpen DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbSecDelete DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbSecDeleteData DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbSecFullAccess DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbSecInsertData DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbSecNoAccess DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbSecReadDef DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbSecReadSec DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbSecReplaceData DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbSecRetrieveData DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbSecWriteDef DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbSecWriteOwner DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbSecWriteSec DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbSeeChanges DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbSharedAsyncDelay DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbSingle DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbSortArabic DAO constant 11-ago-07
dbSortChineseSimplified DAO constant 11-ago-07
dbSortChineseTraditional DAO constant 11-ago-07
dbSortCryillic DAO constant 11-ago-07
dbSortCzech DAO constant 11-ago-07
dbSortDutch DAO constant 11-ago-07
dbSortGeneral DAO constant 11-ago-07
dbSortGreek DAO constant 11-ago-07
dbSortHebrew DAO constant 11-ago-07
dbSortHungarian DAO constant 11-ago-07
dbSortIcelandic DAO constant 11-ago-07
dbSortJapanese DAO constant 11-ago-07
dbSortKorean DAO constant 11-ago-07
dbSortNeutral DAO constant 11-ago-07
dbSortNorwdan DAO constant 11-ago-07
dbSortPDXIntl DAO constant 11-ago-07
dbSortPDXNor DAO constant 11-ago-07
dbSortPDXSwe DAO constant 11-ago-07
dbSortPolish DAO constant 11-ago-07
dbSortSlovenian DAO constant 11-ago-07
dbSortSpanish DAO constant 11-ago-07
dbSortSwedFin DAO constant 11-ago-07
dbSortThai DAO constant 11-ago-07
dbSortTurkish DAO constant 11-ago-07
dbSortUndefined DAO constant 11-ago-07
dbSQLPassThrough DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbSystemField DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbSystemObject DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbText DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbTime DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbTimeStamp DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbUpdatableField DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbUpdateBatch Access constant 10-ago-07
dbUpdateCurrentRecord Access constant 10-ago-07
dbUpdateRegular Access constant 10-ago-07
dbUseClientBatchCursor DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbUseDefaultCursor DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbUseJet Access constant 10-ago-07
dbUseNoCursor DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbUseODBC Access constant 10-ago-07
dbUseODBCCursor DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbUserCommitSync DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbUseServerCursor DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbVarBinary DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbVariableField DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbVersion10 DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbVersion11 DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbVersion20 DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbVersion30 DAO constant 10-ago-07
dbVersion40 DAO constant 10-ago-07
DCount Application Property 01-jun-06
DDB VBA function 01-jun-06
DDEExecute Application Property 01-jun-06
DDEInitiate Application Property 01-jun-06
DDEPoke Application Property 01-jun-06
DDERequest Application Property 01-jun-06
DDETerminate Application Property 01-jun-06
DDETerminateAll Application Property 01-jun-06
Deactivate Form method; Report method 01-jun-06
DEALLOCATE JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
DEC JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
DECIMAL JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
DecimalPlaces Field property 01-jun-06
DECLARE JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
DEFAULT JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved 01-jun-06
DefaultControl Report property 01-jun-06
DefaultEditing Form property 01-jun-06
DefaultPassword DAO global 01-jun-06
DefaultType DAO global 01-jun-06
DefaultUser DAO global 01-jun-06
DefaultValue Field property 01-jun-06
DefaultView Form property; Table property 01-jun-06
DefaultWebOptions Application Property 01-jun-06
DefaultWorkspaceClone Application Property 01-jun-06
DEFERRABLE JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
DEFERRED JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
DelAutoCorrect Application Property 01-jun-06
DELETE JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
DELETE_CANCEL Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DELETE_OK Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DELETE_USER_CANCEL Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
DeleteControl Application Property 01-jun-06
DeleteObject VBA function 01-jun-06
DeleteReportControl Application Property 01-jun-06
DeleteSetting VBA function 01-jun-06
DENY SQL Server reserved 21-jul-06
DEPTH Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
DEREF Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
DESC JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
DESCRIBE JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
Description Table property; Field property 01-jun-06
DESCRIPTOR JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
DESTROY Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
DESTRUCTOR Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
Detail Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
DETERMINISTIC Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
DFirst Application Property 01-jun-06
DIAGNOSTICS JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
DICTIONARY ODBC (kb125948) 21-jul-06
Dir VBA function 01-jun-06
Dirty Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
DirtyObject Application property 28-abr-10
DISALLOW JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
DISCONNECT JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
DISK SQL Server reserved 21-jul-06
DISPLACEMENT ODBC (kb125948) 21-jul-06
DisplayControl Field property 01-jun-06
DisplayOnSharePointSite Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
DisplayViewsOnSharePointSite Table property; Query property 28-abr-10
DisplayWhen Form Section property; Report Section property 01-jun-06
DISTINCT JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
DISTINCTROW Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
DISTRIBUTED SQL Server reserved 21-jul-06
DividingLines Form property 01-jun-06
DLast Application Property 01-jun-06
DLookup Application Property 01-jun-06
DMax Application Property 01-jun-06
DMin Application Property 01-jun-06
DoCmd Application Property 01-jun-06
Docs Reserved for web databases 28-abr-10
Document Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
DoEvents VBA function 01-jun-06
DOMAIN JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
DOUBLE JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
DrawMode Report property 01-jun-06
DrawStyle Report property 01-jun-06
DrawWidth Report property 01-jun-06
DROP JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
DStDev Application Property 01-jun-06
DStDevP Application Property 01-jun-06
DSum Application Property 01-jun-06
DUMMY SQL Server reserved 21-jul-06
DUMP SQL Server reserved 21-jul-06
DVar Application Property 01-jun-06
DVarP Application Property 01-jun-06
DYNAMIC Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
EACH Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
Echo Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
ELEMENT 24-jun-17
ELSE JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
END JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
END-EXEC JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
Environ VBA function 01-jun-06
Environ$ VBA function 01-jun-06
EOF VBA function 01-jun-06
EQUALS Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
Eqv Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
Erl VBA function 01-jun-06
Err VBA function 01-jun-06
ERRLVL SQL Server reserved 21-jul-06
Error Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
Error$ VBA function 01-jun-06
Errors DAO global 01-jun-06
ESCAPE JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
EuroConvert Application Property 01-jun-06
Eval Application Property 01-jun-06
EventProcPrefix Form Section property; Report Section property 01-jun-06
EVERY Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
EXCEPT JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
EXCEPTION JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
EXCLUSIVECONNECT JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
EXEC JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
EXECUTE JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
EXISTS JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
Exit Access reserved (kb286335);SQL Server reserved 01-jun-06
Exp VBA function 01-jun-06
ExportCustomFixedFormat Application Property 01-jun-06
ExportNavigationPane Application Property 01-jun-06
ExportXML Application Property 01-jun-06
ExportXMLOld Application Property 01-jun-06
Expression Field property 27-abr-10
EXTERNAL JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
EXTRACT JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
FALSE JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
FastLaserPrinting Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
FCMinDesignVer Table property 28-abr-10
FCMinReadVer Table property 28-abr-10
FCMinWriteVer Table property 28-abr-10
FeatureInstall Application Property 01-jun-06
FETCH JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
FetchDefaults Form property 01-jun-06
Field Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
Fields Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
FieldSize Field property 01-jun-06
FILE SQL Server reserved 21-jul-06
FileAttr VBA function 01-jun-06
FileCopy VBA function 01-jun-06
FileDateTime VBA function 01-jun-06
FileDialog Application Property 01-jun-06
FileLen VBA function 01-jun-06
FileSearch Application Property 01-jun-06
FillCache Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
FillColor Report property 01-jun-06
FILLFACTOR SQL Server reserved 21-jul-06
FillStyle Report property 01-jun-06
Filter Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
FilterOn Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
FilterOnLoad Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
FIRST JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
FitToPage Report property 01-jun-06
FitToScreen Form property 28-abr-10
Fix VBA function 01-jun-06
FLOAT JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
FLOAT4 JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
FLOAT8 JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
FollowHyperlik Application Property 28-abr-10
FollowHyperlink Application Property 01-jun-06
FontBold Report property 01-jun-06
FontItalic Report property 01-jun-06
FontName Report property 01-jun-06
FontSize Report property 01-jun-06
FontUnderline Report property 01-jun-06
FOR JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
ForceNewPage Form Section property; Report Section property 01-jun-06
ForeColor Report property 01-jun-06
FOREIGN JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
ForeignName Field property 01-jun-06
ForeShade Form property; Report property 28-abr-10
ForeThemeColorIndex Form property; Report property 28-abr-10
ForeTint Form property; Report property 28-abr-10
Form Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
Format Field property 01-jun-06
Format$ VBA function 01-jun-06
FormatCount Report property 01-jun-06
FormatCurrency VBA function 01-jun-06
FormatDateTime VBA function 01-jun-06
FormatNumber VBA function 01-jun-06
FormatPercent VBA function 01-jun-06
FormName Form property 01-jun-06
Forms Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
FORTRAN ODBC (kb125948) 21-jul-06
FOUND JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
FREE Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
FreeFile VBA function 01-jun-06
FREETEXT SQL Server reserved 21-jul-06
FREETEXTTABLE SQL Server reserved 21-jul-06
FROM JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
FROM Clause 24-jun-17
FrozenColumns Form property 01-jun-06
FULL JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
FUNCTION Access reserved (kb286335);SQL Server reserved 01-jun-06
FUSION 24-jun-17
FV VBA function 01-jun-06
GENERAL JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
GET JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
GetAllSettings VBA function 01-jun-06
GetAttr VBA function 01-jun-06
GetHiddenAttribute Application Property 01-jun-06
GetObject Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
GetOption Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
GetSetting VBA function 01-jun-06
GLOBAL JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
GO JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
GotFocus Form method; Report method 01-jun-06
GOTO JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
GotoPage Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
GRANT JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
GridX Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
GridY Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
GROUP JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
GROUP BY 24-jun-17
GROUPING Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
GroupLevel Report property 01-jun-06
GrpKeepTogether Report property 01-jun-06
GUID JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
GUIDFromString Application Property 01-jun-06
HAS 24-jun-17
HasContinued Form Section property; Report Section property 01-jun-06
HasData Report property 01-jun-06
HasModule Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
HAVING JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
Height Form Section property; Report Section property 01-jun-06
HelpContextId Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
HelpFile Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
Hex VBA function 01-jun-06
Hex$ VBA function 01-jun-06
HideNewField Table property; Query property 28-abr-10
HOLD 24-jun-17
HOLDLOCK SQL Server reserved 21-jul-06
HorizontalDatasheetGridlineStyle Form property 01-jun-06
HOST Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
HOUR JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
HtmlEncode Application Property 01-jun-06
Hwnd Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
hWndAccessApp Application Property 01-jun-06
HyperlinkPart Application Property 01-jun-06
IDENTITY JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
IDENTITY_INSERT SQL Server reserved 21-jul-06
IDENTITYCOL SQL Server reserved 21-jul-06
Idle Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
IEEEDOUBLE JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
IEEESINGLE JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
If Access reserved (kb286335);SQL Server reserved 01-jun-06
IGNORE JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
IIf VBA function 01-jun-06
IMAGE JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
ImageData Form property 01-jun-06
IMEMode Field property 01-jun-06
IMESentenceMode Field property 01-jun-06
IMEStatus VBA function 01-jun-06
IMMEDIATE JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
Imp Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
ImportNavigationPane Application Property 01-jun-06
ImportXML Application Property 01-jun-06
IN JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
INCLUDE ODBC (kb125948) 21-jul-06
INDEX JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
Indexes Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
INDICATOR JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
INHERITABLE JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
ININDEX 24-jun-17
IniPath DAO global 01-jun-06
INITIALIZE Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
INITIALLY JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
INNER JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
INOUT Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
INPUT JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
Input$ VBA function 01-jun-06
InputB VBA function 01-jun-06
InputB$ VBA function 01-jun-06
InputBox VBA function 01-jun-06
InputMask Field property 01-jun-06
InputParameters Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
InSelection Form Section property; Report Section property 01-jun-06
INSENSITIVE JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
INSERT JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
INSERT INTO 24-jun-17
InsertText Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
InsideHeight Form property 01-jun-06
InsideWidth Form property 01-jun-06
InstantiateTemplate Application property 28-abr-10
InStr VBA function 01-jun-06
InstrB VBA function 01-jun-06
InstrRev VBA function 01-jun-06
INT JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
INTEGER JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
INTEGER1 JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
INTEGER2 JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
INTEGER4 JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
INTERSECT JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
INTERVAL JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
INTO JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
IPmt VBA function 01-jun-06
IRR VBA function 01-jun-06
IS JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
ISAMStats DAO global 01-jun-06
IsArray VBA function 01-jun-06
IsClient Application property 28-abr-10
IsCompiled Application Property 01-jun-06
IsCurrentWebUserInGroup Application property 28-abr-10
IsDate VBA function 01-jun-06
IsEmpty VBA function 01-jun-06
IsError VBA function 01-jun-06
IsMemberSafe Application Property 01-jun-06
IsMissing VBA function 01-jun-06
IsNull VBA function 01-jun-06
IsNumeric VBA function 01-jun-06
ISO_Week 24-jun-17
IsObject VBA function 01-jun-06
ISOLATION JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
ITERATE Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
JOIN JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);SQL Server reserved 01-jun-06
KeepLocal DAO constant 10-ago-07
KeepTogether Form Section property; Report Section property 01-jun-06
KEY JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);SQL Server reserved 01-jun-06
KeyDown Form method; Report method 01-jun-06
KeyPress Form method; Report method 01-jun-06
KeyPreview Form property 01-jun-06
KeyUp Form method; Report method 01-jun-06
Kill VBA function;SQL Server reserved 01-jun-06
LANGUAGE JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
LanguageSettings Application Property 01-jun-06
LARGE Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
LAST JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
LastModified Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
LastUpdated Table property 01-jun-06
LATERAL Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
LayoutForPrint Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
LB_CLOSE Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
LB_END Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
LB_GETCOLUMNCOUNT Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
LB_GETCOLUMNWIDTH Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
LB_GETFORMAT Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
LB_GETROWCOUNT Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
LB_GETVALUE Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
LB_INITIALIZE Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
LB_OPEN Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
LCase VBA function 01-jun-06
LCase$ VBA function 01-jun-06
LEADING JET reserved (kb248738);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
LEFT JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
Left$ VBA function 01-jun-06
LEFT_BUTTON Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
LeftB VBA function 01-jun-06
LeftB$ VBA function 01-jun-06
Len VBA function 01-jun-06
LenB VBA function 01-jun-06
LESS Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
LEVEL JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
LIKE JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
LIKE_REGEX 24-jun-17
LIMIT Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
LimitToList Field property 01-jun-06
Line Report method 01-jun-06
LINENO SQL Server reserved 21-jul-06
ListRows Field property 01-jun-06
Lists Reserved for web databases 28-abr-10
ListWidth Field property 01-jun-06
LN 24-jun-17
Load Form method; Report method;SQL Server reserved 01-jun-06
LoadCustomUI Access property 01-jun-06
LoadFromAXL Application property 28-abr-10
LoadFromText Application Property 01-jun-06
LoadPicture Application Property 01-jun-06
Loc VBA function 01-jun-06
LOCAL JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
LOCALTIME Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
LOCALTIMESTAMP Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
LocalVars Application property 28-abr-10
LOCATOR Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
Log VBA function 01-jun-06
LOGICAL JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
LOGICAL1 JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
LogicalPageHeight Report property 01-jun-06
LogicalPageWidth Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
LoginTimeout DAO global 01-jun-06
LogMessages DAO constant 10-ago-07
LONG JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
LONGBINARY JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
LONGCHAR JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
LONGTEXT JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
LostFocus Form method; Report method 01-jun-06
LOWER JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
LTrim VBA function 01-jun-06
LTrim$ VBA function 01-jun-06
MacID VBA function 01-jun-06
Macro 24-jun-17
MacroError Application Property 01-jun-06
MacScript VBA function 01-jun-06
MAP Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
MapName Table property 28-abr-10
MATCH JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
MAX JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
MaxButton Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
MaxRecords Form method 01-jun-06
MEMBER 24-jun-17
MEMO JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
MenuBar Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
MERGE 24-jun-17
METHOD 24-jun-17
Mid VBA function 01-jun-06
Mid$ VBA function 01-jun-06
MidB VBA function 01-jun-06
MidB$ VBA function 01-jun-06
MIDDLE_BUTTON Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
Millisecond 24-jun-17
MIN JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
MinButton Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
MinMaxButtons Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
MINUTE JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
MIRR VBA function 01-jun-06
MkDir VBA function 01-jun-06
Mod Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
Modal Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
MODIFIES Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
MODIFY Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
MODULE JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
Modules Application Property 01-jun-06
MONEY JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
MONTH JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
MonthName VBA function 01-jun-06
MouseDown Form method; Form Section method; Report method 01-jun-06
MouseMove Form method; Form Section method; Report method 01-jun-06
MouseUp Form method; Form Section method; Report method 01-jun-06
MouseWheel Form method; Report method 01-jun-06
MouseWheelEmMacro Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
MouseWheelMacro Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
Move Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
Moveable Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
MoveLayout Report property 01-jun-06
MsgBox VBA function 01-jun-06
MsoDebugOptions Application Property 01-jun-06
MULTISET 24-jun-17
MUMPS ODBC (kb125948) 21-jul-06
Name Form property; Form Section property; Report property; Report Section property; Table property; Field property 01-jun-06
NameMap Table property 01-jun-06
NAMES JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
NATIONAL JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
NATURAL JET reserved (kb248738);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
NavigationButtons Form property 01-jun-06
NavigationCaption Form property 01-jun-06
NCHAR JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
NCLOB Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
NEW Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
NewAccessProject Application Property 01-jun-06
NewCurrentDatabase Application Property 01-jun-06
NewCurrentDatabaseOld Application property 28-abr-10
NewFileTaskPane Application Property 01-jun-06
NewPassword Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
NewRecord Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
NewRowOrCol Form Section property; Report Section property 01-jun-06
NEXT JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
NextRecord Report property 01-jun-06
NO JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
NOCHECK SQL Server reserved 21-jul-06
NoData Report method 01-jun-06
NONCLUSTERED SQL Server reserved 21-jul-06
NONE ODBC (kb125948) 21-jul-06
NORMALIZE 24-jun-17
NOT JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
NOTE JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
Now VBA property 01-jun-06
NPer VBA function 01-jun-06
NPmt VBA function 01-jun-06
NTEXT 24-jun-17
NULL JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
NULLIF JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
NUMBER JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
NUMERIC JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
NVARCHAR 24-jun-17
Nz Application Property 01-jun-06
OBJECT JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
ObjPtr VBA function 01-jun-06
OBJSTATE_DIRTY Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
OBJSTATE_NEW Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
OBJSTATE_OPEN Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
Oct VBA function 01-jun-06
Oct$ VBA function 01-jun-06
OCTET_LENGTH JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
ODBCTimeout Query property 28-abr-10
OF JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
OFF Access reserved (kb286335);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
OFFSETS SQL Server reserved 21-jul-06
OLD Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
OLE_CLOSED Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
OLE_DHANGED Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
OLE_RELEASE Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
OLE_RENAMED Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
OLE_SAVED Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
OLEOBJECT JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
ON JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
OnActivate Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
OnActivateEmMacro Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
OnActivateMacro Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
OnApplyFilter Form property 01-jun-06
OnApplyFilterEmMacro Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
OnApplyFilterMacro Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
OnClick Form property; Form Section property 01-jun-06
OnClickEmMacro Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
OnClickMacro Form method; Form Section method; Report property 01-jun-06
OnClose Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
OnCloseEmMacro Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
OnCloseMacro Form Property; Report property 01-jun-06
OnCmdBeforeExecute Form property 01-jun-06
OnCmdChecked Form property 01-jun-06
OnCmdEnabled Form property 01-jun-06
OnCmdExecute Form property 01-jun-06
OnConnect Form property 01-jun-06
OnConnectEmMacro Form property 01-jun-06
OnConnectMacro Form Property 01-jun-06
OnCurrent Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
OnCurrentEmMacro Form property 01-jun-06
OnCurrentMacro Form property 01-jun-06
OnDataChange Form property 01-jun-06
OnDataSetChange Form property 01-jun-06
OnDblClick Form property; Form Section property 01-jun-06
OnDblClickEmMacro Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
OnDblClickMacro Form method; Form Section method; Report property 01-jun-06
OnDeactivate Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
OnDeactivateEmMacro Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
OnDeactivateMacro Form Property; Report property 01-jun-06
OnDelete Form property 01-jun-06
OnDeleteEmMacro Form property 01-jun-06
OnDeleteMacro Form Property 01-jun-06
OnDirty Form property 01-jun-06
OnDirtyEmMacro Form property 01-jun-06
OnDirtyMacro Form Property 01-jun-06
OnDisconnect Form property 01-jun-06
OnDisconnectEmMacro Form property 01-jun-06
OnDisconnectMacro Form Property 01-jun-06
OnError Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
OnErrorEmMacro Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
OnErrorMacro Form Property; Report property 01-jun-06
OnFilter Form property 01-jun-06
OnFilterEmMacro Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
OnFilterMacro Form Property; Report property 01-jun-06
OnFormat Report Section property 01-jun-06
OnFormatEmMacro Report section property 28-abr-10
OnFormatMacro Form method; Form Section method 01-jun-06
OnGotFocus Form property 01-jun-06
OnGotFocusEmMacro Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
OnGotFocusMacro Form Property; Report property 01-jun-06
OnKeyDown Form property 01-jun-06
OnKeyDownEmMacro Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
OnKeyDownMacro Form Property; Report property 01-jun-06
OnKeyPress Form property 01-jun-06
OnKeyPressEmMacro Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
OnKeyPressMacro Form Property; Report property 01-jun-06
OnKeyUp Form property 01-jun-06
OnKeyUpEmMacro Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
OnKeyUpMacro Form Property; Report property 01-jun-06
OnLoad Form property 01-jun-06
OnLoadEmMacro Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
OnLoadMacro Form Property; Report property 01-jun-06
OnLostFocus Form property 01-jun-06
OnLostFocusEmMacro Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
OnLostFocusMacro Form Property; Report property 01-jun-06
ONLY JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
OnMouseDown Form property; Form Section property 01-jun-06
OnMouseDownEmMacro Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
OnMouseDownMacro Form method; Form Section method; Report property 01-jun-06
OnMouseMove Form property; Form Section property 01-jun-06
OnMouseMoveEmMacro Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
OnMouseMoveMacro Form Property; Report property 01-jun-06
OnMouseUp Form property; Form Section property 01-jun-06
OnMouseUpEmMacro Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
OnMouseUpMacro Form method; Form Section method; Report property 01-jun-06
OnMouseWheel Form property 01-jun-06
OnNoData Report property 01-jun-06
OnNoDataEmMacro Report property 01-jun-06
OnNoDataMacro Report property 01-jun-06
ONONLY 24-jun-17
OnOpen Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
OnOpenEmMacro Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
OnOpenMacro Form Property; Report property 01-jun-06
OnPage Report property 01-jun-06
OnPageEmMacro Report property 01-jun-06
OnPageMacro Form Property 01-jun-06
OnPaint Report method; Report Section method 01-jun-06
OnPaintEmMacro Form section property 01-jun-06
OnPaintMacro Report method; Report Section method 01-jun-06
OnPivotTableChange Form property 01-jun-06
OnPrint Report Section property 01-jun-06
OnPrintEmMacro Report section property 28-abr-10
OnPrintMacro Report method; Report Section method 01-jun-06
OnQuery Form property 01-jun-06
OnResize Form property 01-jun-06
OnResizeEmMacro Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
OnResizeMacro Form Property; Report property 01-jun-06
OnRetreat Report Section property 01-jun-06
OnRetreatEmMacro Report section property 28-abr-10
OnRetreatMacro Report method; Report Section method 01-jun-06
OnSelectionChange Form property 01-jun-06
OnTimer Form property 01-jun-06
OnTimerEmMacro Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
OnTimerMacro Form Property; Report property 01-jun-06
OnUndo Form property 01-jun-06
OnUndoEmMacro Form property 01-jun-06
OnUndoMacro Form Property 01-jun-06
OnUnload Form property 01-jun-06
OnUnloadEmMacro Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
OnUnloadMacro Form Property; Report property 01-jun-06
OnViewChange Form property 01-jun-06
OPEN JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
OpenAccessProject Application Property 01-jun-06
OpenArgs Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
OpenConnection DAO global 01-jun-06
OpenCurrentDatabase Application Property 01-jun-06
OpenCurrentDatabaseOld Application Property 01-jun-06
OpenDatabase DAO global 01-jun-06
OPENDATASOURCE SQL Server reserved 21-jul-06
OPENQUERY SQL Server reserved 21-jul-06
OpenRecordset Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
OPENROWSET SQL Server reserved 21-jul-06
OPENXML SQL Server reserved 21-jul-06
OPERATION Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
OPTION JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved 01-jun-06
OR JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
ORDER JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
OrderBy Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
OrderByOn Form property; Report property; Table property 01-jun-06
OrderByOnLoad Form property 01-jun-06
ORDINALITY Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
OrdinalPosition Field property 01-jun-06
Orientation Form property; Report property; Table property 01-jun-06
OriginalValue Field property 01-jun-06
ORORDER 24-jun-17
OUT Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
OUTER JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
OUTPUT JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
OVER SQL Server reserved 21-jul-06
OVERLAPS JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
OVERLAY 24-jun-17
OWNERACCESS JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
PAD JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
Page Report property 01-jun-06
PageFooter Report property 01-jun-06
PageHeader Report property 01-jun-06
Pages Report property 01-jun-06
Paint Report method; Report Section method 01-jun-06
Painting Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
PaintPalette Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
PaletteSource Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
Parameter Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
PARAMETERS JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
Parent Application Property 01-jun-06
PARTIAL JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
Partition VBA function 01-jun-06
PASCAL ODBC (kb125948) 21-jul-06
PASSWORD JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
PATH Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
PERCENT JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved 01-jun-06
PERCENT_RANK 24-jun-17
Picture Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
PictureAlignment Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
PictureData Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
PicturePages Report property 01-jun-06
PicturePalette Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
PictureSizeMode Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
PictureTiling Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
PictureType Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
PIVOT JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
PivotTableChange Form property 01-jun-06
PivotTableChangeEmMacro Form property 01-jun-06
PivotTableChangeMacro Form Property 01-jun-06
PlainText Access method 01-jun-06
PLAN SQL Server reserved 21-jul-06
PLI ODBC (kb125948) 21-jul-06
PopUp Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
POSITION JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
POSTFIX Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
PPmt VBA function 01-jun-06
PRECISION JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
PREFIX Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
PREORDER Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
PREPARE JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
PRESERVE JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
PRIMARY JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
Print Report method;SQL Server reserved 01-jun-06
PrintCount Report property 01-jun-06
Printer Application Property 01-jun-06
Printers Application Property 01-jun-06
PrintSection Report property 01-jun-06
PRIOR JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
PRIVILEGES JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
PROC JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved 01-jun-06
PROCEDURE JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
ProductCode Application Property 01-jun-06
Project Access constant (hidden) 10-ago-07
Properties Form collection; Report collection 01-jun-06
Property Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
PrtDevMode Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
PrtDevModeW Form property; Report property 28-abr-10
PrtDevNames Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
PrtDevNamesW Form property; Report property 28-abr-10
PrtMip Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
PSet Report method 01-jun-06
PUBLIC JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
PublishToWeb Table property 28-abr-10
PV VBA function 01-jun-06
QBColor VBA function 01-jun-06
Quarter 24-jun-17
Queries Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
Query Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
QueryEmMacro Form property 01-jun-06
QueryMacro Form Property 01-jun-06
Quit Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
RAISERROR SQL Server reserved 21-jul-06
Randomize VBA function 01-jun-06
RANGE 24-jun-17
Rate VBA function 01-jun-06
READ JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
ReadOnlyWhenDisconnected Table property 28-abr-10
READS Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
READTEXT SQL Server reserved 21-jul-06
REAL JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
Recalc Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
RECONFIGURE SQL Server reserved 21-jul-06
RecordCount Table property 01-jun-06
RecordExit Form method 01-jun-06
RecordLocks Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
RecordsAffected Query property 28-abr-10
RecordSelectors Form property 01-jun-06
Recordset Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
RecordsetClone Form property 01-jun-06
RecordsetType Form property 01-jun-06
RecordSource Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
RecordSourceQualifier Form property 01-jun-06
RECURSIVE Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
REF Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
REFERENCES JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved 01-jun-06
REFERENCING Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
Refresh Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
RefreshDatabaseWindow Application Property 01-jun-06
RefreshLink Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
RefreshTitleBar Application Property 01-jun-06
RegisterDatabase Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
REGR_AVGX 24-jun-17
REGR_AVGY 24-jun-17
REGR_COUNT 24-jun-17
REGR_R2 24-jun-17
REGR_SLOPE 24-jun-17
REGR_SXX 24-jun-17
REGR_SXY 24-jun-17
REGR_SYY 24-jun-17
Relation Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
RELATIVE JET reserved (kb248738);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
RELEASE 24-jun-17
ReloadAddIns Application Property 01-jun-06
Repaint Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
RepairDatabase Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
RepeatSection Report Section property 01-jun-06
Replace VBA function 01-jun-06
ReplaceModule Application Property 01-jun-06
Replicable DAO constant 10-ago-07
ReplicableBool DAO constant 10-ago-07
ReplicaFilter Table property 01-jun-06
REPLICATION SQL Server reserved 21-jul-06
Report Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
Report Definitions Reserved for web databases 28-abr-10
Reports Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
Requery Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
Required Field property 01-jun-06
Reset VBA function 01-jun-06
Resize Form method; Report method 01-jun-06
RESTORE SQL Server reserved 21-jul-06
RESTRICT JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
RESULT Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
ResultType Field property 27-abr-10
ResyncCommand Form property 01-jun-06
Retreat Report method 01-jun-06
RETURN SQL Server reserved 21-jul-06
RETURNS Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
ReturnsRecords Query property 28-abr-10
ReturnVars Application property 28-abr-10
REVERT 24-jun-17
REVOKE JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
RGB VBA function 01-jun-06
RibbonName Form property; Report property 27-abr-10
RIGHT JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
Right$ VBA function 01-jun-06
RIGHT_BUTTON Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
RightB VBA function 01-jun-06
RightB$ VBA function 01-jun-06
RmDir VBA function 01-jun-06
Rnd VBA function 01-jun-06
ROLE Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
ROLLBACK JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
RollbackTransaction Form property 01-jun-06
RollbackTransactionEmMacro Form property 01-jun-06
RollbackTransactionMacro Form property 01-jun-06
ROLLUP Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
Round VBA function 01-jun-06
ROUTINE Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
ROW Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
ROWCOUNT SQL Server reserved 21-jul-06
ROWGUIDCOL SQL Server reserved 21-jul-06
RowHeight Form property 01-jun-06
ROWS JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
RowSource Field property 01-jun-06
RowSourceType Field property 01-jun-06
RTrim VBA function 01-jun-06
RTrim$ VBA function 01-jun-06
RULE SQL Server reserved 21-jul-06
Run Application Property 01-jun-06
RunCommand Application Property 01-jun-06
SAVE SQL Server reserved 21-jul-06
SaveAsAXL Application property 28-abr-10
SaveAsTemplate Application property 28-abr-10
SaveAsText Application Property 01-jun-06
SAVEPOINT Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
SaveSetting VBA function 01-jun-06
SaveSplitterBarPosition Form property 01-jun-06
Scale Report method 01-jun-06
ScaleHeight Report property 01-jun-06
ScaleLeft Report property 01-jun-06
ScaleMode Report property 01-jun-06
ScaleTop Report property 01-jun-06
ScaleWidth Report property 01-jun-06
SCHEMA JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
SCOPE Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
SCREEN Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
SCROLL JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
ScrollBars Form property 01-jun-06
SEARCH Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
SECOND JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
SECTION JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
Sections Form collection; Report collection 01-jun-06
Seek VBA function 01-jun-06
SeetDefaultWorkgroupFile Application Property 28-abr-10
SELECT JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
SelectionChange Form property 01-jun-06
SelectionChangeEmMacro Form property 01-jun-06
SelectionChangeMacro Form Property 01-jun-06
SELECTSCHEMA JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
SELECTSECURITY JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
SelHeight Form property 01-jun-06
SelLeft Form property 01-jun-06
SelTop Form property 01-jun-06
SelWidth Form property 01-jun-06
SendKeys VBA function 01-jun-06
SENSITIVE 24-jun-17
SEQUENCE ODBC (kb125948) 21-jul-06
ServerFilter Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
ServerFilterByForm Form property 01-jun-06
SESSION JET reserved (kb248738);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
SESSION_USER JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
SET JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
SetAttr VBA function 01-jun-06
SetDefaultWorkgroupFile Application Property 01-jun-06
SetFocus Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
SetHiddenAttribute Application Property 01-jun-06
SetOption Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
SETS Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
SetUndoRecording Application Property 01-jun-06
SETUSER SQL Server reserved 21-jul-06
Sgn VBA function 01-jun-06
Shape Report property 01-jun-06
Shell VBA function 01-jun-06
SHIFT_MASK Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
SHORT JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
ShortcutMenu Form property 01-jun-06
ShortcutMenuBar Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
ShortText 24-jun-17
ShowDatePicker Field property 28-abr-10
ShowGrid Form property 01-jun-06
ShowOnlyRowSourceValues Field property 27-abr-10
ShowPageMargins Report property 01-jun-06
SHUTDOWN SQL Server reserved 21-jul-06
SIMILAR 24-jun-17
Sin VBA function 01-jun-06
SINGLE JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
SIZE JET reserved word; Field property;ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
SLN VBA function 01-jun-06
SMALLINT JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
SMALLMONEY 24-jun-17
Solutions Reserved for web databases 28-abr-10
SOME JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
SourceField Field property 01-jun-06
SourceTable Field property 01-jun-06
SourceTableName Table property 01-jun-06
SPACE JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
Space$ VBA function 01-jun-06
SpecialEffect Form Section property; Report Section property 01-jun-06
SPECIFIC Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
SPECIFICTYPE Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
Split VBA function 01-jun-06
SplitFormDatasheet Form property 01-jun-06
SplitFormOrientation Form property 01-jun-06
SplitFormPrinting Form property 01-jun-06
SplitFormSize Form property 01-jun-06
SplitFormSplitterBar Form property 01-jun-06
SplitFormSplitterBarSave Form property 01-jun-06
SQL JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
SQLCA ODBC (kb125948) 21-jul-06
SQLCODE JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
SQLERROR JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
SQLEXCEPTION Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
SQLSTATE JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
SQLWARNING ODBC (kb125948) 21-jul-06
Sqr VBA function 01-jun-06
StarColumnHidden Table property; Query property 28-abr-10
START Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
STATE Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
STATEMENT Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
STATIC Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
STATISTICS SQL Server reserved 21-jul-06
STDDEV_POP 24-jun-17
STDDEV_SAMP 24-jun-17
StDev Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
StDevP Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
StillExecuting Query property 28-abr-10
Str VBA function 01-jun-06
Str$ VBA function 01-jun-06
StrComp VBA function 01-jun-06
StrConv VBA function 01-jun-06
STRING JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
String$ VBA function 01-jun-06
StringFromGUID Application Property 01-jun-06
StrPtr VBA function 01-jun-06
StrReverse VBA function 01-jun-06
STRUCTURE Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
SubdatasheetExpanded Form property 01-jun-06
SubdatasheetHeight Form property 01-jun-06
SubdatasheetName Table property 01-jun-06
SUBSTRING JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
SUM JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
Switch VBA function 01-jun-06
SYD VBA function 01-jun-06
SYMMETRIC 24-jun-17
SysCmd Application Property 01-jun-06
SYSCMD_ACCESSDIR Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
SYSCMD_ACCESSVER Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
SYSCMD_CLEARHELPTOPIC Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
SYSCMD_CLEARSTATUS Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
SYSCMD_GETOBJECTSTATE Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
SYSCMD_INIFILE Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
SYSCMD_INITMETER Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
SYSCMD_REMOVEMETER Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
SYSCMD_RUNTIME Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
SYSCMD_SETSTATUS Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
SYSCMD_UPATEMETER Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
SYSNAME 24-jun-17
SYSTEM ODBC (kb125948) 21-jul-06
SYSTEM_USER JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
SystemDB DAO global 01-jun-06
TABLE JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
TableDef Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
TableDefs Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
TABLEID JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
TabularCharSet Form property 01-jun-06
TabularFamily Form property 01-jun-06
Tag Form property; Form Section property; Report property; Report Section property 01-jun-06
Tan VBA function 01-jun-06
TEMPORARY JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
TempVars Application Property 01-jun-06
TERMINATE Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
TEXT JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
TextAlign Field property 28-abr-10
TextFormat Field property 28-abr-10
TextHeight Report property 01-jun-06
TEXTSIZE SQL Server reserved 21-jul-06
TextWidth Report property 01-jun-06
THAN Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
ThemeFontIndex Form property; Report property; Table property 28-abr-10
ThemeName Form property; Report property 28-abr-10
THEN JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
TIME JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
Time$ VBA property 01-jun-06
Timer Form method 01-jun-06
TimerInterval Form property 01-jun-06
TimeSerial VBA function 01-jun-06
TIMESTAMP JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
TimeValue VBA function 01-jun-06
TIMEZONE_HOUR JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
TIMEZONE_MINUTE JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
TINYINT 24-jun-17
TO JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
Toolbar Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
TOP JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved 01-jun-06
TotalsRow Table property; Query property 28-abr-10
TRAILING JET reserved (kb248738);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
TRAN SQL Server reserved 21-jul-06
TRANSACTION JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
TRANSFORM JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
TransformXML Application Property 01-jun-06
TRANSLATE JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
TRANSLATION JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
TREAT Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
TRIGGER SQL Server reserved 21-jul-06
TRIM JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
Trim$ VBA function 01-jun-06
TRUE JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
TRUNCATE SQL Server reserved 21-jul-06
TRY_CONVERT 24-jun-17
TSEQUAL SQL Server reserved 21-jul-06
Type Field property 01-jun-06
TypeLib Access constant (hidden) 10-ago-07
TypeName VBA function 01-jun-06
UCase VBA function 01-jun-06
UCase$ VBA function 01-jun-06
UESCAPE 24-jun-17
UNDER Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
Undo Form method 01-jun-06
UndoBatchEdit Form property 01-jun-06
UndoBatchEditEmMacro Form property 01-jun-06
UndoBatchEditMacro Form property 01-jun-06
UnicodeCompression Field property 01-jun-06
UNION JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
UNIQUE JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
UNIQUEIDENTIFIER JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
UniqueTable Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
UNKNOWN JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
Unload Form method;Report method 01-jun-06
UNNEST Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
UNPIVOT 24-jun-17
Updatable Table property 01-jun-06
UPDATE JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
UPDATEIDENTITY JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
UPDATEOWNER JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
UPDATESECURITY JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
UPDATETEXT SQL Server reserved 21-jul-06
UPPER JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
USAGE JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
USE SQL Server reserved 21-jul-06
UseDefaultPaperSize Form property 01-jun-06
UseDefaultPrinter Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
USER JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
UserControl Application Property 01-jun-06
USING JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
V_CURRENCY Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
V_DATE Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
V_DOUBLE Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
V_EMPTY Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
V_INTEGER Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
V_LONG Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
V_NULL Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
V_SINGLE Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
V_STRING Access constant (old) 10-ago-07
V1xNullBehavior DAO constant 10-ago-07
Val VBA function 01-jun-06
ValidateOnSet Field property 01-jun-06
ValidationRule Table property; Field property 01-jun-06
ValidationText Table property; Field property 01-jun-06
VALUE JET reserved word; Field property;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
VALUES JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
Var Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
VAR_POP 24-jun-17
VAR_SAMP 24-jun-17
VARBINARY JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
VARCHAR JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
VARIABLE Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
VarP Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
VarPtr VBA function 01-jun-06
VarType VBA function 01-jun-06
VARYING JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
vb3DDKShadow VB constant 10-ago-07
vb3DFace VB constant 10-ago-07
vb3DHighlight VB constant 10-ago-07
vb3DLight VB constant 10-ago-07
vb3DShadow VB constant 10-ago-07
vbAbort VB constant 10-ago-07
vbAbortRetryIgnore VB constant 10-ago-07
vbActiveBorder VB constant 10-ago-07
vbActiveTitleBar VB constant 10-ago-07
vbAlias VB constant 10-ago-07
vbApplicationModal VB constant 10-ago-07
vbApplicationWorkspace VB constant 10-ago-07
vbAppTaskManager VB constant 10-ago-07
vbAppWindows VB constant 10-ago-07
vbArchive VB constant 10-ago-07
vbArray VBA constant 10-ago-07
vbBack VB constant 10-ago-07
vbBinaryCompare VB constant 10-ago-07
vbBlack VB constant 11-ago-07
vbBlue VB constant 11-ago-07
vbBoolean VBA constant 10-ago-07
vbButtonFace VB constant 10-ago-07
vbButtonShadow VB constant 10-ago-07
vbButtonText VB constant 10-ago-07
vbByte VBA constant 10-ago-07
vbCalGreg VB constant 10-ago-07
vbCalHijri VB constant 10-ago-07
vbCancel VB constant 10-ago-07
vbCr VB constant 10-ago-07
vbCritical VB constant 10-ago-07
vbCrLf VB constant 10-ago-07
vbCurrency VBA constant 10-ago-07
vbCyan VB constant 11-ago-07
vbDatabaseCompare VB constant 10-ago-07
vbDataObject VBA constant 10-ago-07
vbDate VBA constant 10-ago-07
vbDecimal VBA constant 10-ago-07
vbDefaultButton1 VB constant 10-ago-07
vbDefaultButton2 VB constant 10-ago-07
vbDefaultButton3 VB constant 10-ago-07
vbDefaultButton4 VB constant 10-ago-07
vbDesktop VB constant 10-ago-07
vbDirectory VB constant 10-ago-07
vbDouble VBA constant 10-ago-07
VBE Application Property 01-jun-06
vbEmpty VBA constant 10-ago-07
vbError VBA constant 10-ago-07
vbExclamation VB constant 10-ago-07
vbFalse VB constant 10-ago-07
vbFirstFourDays VB constant 10-ago-07
vbFirstFullWeek VB constant 10-ago-07
vbFirstJan1 VB constant 10-ago-07
vbFormCode VB constant 10-ago-07
vbFormControlMenu VB constant 10-ago-07
vbFormFeed VB constant 10-ago-07
vbFormMDIForm VB constant 10-ago-07
vbFriday VB constant 10-ago-07
vbFromUnicode VB constant 10-ago-07
vbGeneralDate VB constant 10-ago-07
VbGet VB constant 10-ago-07
vbGrayText VB constant 10-ago-07
vbGreen VB constant 11-ago-07
vbHidden VB constant 10-ago-07
vbHide VB constant 10-ago-07
vbHighlight VB constant 10-ago-07
vbHighlightText VB constant 10-ago-07
vbHiragana VB constant 10-ago-07
vbIgnore VB constant 10-ago-07
vbIMEAlphaDbl VB constant 10-ago-07
vbIMEAlphaSng VB constant 10-ago-07
vbIMEDisable VB constant 10-ago-07
vbIMEHiragana VB constant 10-ago-07
vbIMEKatakanaDbl VB constant 10-ago-07
vbIMEKatakanaSng VB constant 10-ago-07
vbIMEModeAlpha VB constant 10-ago-07
vbIMEModeAlphaFull VB constant 10-ago-07
vbIMEModeDisable VB constant 10-ago-07
vbIMEModeHangul VB constant 10-ago-07
vbIMEModeHangulFull VB constant 10-ago-07
vbIMEModeHiragana VB constant 10-ago-07
vbIMEModeKatakana VB constant 10-ago-07
vbIMEModeKatakanaHalf VB constant 10-ago-07
vbIMEModeNoControl VB constant 10-ago-07
vbIMEModeOff VB constant 10-ago-07
vbIMEModeOn VB constant 10-ago-07
vbIMENoOp VB constant 10-ago-07
vbIMEOff VB constant 10-ago-07
vbIMEOn VB constant 10-ago-07
vbInactiveBorder VB constant 10-ago-07
vbInactiveCaptionText VB constant 10-ago-07
vbInactiveTitleBar VB constant 10-ago-07
vbInfoBackground VB constant 10-ago-07
vbInformation VB constant 10-ago-07
vbInfoText VB constant 10-ago-07
vbInteger VBA constant 10-ago-07
vbKatakana VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKey0 VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKey1 VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKey2 VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKey3 VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKey4 VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKey5 VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKey6 VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKey7 VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKey8 VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKey9 VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyA VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyAdd VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyB VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyBack VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyC VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyCancel VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyCapital VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyClear VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyControl VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyD VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyDecimal VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyDelete VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyDivide VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyDown VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyE VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyEnd VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyEscape VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyExecute VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyF VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyF1 VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyF10 VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyF11 VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyF12 VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyF13 VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyF14 VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyF15 VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyF16 VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyF2 VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyF3 VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyF4 VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyF5 VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyF6 VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyF7 VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyF8 VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyF9 VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyG VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyH VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyHelp VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyHome VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyI VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyInsert VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyJ VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyL VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyLButton VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyM VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyMButton VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyMenu VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyMultiply VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyN VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyNumlock VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyNumpad0 VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyNumpad1 VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyNumpad2 VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyNumpad3 VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyNumpad4 VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyNumpad5 VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyNumpad6 VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyNumpad7 VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyNumpad8 VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyNumpad9 VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyO VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyp VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyPageDown VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyPageUp VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyPause VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyPrint VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyQ VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyR VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyRButton VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyReturn VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyRight VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyS VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeySelect VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeySeparator VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyShift VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeySnapshot VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeySpace VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeySubtract VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyT VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyTab VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyU VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyUp VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyV VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyW VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyX VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyY VB constant 10-ago-07
vbKeyZ VB constant 10-ago-07
VbLet VB constant 10-ago-07
vbLf VB constant 10-ago-07
vbLong VBA constant 10-ago-07
vbLongDate VB constant 10-ago-07
vbLongTime VB constant 10-ago-07
vbLowerCase VB constant 10-ago-07
vbMagenta VB constant 11-ago-07
vbMaximizedFocus VB constant 10-ago-07
vbMenuBar VB constant 10-ago-07
vbMenuText VB constant 10-ago-07
VbMethod VB constant 10-ago-07
vbMinimizedFocus VB constant 10-ago-07
vbMinimizedNoFocus VB constant 10-ago-07
vbModal VB constant 10-ago-07
vbModeless VB constant 10-ago-07
vbMonday VB constant 10-ago-07
vbMsgBox VB constant 10-ago-07
vbMsgBoxHelpButton VB constant 10-ago-07
vbMsgBoxRight VB constant 10-ago-07
vbMsgBoxRtlReading VB constant 10-ago-07
vbMsgBoxSetForeground VB constant 10-ago-07
vbMsgBoxText VB constant 10-ago-07
vbNarrow VB constant 10-ago-07
vbNewLine VB constant 10-ago-07
vbNo VB constant 10-ago-07
vbNormal VB constant 10-ago-07
vbNormalFocus VB constant 10-ago-07
vbNormalNoFocus VB constant 10-ago-07
vbNull VBA constant 10-ago-07
vbNullChar VB constant 10-ago-07
vbNullString VB constant 10-ago-07
vbObject VBA constant 10-ago-07
vbObjectError VB constant 10-ago-07
vbOk VB constant 10-ago-07
vbOkCancel VB constant 10-ago-07
vbOkOnly VB constant 10-ago-07
vbProperCase VB constant 10-ago-07
vbQuestion VB constant 10-ago-07
vbReadOnly VB constant 10-ago-07
vbRed VB constant 11-ago-07
vbRetry VB constant 10-ago-07
vbRetryCancel VB constant 10-ago-07
vbSaturday VB constant 10-ago-07
vbScrollBars VB constant 10-ago-07
VbSet VB constant 10-ago-07
vbShortDate VB constant 10-ago-07
vbShortTime VB constant 10-ago-07
vbSingle VBA constant 10-ago-07
vbString VBA constant 10-ago-07
vbSunday VB constant 10-ago-07
vbSystem VB constant 10-ago-07
vbSystemModal VB constant 10-ago-07
vbTab VB constant 10-ago-07
vbTextCompare VB constant 10-ago-07
vbThursday VB constant 10-ago-07
vbTitleBarText VB constant 10-ago-07
vbTrue VB constant 10-ago-07
vbTuesday VB constant 10-ago-07
vbUnicode VB constant 10-ago-07
vbUpperCase VB constant 10-ago-07
vbUseDefault VB constant 10-ago-07
vbUserDefinedType VBA constant 10-ago-07
vbUseSystem VB constant 10-ago-07
vbUseSystemDayOfWeek VB constant 10-ago-07
vbVariant VBA constant 10-ago-07
vbVerticalTab VB constant 10-ago-07
vbVolume VB constant 10-ago-07
vbWednesday VB constant 10-ago-07
vbWhite VB constant 11-ago-07
vbWide VB constant 10-ago-07
vbWindowBackground VB constant 10-ago-07
vbWindowFrame VB constant 10-ago-07
vbWindowText VB constant 10-ago-07
vbYellow VB constant 11-ago-07
vbYes VB constant 10-ago-07
vbYesNo VB constant 10-ago-07
vbYesNoCancel VB constant 10-ago-07
Version Application Property 01-jun-06
VerticalDatasheetGridlineStyle Form property 01-jun-06
VGXFrameInterval Application Property 01-jun-06
VIEW JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
ViewChange Form property 01-jun-06
ViewChangeEmMacro Form property 01-jun-06
ViewChangeMacro Form Property 01-jun-06
ViewsAllowed Form property 01-jun-06
Visible Form property; Form Section property; Report property; Report Section property 01-jun-06
VisibleValue Field property 01-jun-06
WAITFOR SQL Server reserved 21-jul-06
WaitForPostProcessing Form property 27-abr-10
WebParts Reserved for web databases 28-abr-10
Webs Reserved for web databases 28-abr-10
WebServices Application property 28-abr-10
Week 24-jun-17
Weekday VBA function 01-jun-06
WeekdayName VBA function 01-jun-06
WFTemp Reserved for web databases 28-abr-10
WhatsThisButton Form property 01-jun-06
WHEN JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
WHENEVER JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
WHERE JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
WHILE SQL Server reserved 21-jul-06
Width Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
WIDTH_BUCKET 24-jun-17
WillContinue Form Section property; Report Section property 01-jun-06
WINDOW 24-jun-17
WindowHeight Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
WindowLeft Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
WindowTop Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
WindowWidth Form property; Report property 01-jun-06
WITH JET reserved (kb248738);SQL Server reserved;ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
WITHIN 24-jun-17
WITHIN GROUP 24-jun-17
WITHOUT Future SQL Server keyword (TSQL Ref in MSDN) 12-oct-07
WizHook Application Property 01-jun-06
WORK JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
Workflow Reserved for web databases 28-abr-10
Workspace Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
Workspaces DAO global 01-jun-06
WRITE JET reserved (kb248738);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
WRITETEXT SQL Server reserved 21-jul-06
WSSTemplateID Table property 28-abr-10
XMLAGG 24-jun-17
XMLBINARY 24-jun-17
XMLCAST 24-jun-17
XMLCOMMENT 24-jun-17
XMLCONCAT 24-jun-17
XMLELEMENT 24-jun-17
XMLEXISTS 24-jun-17
XMLFOREST 24-jun-17
XMLITERATE 24-jun-17
XMLPARSE 24-jun-17
XMLPI 24-jun-17
XMLQUERY 24-jun-17
XMLTABLE 24-jun-17
XMLTEXT 24-jun-17
Xor Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
YEAR JET reserved (kb248738);ODBC (kb125948) 01-jun-06
YES Access reserved (kb286335) 01-jun-06
YESNO JET reserved (kb248738) 01-jun-06
ZONE JET reserved (kb248738);ANSI-92 Reserved (kb287417) 01-jun-06
ZoomControl Report property 01-jun-06


