1- Nomenclatura Leszynski
Como Normalizar una Base de Datos
- Autores: Stan Leszynski y Greg Reddick
- Revisión: May 25, 1994
- Traducción: Javier Gómez (Javier.Mil)
Existen distintas nomenclaturas para normalizar una base de Datos en Access
- The Access Web's
- Hungarian Notation:
- Reddick VBA (RVBA) Naming Convention:
- Leszynski Naming Convention:
Bajarse todas las Normalizaciones de Access
Aquí la Normalización Leszynski:
Tipo | Castellano | Ingles | Marca (Tag) | Ejemplo |
Declaraciones | Bandera (S/N, V/F) | Flag (Y/N, T/F) | f | Dim f Abort As Integer |
Declaraciones | Base de Datos | Database | db | Dim db Current As Database |
Declaraciones | Cadena | String | str | Dim str UserName As String |
Declaraciones | Cambiante | Variant | var | Dim var Input As Variant |
Declaraciones | Campo | Field | fld | Dim fld LastName As Field |
Declaraciones | Contenedor | Container | con | Dim con Tables As Container |
Declaraciones | Control | Control | ctl | Dim ctl Vapor As Control |
Declaraciones | Divisa | Currency | cur | Dim cur Salary As Currency |
Declaraciones | Doble | Double | dbl | Dim dbl Pi As Double |
Declaraciones | Documento | Document | doc | Dim doc Relationships As Document |
Declaraciones | Dynaset | Dynaset | dyn | Dim dyn Transact As Dynaset |
Declaraciones | Entero | Integer | int | Dim int RetValue As Integer |
Declaraciones | Espacio de trabajo | Workspace | wrk (o wsp) | Dim wrk Primary As Workspace |
Declaraciones | Formulario | Form | frm | Dim frm GetUser As Form |
Declaraciones | Grupo | Group | gru | Dim gru Managers As Group |
Declaraciones | Índice | Index | idx | Dim idx OrderId As Index |
Declaraciones | Informe | Report | rpt | Dim rpt YTDSales As Report |
Declaraciones | Largo | Long | lng | Dim lng Param As Long |
Declaraciones | Objeto | Object | obj | Dim obj Graph As Object |
Declaraciones | Parámetro | Parameter | prm | Dim prm BeginDate As Parameter |
Declaraciones | Propiedad | Property | prp | Dim prp UserDefined As Property |
Declaraciones | QueryDef | QueryDef | qdf (o qrd) | Dim qdf Price As QueryDef |
Declaraciones | RecordSet | Recordset | rst (o rec) | Dim rec People As Recordset |
Declaraciones | Relación | Relation | rel | Dim rel OrderItems As Relation |
Declaraciones | Si/No 18 | Yes/No18 | ysn | Dim ysn Paid As Integer |
Declaraciones | Single | Single | sng | Dim sng LoadFactor As Single |
Declaraciones | Snapshot | Snapshot | snp | Dim snp Parts As Snapshot |
Declaraciones | Tabla | Table | tbl | Dim tbl Vendor As Table |
Declaraciones | TableDef | TableDef | tdf (o tbd) | Dim tdf Booking As TableDef |
Declaraciones | Tipo (usuario) | Type (user-defined) | typ | Dim typ PartRecord As mtPART_RECORD |
Declaraciones | Usuario | User | usr | Dim usr Joe As User |
Objetos | Botón de comando | Command button | cmd | cmdCancel |
Objetos | Botón de alternar | Toggle button | tgl | tglForm |
Objetos | Casilla de selección | Check box | chk | chkReadOnly |
Objetos | Chart (gráficos) | Chart (graph) | cht | chtSales |
Objetos | Consulta | Query | qry | qryOverAchiever |
Objetos | Consulta (actualización) | Query (update) | qupd | qupdDiscount |
Objetos | Consulta (anexados) | Query (append) | qapp | qappNewProduct |
Objetos | Consulta (crear tabla) | Query (make table) | qmak | qmakShipTo |
Objetos | Consulta (rotación) | Query (crosstab) | qxtb | qxtbRegionSales |
Objetos | Consulta (definición datos) | Query (data definition) | qddl | qddlAddWorkColumn |
Objetos | Consulta (eliminación) | Query (delete) | qdel | qdelOldAccount |
Objetos | Consulta (formulario filtro) | Query (form filter) | qflt | qfltSalesToday |
Objetos | Consulta (lookup) | Query (lookup) | qlkp | qlkpStatus |
Objetos | Consulta (pass-through) | Query (pass-through) | qspt | qsptArchiveQuantity |
Objetos | Consulta (selección) | Query (select) | qry (o qsel) | qryOverAchiever |
Objetos | Consulta (unión) | Query (union) | quni | quniOrderDetail |
Objetos | Cuadro combinado | Combo box | cbo | cboIndustry |
Objetos | Cuadro de lista | List box | lst | lstPolicyCode |
Objetos | Cuadro de texto | Text box | txt | txtLoginName |
Objetos | Etiqueta | Label | lbl | lblLastName |
Objetos | Formulario | Form | frm | frmCustomer |
Objetos | Formulario (dialogo) | Form (dialog) | fdlg | fdlgLogin |
Objetos | Formulario (mensaje) | Form (message) | fmsg | fmsgWait |
Objetos | Formulario (menú) | Form (menu) | fmnu | fmnuUtility |
Objetos | Formulario (subFormulario) | Form (subform) | fsub | fsubOrder |
Objetos | Imagen (Objetos) | Frame (Objetos) | fra | fraPhoto |
Objetos | Informe | Report | rpt | rptInsuranceValue |
Objetos | Informe (subinforme) | Report (subreport) | rsub | rsubOrder |
Objetos | Línea | Line | lin | linVertical |
Objetos | Macro | Macro | mcr | mcrUpdateInventory |
Objetos | Macro (menú) | Macro (menu) | mmnu | mmnuEntryFormFile |
Objetos | Macro (para Formulario) | Macro (for form) | m[formname] | mfrmCustomer |
Objetos | Macro (para informe) | Macro (for report) | m[rptname] | mrptInsuranceValue |
Objetos | Modulo | Module | bas | basBilling |
Objetos | Opción botón | Option button | opt | optFrench |
Objetos | Opción Grupo | Option group | grp | grpLanguage |
Objetos | Otros tipos | Other types | ctl | ctlLastName |
Objetos | Rectángulo | Rectangle | shp | shpNamePanel |
Objetos | Salto pagina | Page break | brk | brkPage1 |
Objetos | SubFormulario/informe | Subform/report | sub | subContact |
Objetos | Tabla | Table | tbl | tblCustomer |
Objetos | Tabla (lookup) | Table (lookup) | tlkp | tlkpShipper |
Propiedades | Anterior elemento Set | Previous element of set | Prev | strCustomerPrev |
Propiedades | Destino | Destination | Dest | lngBufferDest |
Propiedades | Establecer elemento actual | Current element of set | Cur | iaintCur |
Propiedades | Establecer primer elemento | First element of set | First | iaintStockFirst |
Propiedades | Establecer ultimo elemento | Last element of set | Last | iaintStockLast |
Propiedades | Fuente (origen datos) | Source | Src | lngBufferSrc |
Propiedades | Limite mínimo del rango | Lower limit of range | Min | iastrNameMin |
Propiedades | Limites superior de rango | Upper limit of range | Max | iastrNameMax |
Propiedades | Siguiente elemento Set | Next element of set | Next | strCustomerNext |
Variables | Binario | Binary | bin | binInternal |
Variables | Byte | Byte | byt | bytFloorNum |
Variables | Contador | Counter | lng | lngPKCnt |
Variables | Divisa | Currency | cur | curSalary |
Variables | Doble | Double | dbl | dblMass |
Variables | Entero | Integer | int | intUnit |
Variables | Fecha/Tiempo | Date/Time | dtm | dtmHireDate |
Variables | Largo | Long | lng | lngPopulation |
Variables | Memo | Memo | mem | memComments |
Variables | Ole | Ole | ole | oleEmpPhoto |
Variables | Si/No | Yes/No | ysn | ysnDiscounted |
Variables | Single | Single | sng (o sgl) | sngScore |
Variables | Texto | Text | str | strFirstName |